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Alex Humphrey March 7th, 2008 03:57 PM

SD HDV 480p 60fps ever for FCP?
Hello, just wondering if anyone with the latest FCP has support now for capturing and editing JVC's SD HDV 480p HDV at 60fps since apple has been upgraded to handle 720p at 60fps?

Alex Humphrey July 18th, 2009 08:43 PM

was bored today and came up with an answer if anyone still cares about SD HDV 480p 60fps off of JVC HD1, 10 and HD100/110 series cameras into Final Cut Pro.

My goal was to try out the 60p widescreen, slow it down to 24p (extending the time, not just dropping frames) and make decent slow motion on a mac platform. So much for macs ALWAYS being simpler than PC's. they are not always. So this is the method I came up with today. (I wanted to do some slow motion stuff soon)

1. OK shoot SD HDV 480p 60fps... DUH... on a JVC HD 1/10/100/110
2. Capture via iMovie. (FCP still doesn't and will never recognize this format)
3. Spark up Cinema Tools (FCP Studio 1 is what I have)
4. Batch Conform (Cinema Tools/File/Batch Conform/ (pick your footage clip) pick your frame rate (24)) Enter
5. open up your new slow motion conformed clip in your Quick Time Pro.
6. Export out of Quick Time Pro the clip as a quicktime movie 720p 24fps HDV.
7. Import the new clip into your new 24p 720p (60p 480p slowed down and uprezed original) HDV timeline in Final cut pro and it should look pretty good next to your normal 24fps 720p footage...

Alex Humphrey August 23rd, 2009 08:57 PM

Alex can moon walk!
trying to upload 10 seconds of video.... sorry, it aint happening on this here broadband in kaliforn-ia

Steve Oakley September 28th, 2009 12:03 AM

I loaded some SD 480/60p via the HDV->ProRes preset and it worked... FCP6.0.6 and 10.6.1

I was also able to load it via HDMI into my MXO2. seems like the deck might actually upres it as it reports back as 1280 native clips.... you still have to go use cinematools to set the frame rate to 24FPS, but that takes only a minute. its pretty cool because I'm going to use it this week for a shoot.

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