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Suzanne Lucas December 4th, 2007 09:54 PM

Editing JVC on a PC
I was hoping someone could tell me if the Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 is a good software to use for editing footage from a JVC GY HD100U on a PC. I have the P.C. setup and would like to stay with that. I have been teaching myself every step of the way and it has been a long process and I realize I am about to hit a wall hard with editing and I am trying to make this as painless as possible both with the cost and the learning curve. Please help. Suzanne

Brian Luce December 4th, 2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Suzanne Lucas (Post 787425)
I was hoping someone could tell me if the Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 is a good software to use for editing footage from a JVC GY HD100U on a PC. I have the P.C. setup and would like to stay with that. I have been teaching myself every step of the way and it has been a long process and I realize I am about to hit a wall hard with editing and I am trying to make this as painless as possible both with the cost and the learning curve. Please help. Suzanne

Have you already purchased premiere? If not, the most user friendly/inexpensive software is Vegas. Works great with JVC.

Joseph A. Benoit December 4th, 2007 11:33 PM

I agree 100% with Brian.

I have the 110
and vegas works like a charm for me.
Using tape or the Dr hd100/M2t files.

Just my opinion


Jon Jaschob December 5th, 2007 01:06 AM

I use Adobe PPro2 and Aspect HD from CineForm. I'm very happy with this set up.

Ted Ramasola December 5th, 2007 03:53 AM


Edius has presets for the hd100. Rocksolid platform. Using it for corporatework and TVCs. DVDs and theatrical projection.
We were using premiere for more than 10 years. Abandoned them since they introduced the pro. It just became clunky and too heavy for our systems.
We still use their After effects, photoshop and encore products though.

We have 5 edit workstations running Edius in our facility.


Jim Boda December 5th, 2007 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Suzanne Lucas (Post 787425)
I was hoping someone could tell me if the Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 is a good software to use for editing footage from a JVC GY HD100U on a PC...

I'm not sure where Premiere ranks...

But, the top 2 natural editing platforms for the JVC hdv format on the PC would be (IMO) :

1) Grass Valley's Edius
2) Avid's Liquid

Oscar Honorio Pantoja December 5th, 2007 09:00 AM

Hi guys, I work in premiere pro 2.0 native editing m2t, but cineform???????
No is a good idea. JVC settings for premiere pro 2.0 work editing a m2t files directly.
Better image quality.

K. Tessman December 5th, 2007 11:00 AM

Bull was edited with Premiere Pro and Cineform.

Suzanne Lucas December 5th, 2007 07:37 PM

I have not purchased the software yet I wanted to get some suggestions from people who have actually used the camera and done some editing on the PC first. I called my JVC rep and he really had no answers for me. I was very happy to find this site and I really appreciate all of you taking the time to share your experience and knowledge with me, I think it's great. I will look into these options that have been mentioned.

Bill Ravens December 5th, 2007 07:49 PM

Vegas Pro8 and Cineform

Dennis Tzeng December 5th, 2007 08:33 PM

I use Premiere Pro CS3 and Cineform Aspect HD. Using the native HDV preset doesn't work very well even on a dual core 2.4

Adam Letch December 6th, 2007 05:45 PM

Hey Bill
hows it going, it's Cineform Neo HDV for Vegas 8 isn't it? Did they iron out the wrinkles using Cineform and Vegas?
One can't discount at the moment that Avid Liquid supports 50p/60p, even though I'm a Vegas man. FCP also now supports 50/60p.
Though Suzanne,for anything 24/25/30p, Vegas is a solid solution and well priced .
Good Luck


Suzanne Lucas December 8th, 2007 12:22 AM

Vegas It Is
I have taken a look at the Vegas software and I do think that is where I will start. Thank you. I am sure once I get started I will have several more questions so get ready.... I look forward to the day I might actually have some answers.

Mark Cowherd December 12th, 2007 09:38 PM

Does Edius not work with MS Vista?
I installed the giveaway copy of edius broadcast that i got with my hd 250 and it will not work on my MS windows vista operating system. Am i doing something wrong or is it only for windows XP or is there a patch.

Jack Walker December 12th, 2007 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mark Cowherd (Post 791480)
I installed the giveaway copy of edius broadcast that i got with my hd 250 and it will not work on my MS windows vista operating system. Am i doing something wrong or is it only for windows XP or is there a patch.

The Canopus forum is good for getting quick, accurate, short answers from Canopus staff and experienced users on this kind of question.

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