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Michael S. Davis January 18th, 2007 08:55 AM

Capturing video from old Hi 8 tapes
I am looking for a video capture device that will allow me to capture video from my old Hi 8 player, so that I can transfer all my videos from tape to electronic copies on my PC.

I'd like to keep as much of the quality as possible. What are some good options for doing this?

One other thing I'd like to do is to capture cable shows. Right now, I have only tape devices connected to my cable and would rather just capture directly to my PC hard drive.

Pinnacle Systems Studio MovieBox USB Plus

I have looked at this but don't know if this is at all adequate for copying Hi 8 tapes. What kind of quality would I get with something like this? Or rather, how much quality would I lose? Suggestions for low cost options.

Bill Mecca January 18th, 2007 09:02 AM

I just picked up an Ads Pryo Av link (557?? the newest model) and it worked like a charm with Avid. after shipping etc it was about $150, svideo, composite and component I/O via firewire. install was as easy as plugging it in.

Michael S. Davis January 18th, 2007 09:54 AM

Looks similar but I don't have firewire on my laptop. Only USB.

Bill Mecca January 18th, 2007 10:40 AM

thought about that after I posted,but didn't see a preference noted. Not sure about USB devices, sorry.

Chris Hurd January 18th, 2007 11:18 AM

Moved from HD / HDV to The Long Black Line (all Hi-8 stuff goes here).

No way to capture video over USB unless it's coming from a consumer DVD camcorder. You'll need an analog video input card, or a FireWire card with some way to play Hi-8 over FireWire, from a Digital-8 camcorder or deck, or an A/D converter box from Canopus, etc.

Bob Thieda January 18th, 2007 11:27 AM

You can get a firewire card cheap...$10-15.

Then pick up a cheap camcorder with pass through, A to D convert, off e-bay.
If you take your time you should have everything you need for less than $100.

Bob T.

Richard Alvarez January 18th, 2007 11:48 AM

Depending on the laptop, he may not be able to install an aftermarket Firewire card. I suspect he can't.

Chris Hurd January 18th, 2007 11:57 AM

He can if he has a PCMCIA slot, and most laptops do. That's how I got FireWire into mine.

Bill Mecca January 18th, 2007 12:51 PM

Just did a really quick Google search and turned up a couple out there that use USB, Plextor makes one, as does Ads Tech.... but... they seem to only transcode into Mpeg1, Mpeg2 or Divx.

Michael S. Davis January 18th, 2007 01:00 PM


No way to capture video over USB unless it's coming from a consumer DVD camcorder.
This is puzzling as there are many devices that claim to be able to do it.

From Pinnacle re MovieBox

Capture DVD-quality video from most analog or digital sources, such as camcorder, TV or VCR; high-definition video editing
What do you mean, "not possible"???? I mean, I think I did say something about having hardware like the link to a MovieBox by pinnacle that uses USB. Are you still saying it's not possible using the hardware I was asking about?

BTW, not going to buy a firewire adapter.

Bob Thieda January 18th, 2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Michael S. Davis
BTW, not going to buy a firewire adapter.

I'm curious Michael, why not?
Newegg has PCMCIA firewire cards starting at $20.00....

Bob T.

Michael S. Davis January 18th, 2007 02:52 PM


I'm curious Michael, why not?
Newegg has PCMCIA firewire cards starting at $20.00....
Because I don't think it's necessary. I don't want to start buying a lot of add ons to make my laptop better. I think I can get what I need, without going that route. My laptop is about 2 years old and I may replace it soon anyway.

I'm more interested in understanding why someone says it can't be done, at this point. I spoke with Pinnacle today and they said the MovieBox, over USB will do exactly what I need. I'm just wondering what I'm missing if some say it's not possible over USB.

Dave Stern January 18th, 2007 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Michael S. Davis
I am looking for a video capture device that will allow me to capture video from my old Hi 8 player, so that I can transfer all my videos from tape to electronic copies on my PC.

I'd like to keep as much of the quality as possible. What are some good options for doing this?

One other thing I'd like to do is to capture cable shows. Right now, I have only tape devices connected to my cable and would rather just capture directly to my PC hard drive.

Pinnacle Systems Studio MovieBox USB Plus

I have looked at this but don't know if this is at all adequate for copying Hi 8 tapes. What kind of quality would I get with something like this? Or rather, how much quality would I lose? Suggestions for low cost options.

Michael - I'd do a little more research first, compare the pinnacle to an ADS and also if you are thinking that level to an All In Wonder (AIW) or Happauge card (which people used to use quite a bit with very good results).

Key to look at is whether / how the card is scaling your video to get to a 720x480 picture (if it does).. you can also bring it in at 360x240, which if it's NTSC, will closely match the resolution of your source (240 lines that is for VHS). There are debates as to wether you are better of capturing at 1/2 D1 (360x240) and leaving it that way or capturing at 720x480 even if the source was not that resoution.

If you had the $$, I'd go for the canopus advc 100 or 110, since they will lock the audio to the video and prevent drift, which the others might not do. Check on ebay to see if you see any around.

Also, (am I allowed to say this? mod can let me know if not and I apologize in advance), try the dvdrhelp board as there is a lot in that forum on what you are doing, esp. if you are not looking to spend a lot of $$.

Good luck!

On capturing cable shows, check out IUVCR (google) which I've used w/ good results (but you'd need a tuner card or external tuner). There are others too.

Michael S. Davis January 18th, 2007 07:41 PM

Thanks for all the advice. I will look at all the suggestions. If there is a device that is better, that uses firewire, that might get me to buy one.

Michael - I'd do a little more research first, compare the pinnacle to an ADS and also if you are thinking that level to an All In Wonder (AIW) or Happauge card (which people used to use quite a bit with very good results).

Key to look at is whether / how the card is scaling your video to get to a 720x480 picture (if it does).. you can also bring it in at 360x240, which if it's NTSC, will closely match the resolution of your source (240 lines that is for VHS). There are debates as to wether you are better of capturing at 1/2 D1 (360x240) and leaving it that way or capturing at 720x480 even if the source was not that resoution.
I think I will take a little longer to decide. I will compare all the ones suggested thanks.

Chris Barcellos January 18th, 2007 08:09 PM


A lot of the Sony Digital 8 cameras will also play and convert Hi8 and 8mm tape to a digital signal in camera to transfer by firewire to your computer system. The output is DV. You won't be able to do better than that. I bet you could buy a used one on ebay for a couple hundred. Just make sure the model you get has that capability.

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