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Greg Corke January 25th, 2008 04:07 PM

Quick back up question
Hello to all,

I have about 35 hours of footage from a project and I need to get a digital back up of all this as m2ts files. My question is this; is there any software that I can install onto my computer that will allow me to connect the camera or deck and play an entire sixty minute tape and convert this to an M2ts file or several files.

Thanks in advance, Greg.

Marc Colemont January 26th, 2008 05:07 AM

Mac or PC? Which NLE? Mostly all NLE software now a days do it.
For example on PC Premiere Pro of the HDlink software from Cineform does the trick for you.

Greg Corke January 26th, 2008 02:32 PM

Sorry forgot to mention I don't want to use an NLE and I'm PC based at the moment

Sean Adair January 27th, 2008 10:39 AM

on Mac we have DVHScap and I think it might exist for PC as well. It does exactly that. But why avoid a NLE if you have one? You don't have to keep project files, it's really how well the interface works for an extensive job like this.

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