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John Vincent November 19th, 2007 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Oakley (Post 767703)
HD100 with my own scene file setup, a couple of 1200PARS, a 575, and a dolly setup. wmv does not do it justice....


Looks great steve - really looks like film!

....Mind sharing that scene file?



Andy Graham November 20th, 2007 06:36 AM

Hi there, i don't know if this qualifies as a double post but its relavent here as well since i shot it all on the HD100 HDV25p, it's also an example of day for night (done in post).

I suggest downloading the big file as the livedigital compression has made it a bit too dark and you can't get it full screen.



Steve Oakley November 20th, 2007 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by John Vincent (Post 778118)
Looks great steve - really looks like film!

....Mind sharing that scene file?

well its a lot more then the scene file which is based on one of the TC setups which I've then changed a bit. color was used for the grading on this with some invisible and not so invisible tweaks, but overall it simply came down to controlled light & contrast ratios, and getting the right WB setting. I might of also of had a 1/4 black promist on, don't recall exactly except for playing with filters at the start of the day.

Panos Bournias December 7th, 2007 09:51 AM

Bajao The last sea nomads trailer presentation
This is a trailer/presentation of the 5th episode of our show the end of the trail-treasures of the south seas. I compressed it in MPEG4. It looks OK I think.
This is the link:

It is a fresh fruit, just finished.

Justin Ferar December 7th, 2007 08:24 PM

bad link
says "no permission to download file".

Panos Bournias December 7th, 2007 11:32 PM

Box net
seems like I can only send the link privately. Sorry about that I will try to upload it to a different server. If you want to see it e-mail me here: yantra@dos.centrin.net.id so I dend it to you and it will work.

Panos Bournias December 8th, 2007 11:15 PM

link updated

Try now, I hope this works

Panos Bournias December 9th, 2007 12:16 AM

About the end of the trail
The link works now.
So, a few words about what you are going to see.
We shot with the 101E 25p HDV with Paolo's TC3 settings and the 13X wide fujinon lens.
This episode, from which we made the brief presentation, is shot in the Banda see, on the east of Sulawesi-Celebes island. It is about the see nomads the Bajao.
We were shooting really *in* the water, as we also lived in hats that are built on the water a mile or so from shore.
It was an amazing experience. We stayed 2 weeks there, charging our batteries with solar panels, but eating lobsters everyday!!
We shot 25 tapes and we had not one glitch not one dropped frame.
The camera performed incredibly well.
We had only some problems with the back focus, I think because of the extreme heat from 12-3 o clock. We used a Miller DS50 and a cinekinetic bag for the boats etc.
Run and gun 12 hours every day.

Bob Hart December 28th, 2007 04:50 AM

"Tears In The Rain"
A short feature, "Tears In The Rain", being shot in Perth, Western Australia, wrapped this afternoon with the last footage shot at the old Swan Brewery precinct. Much of the project has already been assembled and loop work done.

It was shot on a JVC GY-HD100 and P+S Techink Mini35-400 with Nikon lenses.

The lens list used :-

Nikon 14mm f2.8 prime.
Nikon 12mm -24mm f4 zoom.
Nikon 28mm f1.4 prime.
Nikon 35mm f2.8 prime.
Nikon 50mm f1.4 prime.
Nikon 85mm f1.8 prime.
Nikon 105mm f1.8 prime.
Auto-Tamron Adaptamatic 135mm f2.8 prime.
Auto-Tamron Adaptamatic 80mm - 250mm f3.5 zoom.
Nikon 500mm f8 mirror telephoto prime.

The final assembly and edit is already under way as I scribe this message. I am not the editor and only peripherally involved as a handyman ( you know - please hand me that lens ) It has been an enjoyable gig.

The myspace site for the project is at this address :-



Have you seen the documentary "Below the wind" about the same people. Did you by any remote chance get to visit Buton Island, SE of Sulawesi, the SAO project and maybe Adin Duncan. I was not myself involved with "Below the wind".

Panos Bournias December 29th, 2007 09:01 AM

Yes, I have visited Buton island many times. I don't know this project. Have you any links to it?
Buton is really nice and has a fantastic forest with very rare animals.

Bob Hart December 29th, 2007 09:38 AM


Here is a link to the SAO Buton Project.


Here is a link to the producers of "Below The Wind" which was released in 1994. I think they may have shot it on film but I am not sure.


Once you on the Electric Pictures website, click on "credits" second down the list on left of the screen and you will find it near the bottom of the page when you scroll down.

If you are looking for a copy, ABC is Australia's non-commercial TV broadcaster the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. It used to be the Australian Broadcasting Commission. Ronin Films I think works out of Sydney and is a distributor.

Due to great concerns over quarantine and exotic diseases, most Indonesian fishing boats caught poaching close-in inside Australian fishing zones are brought ashore and burned. One tiny boat "Sama Biasa" was saved from this fate and now survives well beyond its original use-by life expectancy in the Fremantle Maritime Museum and is a tribute to the courage and endurance of these traditional seafarers who ventured "below the wind" into what became prohibited areas for them.

There was some sort of accord whereby traditional fishermen in traditional boats without modern aids such as motors or sat nav, were to be permitted to fish in areas they had traditionally harvested within the Australian offshore waters. However, desperate and greedy people have abused this concession with non-sustainable fishing practices like shark finning and use of "ice boats".

This abuse has extended to onshore excursions to the Australian mainland and poaching from traditional grounds of Australian aboriginal people. A visit was made some time back by traditional Australians to Roti and there was some general sympathy for the desperate situation of many of the people there. However with the passage of time and mainland poaching, I doubt much sympathy remains.

Panos Bournias December 29th, 2007 01:05 PM

It is like this Bob, well said
Many stories have been told from the bajao about the illegal fishing. The boats are burned down, thats why they don't get in with their *bigger* boats, they drag smaller ones all the way to Mako island and Kupang.
Thanks for the links, I will try to get a copy of the movie.
All the best to you.

Bob Hart December 30th, 2007 10:27 PM

Tears In The Rain.
Some recent behinds the scenes footage of this project can be found here :-


The behind the scenes cam was not a JVC, The production cam was.

Bob Hart January 2nd, 2008 09:39 AM

Commercial Shot on JVC GY-HD100/MINI35-400.
Here is a link to a commercial shot on the JVC GY-HD100/MINI35 combination.

The limo interiors were by Nikon 14mm f2.8, maybe Nikon 12mm-24mm zoom (my memory is a bit vague here) and Peleng f3.5 8mm fisheye. Some limo interiors were live, the others greenscreened, as were the onstage images which were studio shot.


Bob Hart February 13th, 2008 06:04 AM

"Tears In The Rain"
Since "Tears In The Rain" wrapped and was assembled, it looked so good that the crew was persuaded to make it into a feature.

"Tears" now has its own website which can be found at this address :-


Origination is on the JVC GY-HD100/P+S TECHNIK MINI35.

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