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Kennedy Maxwell May 7th, 2008 03:31 PM

Someone please explain HDV-480/60p and why.

Marc Colemont May 7th, 2008 04:17 PM

This format is available on the HD100 as an in between format between NTSC and HD 720P.
It gives the user the option to shoot and tape 60P ( the P of Progressive) on the 24, 25, 30 frame HD100 camera.
The result is a higher resolution then the NTSC and PAL formats as the images are not interlaced but full progressive frames, and lower then the HD200 series which can shoot in 720P60 on tape due to the super-encoder, which the HD100 series does not have.

Kennedy Maxwell May 7th, 2008 05:13 PM

Thanks, Marc. I wonder, then, why it is the 16x9 format rather than 4x3? If I want 16x9 I would rather shoot 720p.

Justin Ferar May 8th, 2008 11:31 AM

It allows you to "overcrank" at SD rez.

Jack Walker May 8th, 2008 12:04 PM

The HD100-110 cameras could not process HDV at 60 frames per second. Thus came the new "Super Encoder" in the HD200-250 cameras. This allowed full HDV at 60 frames per second.

With the 100 series cameras it was common to use the 480 line (or better yet 576 line) 60p and uprez to full HDV size when overcrank was wanted to do slow motion. There are several threads about this somewhere.

SD 16x9 is not an uncommon format in its own right, as well.

Kennedy Maxwell May 8th, 2008 06:40 PM

Thanks everybody. I now have another tool in my bag.
Best regards,

Jeremy Clark August 25th, 2008 04:39 PM

I realize this post was several months back, but I recently shot in the HDV-SD480/60P mode during a mountain bike festival in Whistler, Canada, and the footage & slow-mo looks great. My only problem was that FCP was unable to import my footage, but iMovie worked without any problems - and without time code or import breaks which is a huge problem for me with Final Cut. Frustrating, but I was able to transfer my clip files into the FCP timeline, then rendering to play back in the viewer. Hey, whatever works.

I'll have my video posted to youtube in a few days, under Fusion HD, Crankworx 2008. It's four minutes, so there's likely to be a lot of compression.

- Jeremy

Peter Ford August 27th, 2008 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy Clark (Post 924764)
I realize this post was several months back, but I recently shot in the HDV-SD480/60P mode during a mountain bike festival in Whistler, Canada, and the footage & slow-mo looks great. My only problem was that FCP was unable to import my footage, but iMovie worked without any problems - and without time code or import breaks which is a huge problem for me with Final Cut. Frustrating, but I was able to transfer my clip files into the FCP timeline, then rendering to play back in the viewer. Hey, whatever works.

I'll have my video posted to youtube in a few days, under Fusion HD, Crankworx 2008. It's four minutes, so there's likely to be a lot of compression.

- Jeremy

id always thought that 60p mode was a bit of a gimmick, until i read this. I didnt realise imove could cpature it, so Ive just done some tests.

Imovie captured it fine, I then had to use cinema tools to conform the frame rate to 25 fps (im in uk, so work with pal), and dropped it into final cut.

Footage doesnt look bad- not as nice as the normal footage I get out of the 101, but nice to know it can do 60fps if needed. Might film some most test footage of skateboarders and anything else I can think of that would look good slow.

Quick note for anyone- when working with higher frame rates, make sure you increase the shutter speed too. A shutter of 1/60, at 60fps, will result in slo mo footage with motion blur- not the nice crisp slo mo footage most people are after. I have a rough rule of always shooting with the shutter speed double that of my frame rate

Alex Humphrey August 28th, 2008 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy Clark (Post 924764)
I realize this post was several months back, but I recently shot in the HDV-SD480/60P mode during a mountain bike festival in Whistler, Canada, and the footage & slow-mo looks great. My only problem was that FCP was unable to import my footage, but iMovie worked without any problems - and without time code or import breaks which is a huge problem for me with Final Cut. Frustrating, but I was able to transfer my clip files into the FCP timeline, then rendering to play back in the viewer. Hey, whatever works.

I'll have my video posted to youtube in a few days, under Fusion HD, Crankworx 2008. It's four minutes, so there's likely to be a lot of compression.

- Jeremy

wow! I'll have to give imovie a try. Does FCP Studio 1 have Cinema tools? (hoping to put off getting FCS2 and get FCS3 when it comes out later)

Jeremy Clark September 3rd, 2008 10:40 AM

Correction on my youtube location: my account is under fusionhidef. Enter Crankworx 2008 in search, then scroll down until you find fusionhidef. My home page also has my first video shoot for a race car event, but I will need to recompress for higher quality playback. Let me know what you think.. thanks!

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