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Flemming Lovenhardt April 29th, 2006 11:17 PM

BR-HD50 Capturing problems
I connect my Deck with a 6 pin Firewire cable to my computer. I use Win XP Pro SP2 and all updates installed. The computer regonize that a "Video" device is connectet to the computer.
My video software is Adobe Premiere Pro 1.51.
In the Deck’s “Remote menu” the setup is:
Remote SEL 9P = on
Remote SEL SER = on

The buttons on the Deck is setup as following:

IEEE1394 = HD (I only try to capture in HD format and not in HDV format)
Remote = on (Remote)

I can’t remote control the deck from premiere – so I can’t capture from the deck unless I switch to local and starts the deck manual and the press record in Premieres capture window.
In windows movimaker is it possible to remotecontrol the Deck.

Is it not possible to remote control the Deck from Adobe Premiere?
I live in Denmark and have a European model)
Kind regards

Flemming Løvenhardt

Ben Jehoshua May 7th, 2006 11:13 PM

Brhd 50
Had a similar issue untill I installed the .net protocol, updated my machine completely and installed the competition to Cineform (sorry, the name escapes me).
Eventually, by some voodoo the machine started working and never stopped.
I would say, start with the .net protocol and update your direct X and everything else you can think of.
My thoughts are with you!

Ben Jehoshua

Jiri Bakala May 7th, 2006 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Flemming Lovenhardt
In the Deck’s “Remote menu” the setup is:
Remote SEL 9P = on...
...I can’t remote control the deck from premiere – so I can’t capture from the deck unless I switch to local and starts the deck manual and the press record in Premieres capture window.

SEL 9P sets the remote control to RS422. So unless you have an RS422 cable connected to the deck, it wouldn't work. You should have selected 1394 (or whatever the setting is - I can't remember right now) - in other words, FireWire control.

Flemming Lovenhardt May 12th, 2006 01:49 AM

Thanks for all the hints and suggestions. Now I have done the following things:
In the Deck’s “Remote menu” the setup is:
Remote SEL 9P = off
Remote SEL SER = off
REM SEL HDV/HD = Loc+REM (IEEE1394 on)

Then I have install Microsoft .net – but it is still the same problem. Abobe Premiere can’t communicate with the deck, but Windows Movie Maker can.

The conclusion must be, that JVC and Premiere don’t communicate together unless you install the plug-in from Cineform HD Aspect (cost $399)– even if you only try to capture in SD format.

Kind regards

Flemming Løvenhardt

Flavio Andalo May 12th, 2006 07:48 AM

I don't know about Premiere Pro 1.5, but here with Premiere Pro 2.0 it works fine controling the deck. Have you considered upgrading to 2.0 version?

Flemming Lovenhardt May 12th, 2006 11:42 PM

I have Adobe Premiere 2.0 in a trail version, but version cant control my deck.
Only for fun I treid Pinnacle Studieo 10,5 and like Movi Maker the program control the deck perfect - it only Premiere that dont function on my computer.
I can edit my footage perfect in Premiere.
kind regards

Ben Jehoshua May 13th, 2006 11:39 AM

Brhd 50
Flemming, sorry for all the problems you're having I had the EXACT same thing for 3 months and it works AMAZING right now.
Let's try to get you there:

Right click "my computer" and go to "manage".
Go to "device manager"
go to "sound video and game controllers"
When you connect the deck, do you hear the firewire plug and play sound?
if you do, there will be an AVC tape device that will show up in this category.
right click it and go to "update driver"
click "not at this time" for connecting to the net
click on "install from specific location"
Click on "don't search, I will choose the driver to install
click next and UNCLICK show compatible hardware
scroll down to JVC
choose JVC tape device and install

I think this is one of the things that made my system work (JVC recommendation)

Ben Jehoshua

Ben Jehoshua May 13th, 2006 11:43 AM

Flemming I really recommend Cineform if you can afford it by the way.
Here's another thing we've done, we installed the Vegas editing software DEMO only, which is more compatible with the BR than premiere.
We left it on the system, It might be another reason the deck started working consistently, try it, what the hell!

Ben Jehoshua

Ben Jehoshua May 13th, 2006 11:47 AM

Here's a program that captures from the deck as well. We installed it on all of our systems, and we use it to capture from tape as well as monitor our shooting

It's called DVRack with HDV powerpack

it also installs some stuff that might have helped our devices work.
You can download and install a full working demo for 30 days, if you connect your devices (camera, deck) to the program and it can see the picture when you have a live feed or press play on the deck, then your problem is fixed

Ben Jehoshua

Jeff Schaap October 17th, 2006 06:58 AM

Problem solved
I had this same issue- Premiere would not control my BR-HD50 but I could free capture if I started the deck manually. After many hours of fustration and searching for answers I finally discovered that the INPUT switch on the front panel has to be on the "HDV/DV" input or it won't work! Crazy eh? Once I flipped the switch to this position everything worked. Hope this resolves it for you too.

Jeff Schaap

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