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Donald Smith June 5th, 2009 08:56 PM

HM700 Example Footage - Interviews
I'm going to give you two links.

In the first link I may have gone overboard in boosting the chroma of the picture.

In the second link I reduced the chroma in Final Cut.

Tell me which you like better.

JVC GY-HM700 Full Chroma

JVC GY-HM700 Reduced Chroma

Don Smith

Robert Rogoz June 5th, 2009 09:35 PM

I like the second one more, but still (imo) skin tones are too pink.

Rick Bolton June 6th, 2009 12:30 PM

The reduced chroma version looks very good on my scree calibration. Also - good resolution & clarity - gives the feel of HD :-)

Ron Edwards June 6th, 2009 08:23 PM


I like the reduced chroma better.

Have you worked with the skin color adjust, detect, color range found under camera process menu ... page 78 in the manual? With the corect settings here the chroma might be a little stonger to let the colors pop around the subject while smothing out the skin details.

Ron E

Donald Smith June 6th, 2009 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ron Edwards (Post 1155062)

I like the reduced chroma better.

Have you worked with the skin color adjust, detect, color range found under camera process menu ... page 78 in the manual? With the corect settings here the chroma might be a little stonger to let the colors pop around the subject while smothing out the skin details.

I've read about the skin detail. Good idea. I'll investigate that. Thank you.

Ron Edwards June 7th, 2009 03:06 PM

Skin Detail

Actually skin detail function is discussed on page 102 in greater detail.


Donald Smith June 9th, 2009 06:06 AM

I put up a new example.. this is shot at 1920x1080 60i in Cinema Vivid mode and Color Gain set to 1. It's a simple shot of my un-smiling wife on our front porch, in the shade.

QuickTime Pro - Export for Web - vivid

Soon I'll put up a clip with these settings and add crushing the blacks a little.

Don Smith

Rick Bolton June 9th, 2009 05:58 PM

I would strongly urge you to take your wife out to dinner with a big thanks from you for being a gracious subject :-)

Looked good to me.

Donald Smith June 17th, 2009 11:29 AM


QuickTime Pro - Export for Web - studio

I did a live shot for CNBC out of NBC's Dallas affiliate KXAS and rolled some footage on the HM700 to see how it looked under studio lighting.

Camera is set to Cinema Vivid and Color Gain =1. Original resolution is 1080i.

Don Smith

Donald Smith October 3rd, 2009 06:34 PM

Just shot the non-food parts of a pizza ad with my HM700. Here's a link:

YouTube - Mr. Jim's Pizza - Prank Call #1

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