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Werner Wesp November 12th, 2006 10:34 AM

HD100 sample video
Hi all, I've tried to put a sample video on my webpage, shot with the HD101 ( http://users.telenet.be/wespproductions/new-page-9.htm ), but can anyone advice on a good codec to publish it on internet? I'd like to put it in 640x360. Right now it's in .wmv format, but on some shots I feel like the encoding isn't quite performing as it should...

Any suggestions?

Oh yes, it should also be just about 35-40 Mb or less for about 1.5 minute...

Ron German November 12th, 2006 01:41 PM

Very nice images!!! Congratulations.
Were it shot with the 16X stock zoom? What was the camera setting?
Best regards

Werner Wesp November 12th, 2006 04:39 PM

Thanks Ron,

All shot with the 16x stock zoom lens. There are quite some bits of footage where you can see the limitations of this lens, but I just didn't use them :-)

Short focal depth is quite easy due to the long focal distance on the lens.

If there are interested people I'd upload the ful-resolution version, but I don't have enough webspace myself...

Camera settings are my own, but I've never actually written them down. Pretty standard with some color gain (this is just from the top of my head)

By the way, this is just a temporary upload, I'm not completely happy with the 2nd part of the edit, so that'll change shortly...

Ron German November 12th, 2006 07:41 PM

Ok. Thanks.

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