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Manny Rodriguez December 30th, 2005 03:22 PM

FINAL CUT PRO 5 / GY-HDV100 codec
Does anyone know when, or hear of something, as far as FCP/Apple will make our HDV100's compatible? this suck!

Brian Duke December 30th, 2005 06:06 PM

Probably on January 9, 2006 when Apple makes new announcements on new product. At leats I hope or it WILL suck BIG TIME!!!

Manny Rodriguez December 30th, 2005 06:10 PM

FINAL CUT PRO 5 / GY-HDV100 codec
I sure hope so, You know any other Mac Editing software able to edit this?

Gary McClurg December 30th, 2005 06:19 PM

I heard that in a few weeks an update will come to support 24F AND 30F from the Canon in FCP... maybe they'll throw in the JVC as well...

Brian Duke December 30th, 2005 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Manny Rodriguez
I sure hope so, You know any other Mac Editing software able to edit this?

You can still edit now, but you need the third party application, such as HDVXDV or Lumiere. Both are cheap. less than $100.

Manny Rodriguez December 30th, 2005 08:45 PM

FINAL CUT PRO 5 / GY-HDV100 codec
How does HDVXDV handle time code? or can it? Do we have to work around it?

Scott Harper December 30th, 2005 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Brian Duke
You can still edit now, but you need the third party application, such as HDVXDV or Lumiere. Both are cheap. less than $100.

I can't recomend the latter one. I tried it but couldn't capture 24p with any real success. Save your money and hope for an update from Apple soon.

Brian Duke December 30th, 2005 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Manny Rodriguez
How does HDVXDV handle time code? or can it? Do we have to work around it?

Tim Dashwood covered some of this here:


It does handle timecode as far as I know.

Tim Dashwood December 31st, 2005 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Brian Duke
You can still edit now, but you need the third party application, such as HDVXDV or Lumiere. Both are cheap. less than $100.

Actually, HDVxDV is $80 but LumiereHD is $179.

Tim Dashwood December 31st, 2005 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Scott Harper
I can't recomend the latter one. I tried it but couldn't capture 24p with any real success. Save your money and hope for an update from Apple soon.

Yeah. LumiereHD is still in beta, and it is definitely buggy. Unfortunately they don't offer a trial version so you have to buy it before realizing it doesn't really work as advertised.
I've tried on Panther and Tiger to make it work consistently and I keep having problems.
At the moment I personally would recommend HDVxDV because it is simple, it maintains audio sync, and attempts to capture 24P timecode (with mixed results.) You can also download a free trial before deciding to buy.

It is wishful thinking to hope that Apple will release an update to FCP5 at Macworld. I think Macworld this year is going to be all about Intel based Powebooks, iBooks and Mac Minis. We may have to wait until NAB in April for full FCP5 support of 720P24.

Manny Rodriguez January 1st, 2006 11:55 PM

LEts hope it doesn't go that way

Albert Henson January 2nd, 2006 03:30 PM

I wouldn't count on an update from apple. Apple tends to shy away from products that may not be up to snuff. They don't want to have camera issues misconstrued with Final Cut Pro issues. The suport for Panasonic, and sony is already a good indicator of who they are in bed with. I am uncertain if JVC has any leverage with them, however, Apple has built a loyal and growing following with Final Cut Pro. In fact many professionals have converted from PC to Apple for that very reason-that is the economical reliability and user friendliness of FCP. I would suggest writing apple, and making note of the number of HD100's out there, and that it would be to their benefit to adopt and produce product support for the 720p HDV format. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will be out of luck. All the same, if we really want apple to get on board, let's get JVC to have all the bugs worked out so that all stakeholers will have peace of mind that the hd100 is a sound product. I would be uneasy and reluctant to produce media support for a product that could be obsolete in a few months.

John M Burkhart January 2nd, 2006 08:14 PM

Well, if you want to let apple know you want full HD100 support- here's where you tell them:


Keep after them...

Brian Duke January 2nd, 2006 09:31 PM

I ahve heard from both apple and JVC that it will be available and that Apple IS working on support, but they have been saying it for a while now.

Kevin Herrin January 3rd, 2006 01:45 PM

I am a little unclear about what FCP will not do with HDV. I can import and edit on a 720p30 sequence just fine. Is the render issue? Just curious.

Manny Rodriguez January 3rd, 2006 02:34 PM

FINAL CUT PRO 5 / GY-HDV100 codec
Our Issue with FCP is it wont't do HDV 720p 24fps

Manny Rodriguez January 3rd, 2006 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Tim Dashwood
Yeah. LumiereHD is still in beta, and it is definitely buggy. Unfortunately they don't offer a trial version so you have to buy it before realizing it doesn't really work as advertised.
I've tried on Panther and Tiger to make it work consistently and I keep having problems.
At the moment I personally would recommend HDVxDV because it is simple, it maintains audio sync, and attempts to capture 24P timecode (with mixed results.) You can also download a free trial before deciding to buy.

It is wishful thinking to hope that Apple will release an update to FCP5 at Macworld. I think Macworld this year is going to be all about Intel based Powebooks, iBooks and Mac Minis. We may have to wait until NAB in April for full FCP5 support of 720P24.

Hey Tim I went over your instructions using HDVxdv, it worked good, bbut the only issue is way out of sync, am I doing something wrong here?



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