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Scott Gold August 4th, 2003 09:07 AM

miniDV tape and airport Xrays??
Can any harm come to my miniDV tapes in the airport xray machines? I don't want to lose my footage.

Jeff Donald August 4th, 2003 10:11 AM

Do a search on this topic. It was discussed just a couple of days ago. In short, no, X-rays do not harm video tape. If you want the long and short, do the search.

Frank Granovski August 4th, 2003 02:11 PM

For magnetic media, those magic sticks can be harmful, but x-rays will hurt film. I suggest requesting a hand search for your tapes (and film).

Jeff Donald August 4th, 2003 02:59 PM

I'm not so sure those wands would even cause a problem. The coercivity of ME and MP tapes are so high that most bulk tape erasers can't erase them. It takes the great big commercial tape erasers to erase DV tapes. I tried the cheap bulk erasers and even after several passes the signal was only partially erased.

However, like Frank, I always try for a hand inspection. But if you don't get one I wouldn't worry a whole lot about the magnetic media.

Bryan Beasleigh August 4th, 2003 11:06 PM

I travel very often and have never had a problem with tape or film.

I've been a Gold and Platinum flier for 30 years. I've always carried a camera and never had any film fogged. I've been carrying a video cam for around 2 years with no problem . I never request any special service.

Do not under any circumstance , demand your rights to anything. A body cavity search isn't pleasant ...................... I'm joking
Seriously, the screeners are getting better and so is the equipment. The big test is now the explosives residue. This is the swab they pass over the zipper of your bag. Giving the poor guy a hard time will generally net you some grief, it will scew up the screeners day anyway and he doesn't make the rules.

Gold = more than 35000 actual miles flown
Platinum = more than 100,000miles flown and no life at all :)))

Alexey Ravichev April 25th, 2004 10:21 PM

can you actually have your camcoder with you on a plane?

can you have it with you or do you have to give it to them as a luggage and pray? There's a chance I'll be doing a documentary overseas this summer and I'd hate to take chances with my brand new DVX100a :) I have a hard case for it, but I don't think it will really help... the way they throw luggage around. This question also goes for other equipment: mike, tripod, lights. Does anybody have any experience flying around (overseas?) with his equipment? Any replies are greatly appreciated!

And one more thing... these forums ROCK! I am new here, but I learned soooo much in a couple of days. Thanks everybody!


Trond Saetre April 26th, 2004 02:22 AM

You should have all electronic equipment as "hand luggage".
If you decide to check in electronics, you must notify the airline staff at the time you check in.
(If not, there is a risk your luggage will be delayed)

Do not check in your camera! Carry it with you!

Alexey Ravichev April 26th, 2004 08:14 PM

is hard case ok?
Thanks Trond for such a fast responce! Just some clarification, can I take my hard case with me, or will it be too much and I am better off just taking camera as it is (probably in some soft bag)?

Again thanks a lot!

Trond Saetre April 27th, 2004 03:37 AM

If your hard case fits within the airline's size limits, it should be no problem. (Those limits can vary a little from airline to airline) But my experience is that most airlines are a little flexible with those limits.

One more thing if you travel to another country with expencive gear like your DVX100a:
You should contact the coustoms and get some kind of "passport" for it. (don't know the English name of this)
This is to make sure you don't have to pay import taxes in the country you visit AND when you return to the US.

Alexey Ravichev April 27th, 2004 02:35 PM

never heard of this..
wow, never heard of this! Thanks a lot for the info, I'll try to figure out what kind of paperwork I need. I never thought of the problems of THIS kind... Do you know of anything else a man with a camera has to know before traveling overseas? Any advices are welcome, it's just after reading the post above I realized that there's probably much more to it that I have no idea about.

Trond Saetre April 28th, 2004 12:00 AM

Remember that if you travel to Europe, we have 240V / 50Hz.
So you would need an adapter.

Can't think of other things you need.

Regarding my previous post...
Here is some info from the Norwegian Customs service:

"Documentation of objects you are taking with you:
Objects which you have taken out of Norway may be re-imported free of customs and excise duties. Upon entering the country you may be asked for documentation showing that the objects you are bringing with you are the same ones you have taken out of the country with you previously. The customs authorities will upon request issue a documentation form on which you may list the objects in question. These may be radios, still or video cameras, binoculars, PCs and such like. The above documentation may be used again at a later point if you again wish to take one or several of the objects abroad with you."

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