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Drew Curran February 23rd, 2009 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Shaun Roemich (Post 1015157)
One niggle though: the voice over sounds TERRIBLY thin.

Thanks for your comments. I agree with your comment on the voice over. I used the on-camera mic which is pretty terrible. Also the office had very harsh acoustics. The interview part of the video bug me also. I may reshoot them or record the voice over in a friends studio.

I want to purchase a tie mic to this sort of interview in the future.

Thanks again


Jeffrey Butler February 25th, 2009 07:44 PM

So I just finished the highlights from an Ice Climbing shoot in New Hampshire.

Melt on Vimeo

We used a decent smattering of gear: JVC GY-HD250, Sony SR12 (impressive little palm-corder shooting 1920), Sony HC3 (less impressive image and shooting 1440), VIO POV helmet cam; IndiSliderPro, Libec T78 (tripod) H60 (head).

This piece was put together in a Final Cut Pro 1920x1080i timeline (to match the SR12) and the 720x24p footage from my 250 was tossed into that. I seem to get much better results scaling the JVC up, rather than the other stuff down (both the HC3 and the SR12). I output an Apple TV spec HD file to Vimeo. I put the gamma down .89 or so on compression so it may be a bit bright on a mac. *should be more accurate on a PC.

The JVC was shooting TC3, the rest were all auto WB. The climbers were able to shoot all the "down looking" material as well as the POV stuff. I was pretty happy with what we got over the two days. I'm really out of shape! The slider was a bear to deal with, and we didn't get to use it as much as I was wanted to, but two shots made it in there; plus the end profile frames...

I plan to shoot interviews this week and cut a longer format piece with very different music, focusing much more on the actual climbing and not so much the "this was a bit of our trip" feeling. Simple answers to simple questions like "Why"; flowing music.

As always, I welcome feedback and questions. Enjoy!

Nima Taheri February 25th, 2009 08:03 PM


I like how you made the movement of the climber go on beat at 01:20:)

Daniel Weber February 25th, 2009 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Stuart Nimmo (Post 956638)
That's a great project Daniel, very worth while, it's a real thrill to see people break lose through a sport like that, paraplegic, one legged and blind skiers are a lesson to us all too. Here's one I baked earlier:


This is my poison, (I specialize in shooting on skis) in fact it's two short clips from a documentary I shot this in Colorado, the end sequence was kind of fun to do, excuse the awful puns!

A thought which may help Daniel, is that you can afford to back off with your reflector - I think you may have been using a foil faced "Lastolite" or similar, the trick is to pinpoint your actual source of light, in this case the sun, and only gently fill from the opposing side. So in this case where the sun is high and behind the subject it would be natural to keep the camera left (her right) or "on camera" cheek darker than the "off camera" cheek. so you could have used a more diffused bounce and further off. This would look good, help you avoid reflections in glasses and, very importantly, make it much easier for your interviewees. Just a thought, great shots and story though.

Thanks for the feedback. it wasn't a reflector. I was using a Lowell Caselight with daylight tubes. I agree about the reflection in the glasses. Shooting in full sunlight isn't easy. I didn't have any grip help, but that isn't an excuse.

Again thanks for the positive feedback as well as the lighting suggestion.

Daniel Weber

Jeffrey Butler February 26th, 2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Nima Taheri (Post 1018548)
Jeffrey: I like how you made the movement of the climber go on beat at 01:20:)

Thanks Nima; that's been more popular than I thought it would be! Timed out pretty cool - just had to slide the footage a bit; no retiming or anything; I was pretty jazzed when it worked like that, but thought it was just me =D

Rafael Diaz March 3rd, 2009 10:11 AM

Here's some footage I shot with my HD100u a few months ago.
No filters, no color correction.


Chris Chow March 15th, 2009 12:13 AM

Bar Promo
Behind the scenes of the Ranch Billboard Shoot on Vimeo

Behind the scenes of the Ranch Billboard Shoot

Drew Curran March 23rd, 2009 10:28 AM

Part of a promo shoot
Here are some shots from a promotional film I'm currently working on:
Mourne Kingdom on Vimeo



Michael Rosenberger April 29th, 2009 04:34 PM

All new gear
We've had the cameras for a few months, but we are finally getting around to setting them up. Along with the cameras came a new jib, dolly, HD FCP setup, and an intern. Still trying to figure all of them out to get the best quality, but I've been happy with the trial and error results. Here is a quick jib and dolly test. I'm working on figuring out settings becuase right now I seem to get judder in all the motion, but the image quality is nice.


Michael Rosenberger April 30th, 2009 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Michael Rosenberger (Post 1135177)
We've had the cameras for a few months, but we are finally getting around to setting them up. Along with the cameras came a new jib, dolly, HD FCP setup, and an intern. Still trying to figure all of them out to get the best quality, but I've been happy with the trial and error results. Here is a quick jib and dolly test. I'm working on figuring out settings becuase right now I seem to get judder in all the motion, but the image quality is nice.


Whoops. Noticed this thread is for finished projects, so might move this into the general mix of threads.

Rafael Diaz May 11th, 2009 10:03 AM

Updated link
Here's some footage I shot with my HD100u a few months ago.
No filters, no color correction.

*Updated link


Joseph Josselyn May 17th, 2009 09:21 PM

Two finished programs shot with JVC HD250
"Big Bible Stories in American Sign Language: Ruth"
Deaf Missions: Program Samples & Trailers

"Big Bible Stories in American Sign Language: Abraham"
Deaf Missions: Program Samples & Trailers

Both were shot with JVC HD250. Keying was done with Sony Anycast HD and animations were added in the post.


Ted Ramasola June 2nd, 2009 01:00 PM

Tourism Promo for Negros Oriental Island using Stock lens
After shooting several projects with a DIY 35mm lens adapter i decided to do one without.

So this is 95 percent with stock fujinon lens with a DIY Wide Adapter on an HD100 and HD200.

Negros Oriental Tourism Video By Ted Ramasola On ExposureRoom

Tom Koveleskie June 5th, 2009 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ted Ramasola (Post 1152947)
After shooting several projects with a DIY 35mm lens adapter i decided to do one without.

So this is 95 percent with stock fujinon lens with a DIY Wide Adapter on an HD100 and HD200.

Negros Oriental Tourism Video By Ted Ramasola On ExposureRoom

Really nice work Ted! What settings did you use on the 100? 24P? The pans look real smooth with no visible stuttering. Did you color correct with Magic Bullet?

I am shooting a doc in Russia later this month and am trying to put together a formula for success. I will not be using an adapter. Just the stock Fujinon lens.

Ted Ramasola June 5th, 2009 09:06 AM

Thanks Tom,

On the 100 I used Paolo's True Color V3. The post color correction is all done in Edius. Most shots where on 24P edited on a 24P timeline.

The settings done by Paolo are spot on for the HD100. It gives you bright strong colors that needs little tweaking in post.


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