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-   -   Scene file editor for HD100/200? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/jvc-gy-hd-series-camera-systems/88724-scene-file-editor-hd100-200-a.html)

Michael Lafleur March 14th, 2007 07:33 PM

New Mac's can run Windows

Mac users have several options to run Windows Apps:
(1) Those of us with Intel-based Macs, by installing BootCamp with Windows XP SP2, we can run demanding Windows-based programs such as DV Rack HD 2.0 as if it were running on a high-end PC. Boot camp virtually turns any partioned Mac into a PC, so there would be no problem for those of us with PowerMacs.
(2) By utilizing emulation software such as Parallels on any modestly powered Mac, many windows programs will work just fine. I know there are exceptions, but it sounds like you could focus your skills and experience on a Windows-based scene file editor. That would be a huge benefit to so many of us.

Thanks for your efforts, Jad!!

Tim Dashwood March 14th, 2007 07:59 PM

Yes, Intel Macs can run Windows apps under virtualization or a separate boot.
However, it would be much simpler if someone could program it in Javascript or ActionScript (Flash) and let it live on a server. This way your platform (linux, mac, xp, vista, etc.) wouldn't matter.

Start with a simple curve modifier using the data I provided, and then it can be improved later with colour/vectorscope information, with the eventual goal being sample image manipulation.

Take the approach of the app being used as a teaching tool, and not as a .SCN file creator. That would be overly ambitious right now, especially without a proper SDK.

Marc Jayson March 16th, 2007 04:54 AM

Intel Mac users don't have to install Windows. I'm using Crossover Mac. Works great for all kinds off applications. It also works with software that isn't on their compatibility list.

Michael Lafleur March 16th, 2007 07:09 AM

Some Windows Apps require True XP Environment

Crossover looks/sounds great and I’m sure it will run many Windows apps just fine. I was referencing programs such as DV Rack HD 2.0 which require actual Windows XP with SP2 environment to operate properly (see forum threads and links). Some Mac users have tried, unsuccessfully, to simply load that program inside virtualization programs and wonder why they don’t work. As Tim says, a separate, stand-alone Windows boot is required.
Thanks anyway for the link to Crossover .

Sean Adair March 16th, 2007 08:52 AM

...and there are still a few geezers like me with G5's. I'm hoping they will last until the octomac is out - and affordable! I do have virtual PC, but that's like pulling teeth - underwater.

Jad Meouchy March 16th, 2007 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Michael Lafleur (Post 642633)
Crossover looks/sounds great and I’m sure it will run many Windows apps just fine. I was referencing programs such as DV Rack HD 2.0 which require actual Windows XP with SP2 environment to operate properly (see forum threads and links).

Well it's funny that you mention that specific app because I may use similar system calls for pulling frames off firewire. In any case, I'm sure there will be plenty of community testing before I consider it 'released'.

I think the gamma/color curve image processing will work out. The math equations and programming routines are not nearly as complicated as I expected. I believe the processing can be done in real-time.

What I'm worried about is grabbing an HDV frame. Standard DV is easy, but HDV seems to be much more complicated and not as open. Anyone know any freeware programs that can capture HDV?

Werner Wesp March 16th, 2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jad Meouchy (Post 640552)
Yes, I am a software engineer and web programmer during my 9-5, with a good amount of experience in gui and applications design. If you or anyone would like to post requested features, I could get a spec together and hammer it out sooner than later.

I'm not so sure about previsualization as that would require some sort of communication with the camera or emulation of its compression methods, but there could at least be some healthy descriptions for each adjustment parameter and some sort of website integration/sharing feature.

FYI, I only program for Windows and Linux.

What about adding the possibily of besides of setting all the preferences yourself (manually), also include the possibilty to set some of sthe scene files published here? (If there creators agree?) - just to give the users templates to work from (e.g. True Color 3, Panamatch, ...)?

Jad Meouchy March 16th, 2007 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Werner Wesp (Post 643026)
What about adding the possibily of besides of setting all the preferences yourself (manually), also include the possibilty to set some of sthe scene files published here? (If there creators agree?) - just to give the users templates to work from (e.g. True Color 3, Panamatch, ...)?

I would need permission for those specific files, but I did have that sort of sharing mentality in mind. One component of the program would be a little window on the side where you could try some presets other people have made.

Jon Jaschob March 17th, 2007 01:53 PM

Couldn't the preview simply be a tga file from the timeline of a NLE, or any other formatted image file,(png, jpg, tga, tiff, etc)? I think it would get you pretty close to what you want on the camera.

You could start with a TC3 frame, then tweek it with the sliders, write it into a scene file?

Just some thoughts,

Jad Meouchy March 27th, 2007 05:51 PM

I've made some progress with the app design and am going to organize part of the UI for importing of specific groups of a SCN file, so you can avoid overwriting certain menus. You will be able to drag/drop SCN files from a list into four slots and pick an SD card or directory to write them to. Alternatively, you can edit the values directly. The preview window is a planned feature for phase 2.


Also, it will be modular so it could be easily adapted to other cameras like the XL2.

Drew Curran March 28th, 2007 02:43 AM


I'm glad to see you've continued with this. Are you going to post screen shots and eventually beta downloads? I'm also assuming this is for Windows only?


Jad Meouchy March 28th, 2007 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Drew Curran (Post 649950)
I'm glad to see you've continued with this. Are you going to post screen shots and eventually beta downloads?

Yes, I will whip up a small webpage and put something on it for giving feedback, so the users can direct all complaints to that instead of my inbox :)


Originally Posted by Drew Curran (Post 649950)
I'm also assuming this is for Windows only?

Yes, but if someone else is a capable Mac developer, I will share the code and help with synchronizing updates.

Jad Meouchy May 3rd, 2007 11:54 AM

Sorry for the delay; life is busy yadda yadda you've all heard it before. I'll have a preliminary version available for testing at the end of next weekend. It lets you edit and group most of the parameters. The immediate goal is to allow a baseline settings file and then apply certain groups of parameters to it from another setting file. The program structure is in place, I just need to finish learning the scene file format so I can support all the important parameters.

Stephen Hall May 3rd, 2007 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bill Ravens (Post 640277)
Steve Mullen has a rather nice intro booklet to the HD100

I'd be cautious about buying this. I bought it when I first got my HD-100.

It spends *113* pages on HDV theory before it even mentions the HD-100.

It's a waste.

Drew Curran May 4th, 2007 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Jad Meouchy (Post 672142)
Sorry for the delay; life is busy yadda yadda you've all heard it before. I'll have a preliminary version available for testing at the end of next weekend. It lets you edit and group most of the parameters. The immediate goal is to allow a baseline settings file and then apply certain groups of parameters to it from another setting file. The program structure is in place, I just need to finish learning the scene file format so I can support all the important parameters.

I look forward to testing it.



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