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Matt Maglodi March 19th, 2011 02:43 PM

Indoor light advice
Hey everyone, I've had had hm100 now for a couple of months and love it. Just bought a small on board led light. Now, on sunnydays shooting footage inside houses and apartments are ok, but on cloudy days even with the small led 60watt (bescor led-60x) I still get grainy footage. I know this cameras low light isnt the best- using 720 60p shutter 60-80 gain tried using 3-9 wb set to 3200k.

Heres a sample of one I did a little while back on a sunnyday-
YouTube - Poplar Plaza Apartments Remodeled 1 bedroom $1350 Sunnyvale/Cupertino Border-

Shooting indoor apartment ads and house ads are becoming tricky, since I can't carry a ton of gear and have to deal with I have to work with. So with low light on cloudy day, what settings would you suggest.

So far, I try to keep the shutter no less than 1/48
I try to keep the gain down as much as possible
White balance set to 3200k- I have 10 minutes or less to shoot a apartment.
Thanks Matt.

Finnur Bardarson March 20th, 2011 09:58 AM

Re: Indoor light advice
Have you tried to put the gain up to 9. I have changed my presets to 3 - 6 - 9 and find 3 giving a good result with no grain at all even 9 could handle this without grain.

Matt Maglodi March 20th, 2011 12:59 PM

Re: Indoor light advice
found more grain than normal... or my normal. Not sure if wide angle lens makes it worse. Its something I can live with.

Finnur Bardarson March 20th, 2011 01:15 PM

Re: Indoor light advice
That is strange, the video looks little distorted with this wide angle could be the cause. Your shot should be perfect in this light. ND filter off ?

Matt Maglodi March 20th, 2011 02:46 PM

Re: Indoor light advice
the video I posted is shot on a good sunnyday with my first crack with a wide angle- I discovered the aftermarket lens hood causes a vingnitting effect... I think thats how spell it anyway. Nd is off when shooting indoors.

Finnur Bardarson March 21st, 2011 09:11 AM

Re: Indoor light advice
if this is not a standard problem with you camera and you do need to deliver you film in time. This Plugin can help dramatically to reduce noise. I work in FCP but there are versions for other applications Neat Image - best noise reduction for digital cameras and scanners

Matt Maglodi September 27th, 2012 12:23 AM

Re: Indoor light advice
Hey everyone it's been a while. I have had really good luck with my old hm-100. I find my self just shooting in full auto with very little manual adjustments, although I'm getting better at indoor.

Here is my latest video... lighting conditions were not ideal, but thats what makes it fun.

Bridge City Boiler 95% Efficient Boilers San Francisco - YouTube

Chris Harding September 27th, 2012 08:24 PM

Re: Indoor light advice
Hi Matt

I actually do a lot of rental videos for two realtors over here and a neat trick if a room is really dark is a simple light stand I put in the room and it has a ES fitting and a 85W CFL spiral bulb and it lights up the room really well with just bounced light off the ceilings!! My clips are mainly to establish property condition before a new tenant moves in and they are easy to do..most of the time I just turn on the room lights and open drapes/blinds and that's enough!! The light stand however does get me out of trouble with very dark rooms.


Matt Maglodi November 23rd, 2012 01:45 PM

Re: Indoor light advice
Thanks for your response, I have a small light that I use for indoors, but it's the gain that I always hate to turn up, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I just shot this footage, outdoor, full auto on 720/30p check it out

best buy black friday 2012 - YouTube

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