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Steven Polley August 2nd, 2006 04:40 PM

HD Wedding Footage!!!
I have been really disappointed with the lack of footage from the HD100. Seems like there is more problem posts than good clean footage. Anyways, here is some basic unedited footage from my latest wedding in HD.

I used the Truelike 2 preset from Paolo.

Hope you like.

http://www.digitalmosesvideo.com/ima...ollfootage.wmv 142mb

http://www.digitalmosesvideo.com/ima...ingFootage.wmv 215mb

Brian Duke August 2nd, 2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Steven Polley
I have been really disappointed with the lack of footage from the HD100. Seems like there is more problem posts than good clean footage.

There's a whole thread devoted to footgae form the HD100. Scroll up to the thread.

Steven Polley August 2nd, 2006 09:06 PM

Have you seen much footage of the HD100 and the M2 adapter or the Letus XL Adapter?

I have seen one piece of footage with the Mini35, and it is your footage from "Twist of Fate". By the way it looks totally awesome. I just want to see more of the same. Compared to the HVX Forums, there is not much footage to compare with. That is why I decided to post this footage...

I Really Like this camera coming from the DVX. For those of you out there that are scared of the problems you heard about this camera, I have experienced none of them yet.

Tim Dashwood August 2nd, 2006 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Steven Polley
Have you seen much footage of the HD100 and the M2 adapter or the Letus XL Adapter?

I have seen one piece of footage with the Mini35, and it is your footage from "Twist of Fate". By the way it looks totally awesome. I just want to see more of the same. Compared to the HVX Forums, there is not much footage to compare with. That is why I decided to post this footage...

I Really Like this camera coming from the DVX. For those of you out there that are scared of the problems you heard about this camera, I have experienced none of them yet.

Have you seen Nate Weaver's use of the mini35 in the Static-X music video? www.nateweaver.net

Or the original mini35 tests on the HD100.


Brian Duke August 2nd, 2006 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Steven Polley
Have you seen much footage of the HD100 and the M2 adapter or the Letus XL Adapter?

I have seen one piece of footage with the Mini35, and it is your footage from "Twist of Fate". By the way it looks totally awesome. I just want to see more of the same. Compared to the HVX Forums, there is not much footage to compare with. That is why I decided to post this footage...

I Really Like this camera coming from the DVX. For those of you out there that are scared of the problems you heard about this camera, I have experienced none of them yet.

I've seen several music videos that looks great. I agree that more should be posted, which I will once I finish editing my second short and third one too. Casting for my third this week =)

PS I would ease back on the close up of the bride. They don't make her look flattering. Its HD, remember =)

Chris Barcellos August 2nd, 2006 11:25 PM


Thanks for posting that footage. I'm and FX1 user, and have been curious about the comparison. Very nice.

This is first time I have actually seen raw footage from the camera.

I assume this is 24P stuff, right ? I note a more "juttery" effect on the faster pans. This is what people are talking about that makes 24P more filmic, right ?

Out of curiosity I put this on a 1080i time line with some FX1 footage. I had to rescale yours to the 1080i frame. It actually came out decent, but certainly not as nice looking as the original. ( I'm sure I committed some kind of heresy here. :) )

Scott Jaco August 3rd, 2006 01:50 AM

Nice video footage.

What song was that in the first clip?

Steven Polley August 3rd, 2006 06:54 AM

Thanks for the reply. This will most likely be downconverted to SD to mix with the DVX during the ceremony. Hopefully next year or the next we will be putting HD-DVD's out. This footage is 24p with Paolo's Truelike setting number 2.

Brian, I agree with the closeup remark. I love closups and sometimes they can seem larger than life on a big screen. Maybe not such a good thing for everybody.

The song is called See the Way from artist "Misty Edwards".

Dennis Stevens August 3rd, 2006 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Steven Polley
I Really Like this camera coming from the DVX. For those of you out there that are scared of the problems you heard about this camera, I have experienced none of them yet.

Just to be a HD100 cheerleader, I got the weird red frames and dropouts, and JVC and TapeworksTexas immediately replaced my camera.

I've shot a fair amount since then, and I've had no problems.

Cheerleader? Good thing I don't have my own picture posted here.... otherwise the mental image would drive all to madness.....

Ron German August 4th, 2006 07:31 PM

not video but negative film
Congratulations Steven
I can`t believe this shots weren`(at least) super 16mm telecined negative.
This camera (and your skill) is really incredible!
I got mine two weeks ago and couldn`t try it in HDV yet, but even in SD the images that the HD 100A produces are phenomenal.
Please let me know your workflow in post production to get these super nice and filmic shots.
Best regards

Steven Polley August 5th, 2006 12:04 PM

Thanks... This is just unedited footage.... Hope to post a more polished version soon..

I use Cineform - Sony Vegas- Compressed to HD - WMV.

The Cineform HDLink is a little ticky sometimes, but the codec works good.

I am trying to get used to no OIS and Manual Focus. Really does take lots of practice.

Anybody else have some wedding footage to post?

Ron German August 5th, 2006 12:41 PM

colour "contamination"
Today I made a HDV720 30p test.
I saw it in SD ntsc and, despite resolution loss in some moviments, the images are beautiful and surprisingly very filmic also.

One thing has called my attention since the first time I used the camera:
even after I white balanced the camera (no auto) I have noticed that is easy whatever surrounding colour refleted in the main subject to "contaminate" it.
It happens much more frequently than with other cameras - most broadcasting - I worked in the past.
Anyone with similar experience?

Steven Polley August 5th, 2006 09:08 PM

Would you post some of your 720 30p footage?

Ken Diewert August 5th, 2006 11:59 PM


Just wondering if your settings are stock. To me it looks like the footage is a little washed out. The camera work is great, but it's just the colors aren't as vivid as they could be. My H1 looks like this on the factory settings but I now use Steven Dempseys (aka Disjecta) settings for the H1 that he calls Panalook. I've compared the two directly, and the difference is huge.

He is an old DVX user as well, and I find his settings bring out some rich, vivid colours. If you look on the H1 forum you can see some of his footage, most recently Friday Harbour - San Juan Islands. The colors in the outdoor footage on that and several other clips of his are far superior to what the H1 records on the default settings.

I'm not trying to offend, or provoke an H1 v HD100 ruckus, just thinking that you could probably get more out of this camera with some preset adjustment.


Jonathan Nelson August 6th, 2006 12:35 AM

I thought the footage was kind of greyish. Maybe I am color blind but I see a lot of hd100 footage that has kind of a grey tingy look. Maybe compress the blacks?

I am a complete newb when it comes with color. I like my footage to be bold, with crisp blacks but obviously not super contrasty.

Steven Polley August 6th, 2006 07:57 AM

I am a fan of Stephen Dempsey as well. I to did the same comparison with the friday harbor footage and yes the extra resolution on the H1 does help and the color adjustment would help to.

I have setup my H100 with the truelike 3 setting for my next shoot. Lets see if that helps or not. I have noticed the grey twinge you are talking of. Not sure if that is a characteristic of the cheaper glass or not.

The New Canon GL2 replacement will be very much considered next year as a another HD cam.

Ron German August 6th, 2006 09:02 AM

Hi Steven
Unfortunately I`m not able to post any footage right now.

Bill Edmunds August 9th, 2006 04:29 PM

What's that other camera that pops up in a shot or two? Is it an HVX200?

Steven Polley August 10th, 2006 06:53 AM

Hi Bill,

The other cameras I use:
Jvc GY-DV300 as third cam

Next year I will probably upgrade my dvx to the new Canon Gl2 replacement


Jamon Lewis August 11th, 2006 01:21 AM

Steven That foootage does look great! I have a hd100 coming from a dvx 100 and wow what a learing curve!

Obviously you were shooting on a tripod, how were you managing to zoom and focus having it on a tripod? Do you have a zoom controler on the tripod stick?

Also what sort of field monitor do you use and what shutter were you shooting at?

Thanks Jamon

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