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Brian Duke April 15th, 2007 11:01 AM

What's New at NAB
Anyone went to NAB and if so, anything new excting to share?

Marc Jayson April 15th, 2007 02:07 PM

Final Cut Studio 2

- FCP 6
- Motion 3
- Soundtrack Pro 2
- Color
- Compressor 3

FCP 6:

Open format Timeline
The new open format Timeline in Final Cut Pro 6 lets you mix and match source material in a wide range of formats and even different frame rates. Freely edit a combination of HD and SD, including NTSC and PAL — all in real time.

FCP Server

David Parks April 15th, 2007 03:19 PM

ProRez looks interesting. 10bit 4:2:2 HD, wow. Add the $3500 I/O HD box and you've got the makings of an Avid Adrenaline for cheap. If Avid doesn't hit a homerun with their press event later today, and they don't add HDV 1 24p, then I think will be editing on FCP 6 by the end of the summer because Apple has provided a total solution that ships next month. It's hard to switch but I'm impressed with the list of features and affordable pricing.

Add in the new timeline format/scaling, "Color" (Color correction with 8 secondaries!! Geeze.), and the many other enhancements, and media management.

I can't wait to get a demo...

Justin Ferar April 15th, 2007 05:50 PM

I think the ProRez codec is the biggest thing for me. Getting out of HDV ASAP for editing is pretty big. And if it can be done at SD file sizes instead of DVC Pro HD- where do I sign!

I love the fact that the IO-HD has HDMI i/o which should work well with the HD50 deck.

I was expecting FCP to support 720p60 over firewire but no dice there.

Tyson Perkins April 15th, 2007 06:37 PM

Whats the upgrade fee to FCS 6?

Steve Mullen April 15th, 2007 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Justin Ferar (Post 660784)
Getting out of HDV ASAP for editing is pretty big.

If you are already using FCP there is no advantage to "getting out of HDV." In fact, using ProRes only adds a compression step, increases disk bandwidth cutting the number of RT streams, and increases storage needs. If you edit native HDV, you are always working in 4:4:4 uncompressed within FCP.

Upgrade from ANY version of FCP is $699.

Interesting that "HD" at 720p50 is missing.

And, HDV support is listed at 720p24 and 720p25. What happened to 720p30?

And no listing of 720p50 support.

David Parks April 15th, 2007 07:45 PM

Is JVC announcing anything new?? I guess not. I was hoping for a new HDV deck with HD SDI.

Also, Avid didn't announce hardly squat. They did announce that Liquid 7.2 has JVC ProHD support. Wait, I'm confused. I thought that was a part of v. 7.1 announced last year!!! I've edited HDV 24p in Liquid. Am I in an alternate universe??? Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

Anyway, no HDV 1 24p Avid Xpress support. That's it, they're going to let Liquid be the JVC ProHD app.

Justin Ferar April 15th, 2007 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Mullen (Post 660838)
If you are already using FCP there is no advantage to "getting out of HDV." In fact, using ProRes only adds a compression step, increases disk bandwidth cutting the number of RT streams, and increases storage needs. If you edit native HDV, you are always working in 4:4:4 uncompressed within FCP.

Steve, because we shoot 720p60 we are essentially forced out ot HDV over firewire with FCP. So it's either AIC, DVC Pro HD, or the new kid on the block- ProRez.

I've not been happy with AIC as it intorduces a bit of noise. DVC Pro HD with Kona & Decklink gets a tad soft.

I'm hoping ProRez with IO-HD is indestiguishable from it's source.

Greg Boston April 15th, 2007 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Mullen (Post 660838)
Upgrade from ANY version of FCP is $699.

Just to make Steve's statement a bit clearer.

Upgrade from versions earlier than Final Cut Studio are $699.

Upgrade from Final Cut Studio is $500



Brian Duke April 15th, 2007 08:33 PM

The new FCP 6 is definitely somehting I am getting. It has Surround Sound mixing and 3D modeling. Been waiting for this.

Steve Mullen April 15th, 2007 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by David Parks (Post 660871)
Also, Avid didn't announce hardly squat. They did announce that Liquid 7.2 has JVC ProHD support. Wait, I'm confused. I thought that was a part of v. 7.1 announced last year!!! I've edited HDV 24p in Liquid. Am I in an alternate universe??? Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was....

We used it "unoffically" -- now we can use it "offically." I feel better already. :)

Drew Curran April 16th, 2007 05:13 AM

I wonder if the HDV capturing bug has been cured?


Guy Barwood April 16th, 2007 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by David Parks
Is JVC announcing anything new?? I guess not.

A few weeks ago I posted that I have been told by who I would consider a reliable sournce that JVC have some major announcements for NAB 07 but that info got promptly moved out of this forum into the area 51 forum. To me this thread belongs in the FCP forum much more than that thread belonged in area 51, go figure.

I have no idea what it is, but I wouldn't discount JVC just yet (maybe in another 24 hours though...).

Greg Boston April 16th, 2007 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Guy Barwood (Post 661182)
A few weeks ago I posted that I have been told by who I would consider a reliable sournce that JVC have some major announcements for NAB 07 but that info got promptly moved out of this forum into the area 51 forum. To me this thread belongs in the FCP forum much more than that thread belonged in area 51, go figure.

I have no idea what it is, but I wouldn't discount JVC just yet (maybe in another 24 hours though...).

Guy, it's DVINFO policy to put anything that doesn't have an 'official' press release or other confirming documentation from the manufacturer into AREA 51. We want to maintain journalistic integrity and having a forum dedicated to rumor and speculation allows us to talk gossip and not pass it on as gospel truth.

I promise you weren't being picked on.


Steve Benner April 16th, 2007 01:36 PM

So no news from JVC huh? I was really hoping for a HD100 compaion like the A1.

As for FCP, I imagine that 50/60P support should be quicker than the almost 1.5 years it took last time since the 24/25P support was welcomed so well. And Apple is now beating the crap out of Avid, so that would just be another blow.

As for Avid lack of interest in us JVC users (same goes for the Canon and Sony HDV), they should be ashamed of themselves. Yes, the "Best Editor on the planet." - Bullshit. I am through with Avid. I knew nothing was being done in Version 5 for JVC and I came to terms with that, but to hear NOTHING at NAB. Rediculous.

I ordered my FCS upgrade. No more Avid.

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