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Finished ProHD Projects
We've been receiving quite a few links to finished HD100 projects lately, and I've been promising a thread dedicated to them. So... here it is. Please let me know if I've missed anyone.
NOTE: Outside links have been posted. I cannot guarantee that all will be active, so authors, please post updated links if applicable. _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: Feb 8, 2007 Type: Short Film "The Date" Author: Brian Duke Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=85986 Format: Quicktime & WMV Size: Approximately 7MB or 23MB download depending on format Direct Media link: http://hd-motionpictures.com/The%20Date.html __________________________________________________ Date Posted: Feb. 1, 2007 Type: Music Video DP: Alessio Martinelli Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=85398 Format: Quicktime Size: ?MB Direct Media link: http://www.eamvideo.com/videoclip.html __________________________________________________ Date Posted: Dec. 16, 2006 Type: Music Video (Dir: Joel Knoernschild Artist: Justin Hopkins Song:"Undress U Down") DP: Taylor Wigton Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=81871 Format: Quicktime H.264 Size: 20.7MB Direct Media link: http://www.katiemalia.com/justinhopk...essyoudown.mov _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: September 13, 2006 Type: Music Video Author: Nima Taheri Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=75454 Format: DivX Size: 46MB Direct Media link: http://www.niimthedream.no/arkiv/vid...miliar_web.avi Format: MPEG1 Size: 49MB Direct Media link: http://www.niimthedream.no/arkiv/vid...miliar_web.mpg ________________________________________________________ Date Posted: Sept. 12, 2006 Type: PSA Author: Miltos Pilalitos Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=75318 Format: WMV Size: 44MB Dur: 0:38 Direct Media link: http://www.box.net/public/static/q3ubp6ostx.wmv __________________________________________________ Date Posted: Sept. 05, 2006 Type: Corporate/PSA Author: Earl Thurston Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=74918 Format: WMV Size: 35MB (Web size) or 648MB (HD) Direct Media link: http://www.encorp.ca/cfm/index.cfm?It=908&Id=48 __________________________________________________ Date Posted: Sept. 05, 2006 Type: Documentary Trailer Author: David Vahey Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=74916 Format: MySpace (Flash?) (NOTE:16x9 sqeezed to 4x3) Size: ?MB Dur: Approx 3:00 minutes Direct Media link: http://www.myspace.com/thevaheys __________________________________________________ Date Posted: July 18, 2006 Type: Short Film Trailer Author: Adam Craig Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=71760 Format: YouTube (Flash?) Size: ?MB Dur: 01:35 Direct Media link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELvO0kE6EZo __________________________________________________ Date Posted: July 1, 2006 Type: Music Video Author: Tomasz Ostrowski Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=70647 Format: XVid Size: 13.9MB Direct Media link: http://strony.aster.pl/tomson05/video/index.htm _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: June 28, 2006 Type: Music Video Author: Soroush Shahrokni Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=70477 Format: Divx-HD (avi) Size: 116MB Direct Media link: http://www.megaupload.com/se/?d=9EPKANKW _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: June 22, 2006 Type: Short Film Author: Brian Duke Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=70015 Format: Quicktime & WMV Size: 29MB, 110MB or 121MB depending on size Direct Media link: http://hd-motionpictures.com/TwistofFate.html _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: June 8, 2006 Type: Short Film Author: Miklos Philips Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=69190 Format: Quicktime 7 Size: 2:20 Direct Media link: http://www.miklosphilips.info/qt-ww.html (Sample Trailer) _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: May 22, 2006 Type: Music Video Author: Nima Taheri Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=67954 Format: MPEG Size: 12.8MB Direct Media link: http://www.niimthedream.no/arkiv/vid...imthedream.mpg _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: May 22, 2006 Type: Music Video Author: Nima Taheri Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=67954 Format: MPEG Size: 33.2MB Direct Media link: http://www.niimthedream.no/arkiv/vid/darkside_film.mpg _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: February 22, 2006 Type: Short Film Author: Hans Pool Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=61180 Format: MP4 Size: 11MB Direct Media link: http://www.26000gezichten.nl/view.php?id=147 _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: February 22, 2006 Type: Documentary Author: Hans Pool Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=61180 Format: WMV Stream Size: ? Direct Media link: http://cgi.omroep.nl/cgi-bin/streams...b.20050206.asf _________________________________________________________ Date Posted: November 28, 2005 Type: Music Video Author: Nate Weaver Thread: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=55111 Format: SWF Flash Size: ? Direct Media link: http://www.nateweaver.net/staticx.html _________________________________________________________ |
Awesome. Thanks for doing this. I'll be adding a few before too long.
Great idea - very nicely done.
Congrats on all the nice work everyone - john evilgeniusentertainment.com |
Thanks Tim!
Tim, this is great!
Does anyone know if there are DVDs of feature-length movies shot with the HD100 currently available for purchase? |
This is great - thanks a bunch! People are doing some amazing stuff with this cam!
I will post links when we are authorized to release trailers. Robert Kurtzman just shot a feature horror film with the HD100 called The Rage. I don't know when it will be available on DVD. |
There is some seriously good stuff here. We're a bit behind the amount of DVX footage tho. The web is full of DVX stuff for obvious reasons.
I'd love to see some more footage shot using the HD100. I keep reminding my wife that my camera was used on 24!! Ok, so I might have exaggerated a tiny bit there! We're big fans of that show. Series 5 just ended here about 2 weeks ago. Andrew |
I shot two pieces over a weekend with the HD100 to test out the camera.
EXPIRED is a short that was conceived and shot in an afternoon. Just myself as crew (the names in the credits for cinematographer and editor are pseudonyms). Lighting was available light with a handheld shiny board. It was all shot MOS. I have yet to finish all the sound and foley. PhotoShop was used for the tombstone and to throw a couple of the backgrounds out of focus. http://idisk.mac.com/tulfcpug/Public...64_320x180.mov The second piece is a demo for an actor, Ed Ladner. Ed's white-painted garage was darkened for the dungeon. Lighting was one 600 watt and two 300 watt Fresnels plus a graduated ND in a matte box. http://idisk.mac.com/tulfcpug/Public...64_320x180.mov Todd Roberts StartPictures.com |
"Expired" was hilarious! Loved it.
I don't know about you guys(girls), but did anyone check out Todd Roberts
"Ed Ladner demo"? KABOOM! That's what I'm talkin' bout! Way to go Todd! (thanks also to BIG TimmyD) |
New Documentary w/ HD100
Check it out. Shot 24p HD. Go to the site at www.starvingjesus.com comments... |
Wondrous Woman
There is a 20 min short film shot on HD100 with PS Technik mini35 adapter and SuperSpeed primes: "WONDROUS WOMAN" in the final phases of post. (http://wondrouswoman.com/)
A 2.5 min excerpt can be seen on my DP page at: http://www.miklosphilips.info cheers |
Some scenes in "An Inconvenient Truth" were shot with the HD100. This documentary was a hit at Sundance this year and will probably be available on DVD soon. The scenes that I know for sure were shot with the HD100 are the Chinese scientists and Al Gore working at his laptop on the flight over the north pole. |
more... you might want to add to the list
Hoover's Gold - JVC GY-HD101E -Australian Broadcasting Corp. page incl. Realplayer Video Clip:
http://www.abc.net.au/abccontentsales/s1469436.htm The Rage - JVC GY-HD100U: http://www.theragefilm.com/ - film site incl. trailer 2 Commercials shot on the JVC GY HD100U: http://modernartpictures.com/commercialLaguna.html cheers P.S.: I maintian an ever expanding, and regularly updated list of films and TV shot on High Definition; Super 16 film to DI (Digital Intermediate) and then blown up for 35 mm theatrical release and HDV projects. For the budget-conscious filmmaker: http://www.pointzeropictures.com/fil...hd-and-s16.htm |
The Association
Shot back in May, my 10 minute teaser for a future feature film was shot on the HD-100U with PS Technik mini35 and Zeiss SuperSpeeds. Various versions available at:
http://www.associationmovie.com |
Also, did you guys have any issues using the Mini35, such as focus problems, light problems etcvlems. I have used it several times now and it seems like the lottgae really gets soft, someitmes out of focus and problematic to light. Thanks |
Brian - try the teaser link instead.
Can you please start a new thread and tell us a little about your technical setup? |
Tech details on The Association
We had a brief thread about it back near the beginning of the summer...
http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=68697 But yes, there are some frustrating things about it. What I really need to post about are my experiences on a feature we shot called "Growing Out" that we used the JVC/mini35 and output from the analog YUV to capure in Cineform ProspectHD through an AJA LHe card. Lots of fun. Stills from that available at http://www.growingout-themovie.com ajw |
Don't want to double post or anything, but just wanted to let you guys know that we posted a short done on the HD100. I put it up in the "Show your work" forum.
http://dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=77199 |
Press Releases
JVC has recently posted press releases to our website regarding three new feature films that are shot with the GY-HD100U. Titles are "Adrenaline" , "Carts", and "Sixgun". Here is the link:
http://pro.jvc.com/prof/pr.jsp Regards, |
Live Recording - extremely low light
This was recorded on October 28, 2006. Two GY-HD100s, very low light.
http://www.bantumotion.com/docuvid/M...ni_HiBand.rmvb |
With the compliments
Thank Tim.
Great Work.Nice. I can ask to you which profile you have used between yours? Giovanni |
Music Video from Colombia with HD100
Type: Music Video
Band: Shekeré Orquesta Director: Antonio Angulo Format: Flash (YouTube) Equip: GY-HD100U / Chroziel Mattebox / FCP 5.0.2 with Multibridge Extreme Direct Media link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugMK8mHqnoE |
Once Upon a Time in the Campsite
12 minute short
Flash video More details at website. Cheers, Jon http://www.fotgfilms.com/OnceUponATimeInTheCampsite |
Okanagan Development Commission video
A simple promo video for the Okanagan Development Commission.
June 2006 Shot in HDV 30p, posted in downconverted 60i in flash: http://investkelowna.com/downloads/kelowna_2min.htm and also as QT: http://www.ascentfilms.com/EDC%20Promo.html |
Twist of Fate
Good work on your TOF project. It kept me till the end. Oops, just realized I posted this in the wrong thread.
Is it gong to the theaters or dvd? |
@Fernando Orozco
Wow - I REALLY liked your music video - great stuff, fantastic comic style. Was the green/blue screen work easy? ULI |
Iron Ridge
Hello all, I found this website last year before I began production on the feature film "Iron Ridge". This website had great information and is the "Sole" reason I chose the HD100U to shoot it with. This film was shot using a single HD100U with most of the bolt on accessories I.E. Matte Box, Follow Focus, etc. We had a crew of 2-3 people for over eight months on weekends and holidays using a shoestring budget of 30K. This film was shot 100% in Montana using Montana actors, crew and Grizzly bear. We are proud to say we are in post and hoping to wrap things up in a couple of months. Please feel free to visit
http://www.ironridgethemovie.com for updates. And thanks to all for your support and vast amount of knowledge. These blogs have saved time and money. Cheers, Stu |
Keep us posted. I would like to see more footage. Good work. |
House of Dead - HD-100 Short
Feel free to add "House of Dead" to the list:
Type: Short Film (Horror) Author: Freuterman Productions Format: WMV Size: 31 MB Direct Media link: http://rarshow.com/houseofdead.wmv Unfortunately we did not have access to HDV editing at the time (college project, FCP 5.1.2 was not released), so it was edited in SD. Downconverted using a BD50 deck, S-Video out to a JVC VCR to firewire. It still looks pretty darn good on DVD though! It can also be found on Google Video via this link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...03390964&hl=en |
another job
Here's another job done with HD100
Type: Music Video Artist: Jorge Mario Peña Song: Amores Nuevos Production Format: HDV (transcoded to BMD 10bit) Format: Youtube Camera Tools: Chroziel Mattebox, Glidecam V-20 Software Tools: Final Cut Pro, Adobe After Effects 7, Adobe Photoshop CS2, Autodesk Maya Direct Media link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbw86yDE6PY |
keep shooting! |
that out, because the other director and I thought about it but we didn't do it because we think that it would be funnier that the singer doesn't had a scratch a la roadrunner cartoons P.D. sorry for my lousy english :) |
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