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-   -   any experience on using GOPROHD files and Vegas8? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/micro-pov-camera-systems/474419-any-experience-using-goprohd-files-vegas8.html)

Marcus Martell March 9th, 2010 04:43 AM

any experience on using GOPROHD files and Vegas8?
Hi guys, did you try any Goprohd files onto your Vegas8? Wanted to know cause i've just ordered mine and even if i live in PAL land ans hoots 30 or 60 fps i thought it could be a good choice for action-sports shots.

2nd question: i 'm working on an HDV Pal project, would i consider the option to convert this files in Pal version?If so, how?? :)
thx a lot for taking time to gimme an help

Mike Kujbida March 9th, 2010 04:56 AM

#1. Check out Keith Kolbo's tutorial called Using GO-HD files in Sony Vegas Pro 8

#2. I'm an NTSC user, not PAL so I'll let someone else answer that question.

Marcus Martell March 9th, 2010 05:01 AM

MIKe always kind to me, thanks a lot btw What's the biggest difference using 30p or 60p videos on a PAL project timeline?

thanks a lot

Marcus Martell March 17th, 2010 02:47 PM

It talks about Go files, not the GOPROcameras full HD files.....
Or are the same thing?
other q: Quicktime pro should be bought right? Is not a freeware

thank you

Marcus Martell March 22nd, 2010 02:29 AM

Ok, just found out there's a bug with Vegas and the other gopro files larger than 2 GB that couldn't be opened on the timeline...
Any ideas how to split a file that big?


Steve Renouf March 22nd, 2010 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Marcus Martell (Post 1503366)
Ok, just found out there's a bug with Vegas and the other gopro files larger than 2 GB that couldn't be opened on the timeline...
Any ideas how to split a file that big?


It's probably the limit of a 32bit File System. With Win XP/VISTA/7, you can select FAT32 or NTFS as the file system format but only NTFS will give you the unlimited file sizes. With FAT32 you are stuck with the maximum file size allowed by the FAT32 file system.

If you copy files from one file-system to the other, the system will split the files into 2GB or 4GB chunks (depending on the software). Unfortunately, with video, that will mess up the long GOP info. I suspect this is the problem you have. i.e. not a bug with Vegas but a file system limitation. AFAIAA the only solution to that is using the NTFS file system on your HDD(s).

It's for that reason all my external HDDs get re-formatted NTFS also. (They usually come pre-formatted FAT32).

Cedric Cornell March 22nd, 2010 01:00 PM

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GoProUser.freeforums.org • Index page

I'm in PAL land, but using SVP 9c. Atm I don't have a lot of footage from my GoProHD, but have been playing with the proxystream plugin or converting to Cineform Neoscene. I will shortly be buying Neoscene.

I post my stuff to Vimeo so the PAL/NTSC problems don't apply

From what I understand, the gopro only records upto 2gb segments. It will split these files automaticly while recording

Marcus Martell March 23rd, 2010 06:37 AM

Is this proxystream plugin free?
thx for helping me out

Mike Kujbida March 23rd, 2010 07:04 AM

Marcus, yes, the Proxy Stream script is free (along with several other excellent ones on this site).
p.s. instructions are in a readme file that's a part of the zip file that you download.

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