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Tim Dashwood September 10th, 2006 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Miklos Philips
There is a 20 min short film shot on HD100 with PS Technik mini35 adapter and SuperSpeed primes: "WONDROUS WOMAN" in the final phases of post. (http://wondrouswoman.com/)

A 2.5 min excerpt can be seen on my DP page at:


Thanks Miklos. I found your original discussion thread and added the link above.

Tim Dashwood September 10th, 2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Oscar Villalpando
Tim, this is great!

Does anyone know if there are DVDs of feature-length movies shot with the HD100 currently available for purchase?


Some scenes in "An Inconvenient Truth" were shot with the HD100. This documentary was a hit at Sundance this year and will probably be available on DVD soon.

The scenes that I know for sure were shot with the HD100 are the Chinese scientists and Al Gore working at his laptop on the flight over the north pole.

Miklos Philips September 13th, 2006 12:18 PM

more... you might want to add to the list
Hoover's Gold - JVC GY-HD101E -Australian Broadcasting Corp. page incl. Realplayer Video Clip:

The Rage - JVC GY-HD100U:
http://www.theragefilm.com/ - film site incl. trailer

2 Commercials shot on the JVC GY HD100U:


P.S.: I maintian an ever expanding, and regularly updated list of films and TV shot on High Definition; Super 16 film to DI (Digital Intermediate) and then blown up for 35 mm theatrical release and HDV projects. For the budget-conscious filmmaker: http://www.pointzeropictures.com/fil...hd-and-s16.htm

Andrew Wahlquist September 25th, 2006 09:03 AM

The Association
Shot back in May, my 10 minute teaser for a future feature film was shot on the HD-100U with PS Technik mini35 and Zeiss SuperSpeeds. Various versions available at:


Brian Duke September 25th, 2006 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew Wahlquist
Shot back in May, my 10 minute teaser for a future feature film was shot on the HD-100U with PS Technik mini35 and Zeiss SuperSpeeds. Various versions available at:


The link on the page to the trailor doesn't work. You have a better one?

Also, did you guys have any issues using the Mini35, such as focus problems, light problems etcvlems. I have used it several times now and it seems like the lottgae really gets soft, someitmes out of focus and problematic to light.

David Scattergood September 26th, 2006 02:53 AM

Brian - try the teaser link instead.

Tim Dashwood September 26th, 2006 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Andrew Wahlquist
Shot back in May, my 10 minute teaser for a future feature film was shot on the HD-100U with PS Technik mini35 and Zeiss SuperSpeeds. Various versions available at:



Can you please start a new thread and tell us a little about your technical setup?

Andrew Wahlquist September 27th, 2006 04:03 PM

Tech details on The Association
We had a brief thread about it back near the beginning of the summer...


But yes, there are some frustrating things about it.

What I really need to post about are my experiences on a feature we shot called "Growing Out" that we used the JVC/mini35 and output from the analog YUV to capure in Cineform ProspectHD through an AJA LHe card. Lots of fun.

Stills from that available at http://www.growingout-themovie.com


Tim Gray October 10th, 2006 09:34 AM

Don't want to double post or anything, but just wanted to let you guys know that we posted a short done on the HD100. I put it up in the "Show your work" forum.


Carl Hicks November 10th, 2006 08:00 AM

Press Releases
JVC has recently posted press releases to our website regarding three new feature films that are shot with the GY-HD100U. Titles are "Adrenaline" , "Carts", and "Sixgun". Here is the link:



Mabuti Ngandu November 20th, 2006 09:41 AM

Live Recording - extremely low light
This was recorded on October 28, 2006. Two GY-HD100s, very low light.

Giovanni Lombardo November 20th, 2006 11:04 AM

With the compliments
Thank Tim.
Great Work.Nice.
I can ask to you which profile you have used between yours?

Fernando Orozco November 23rd, 2006 12:15 PM

Music Video from Colombia with HD100
Type: Music Video
Band: Shekeré Orquesta
Director: Antonio Angulo
Format: Flash (YouTube)
Equip: GY-HD100U / Chroziel Mattebox / FCP 5.0.2 with Multibridge Extreme
Direct Media link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugMK8mHqnoE

Jon Jaschob November 24th, 2006 04:07 PM

Once Upon a Time in the Campsite
12 minute short
Flash video
More details at website.


Jiri Bakala November 24th, 2006 06:49 PM

Okanagan Development Commission video
A simple promo video for the Okanagan Development Commission.
June 2006
Shot in HDV 30p, posted in downconverted 60i
in flash:
and also as QT:

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