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Craig Lieberman September 9th, 2009 10:45 AM

Is this JVC the bomb or what?
Looking for a new A camera for our production. This one caught my eye.

JVC | GY-HM700L17 ProHD Solid-State Camcorder | GY-HM700L17

I'm totally new to JVC.

Been shooting with XHA1.

Any advice would be IMMENSELY appreciated.

I like the fact that this camera writes 1920 x 1080 files suitable for my FCP 6.0 suite.

I like the 1080p and 1/10,000 shutter features.

I like the 1/3rd CCD chip feature.

A couple of newbie questions:
What is needed to swap over to digital SLR lenses?
Is the 17X Fujinon lens decent, or should I opt for another BH package featuring another lens?

Don Bloom September 9th, 2009 12:07 PM

to swap to 35mm lenses you need a Brevis or Letus or some other sort of adaptor.

The 17 is a very good lens. Are there others that might be better? Yes, but for the money it is quite good.

Have fun, new toys are always a blast.

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