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Darrin McMillan April 25th, 2007 09:41 AM

Hey Guy's,
Here is a really quick vid with my daughter and nephew playing in a creek. It was shot with the HD10...No CC, Auto White balance. It's not the best but hey all this revived talk of the Hd10 inspired me.
the link will only be good till April 27

Damon Gaskin April 25th, 2007 09:34 PM

I actually liked the look of it.. Very filmatic looking.. What settings did you use? Did you use ND filters?

Darrin McMillan April 25th, 2007 11:22 PM

I shot it in 30P with a shutter speed of 60..I used a Tiffen circular polarizer. That's it, other then that it was pretty run and gun.. I really enjoy working with the HD10, even with it's vast limitations..It's a really rugged smaller( then my XL2) sized camera. I really could have spent a bit more time editing, but hey. It is what it is. If anyone wants to see more HD10 samples just ask.

Damon Gaskin April 26th, 2007 06:54 PM

Thanks Darrin.. I have a request for you if you don't mind. Can you take some low light/no light footage? If you can do that, I would be extremely grateful. Also, when you do, can you let me know your settings you use? This is supposedly the achilies heel of this camera.. I would like to see how it really looks if you please. It doesn't even have to be edited.. Just so its dark and I can truly see..


Darrin McMillan April 26th, 2007 09:39 PM

night footage
Here is a sample that I did last summer. I did nothing to it in post. It is all automatic White balance..Which is a no no . If you manual white balance under these conditions you will get much better results..but this was a test so...


Darrin McMillan April 26th, 2007 09:56 PM

Low Light
Here is another low light test

Damon Gaskin April 27th, 2007 04:11 AM

Thanks Darrin! I am downloading the Quicktime as I type this. The windows media file, when I click on it, says it cannot display the web page.. However, thank you for doing this for me! I appreciate it..


Darrin McMillan April 27th, 2007 04:28 AM

The windows media file should be ok I just tried it. Make sure you save it to disk.

Damon Gaskin April 27th, 2007 04:37 AM

Ok, very cool! Now it's working for me! Thanks alot! I do appreciate it... I am sure I will have more questions for you later, depending on how the low light looks.. But I do thank you very much. This will at least solve my curiosity and also allow me to make my decision once and for all on which camera to select...

Thank you...!!!!

Damon Gaskin April 27th, 2007 04:43 AM

Ok, so that isn't bad low light! At least not compared to what I am gettting now from my current camcorder!!! I would take that in a second! Maybe it is compared to other camcorders, but that isn't bad at all! Hmmnn... So from what you said, with the exception of focus, everything was auto?! Very cool! This has complicated things alot!!!!

I had pretty much made up my mind to go with a FX7, but this doesn't look bad at all! Urrggghhh.... Hmmnnn.... Confusion, confusion... Any filters used on these shots?

Damon Gaskin April 27th, 2007 05:43 PM

Ok, this is getting insane! The price has dropped on it once again! Man, I am soo tempted!!!

Darrin, can you answer for me, how dark really was it when you shot that? In your raw video, does it show chroma noise because in your video you sent, it doesn't look like it to me, or such a small amt that its insanely minor. And I like the progressive look.. It doesn't look like video!!

Now I am kinda confused on it!!! Hmmnnn....

Darrin McMillan April 28th, 2007 05:21 PM

The camera isn't that bad in low light as everybody seems to think. It definately isn't it's strength, but you can make it work. You can't have the AGC on at all.. period or you increase the chance of Noise big time.. If you are willing to spend the time to learn the camera it works really well. It's not the easiest camera right out of the box , but hey...You should learn how to use any camera that you get.. I don't use this camera in auto mode at all...Never... However it only takes me a few seconds to get what I want manually... I can tell you that I have had mine since it cam out and I still love it...
Some keys.
1. Never shoot in Auto
2. Never use AGC
3. Always use Manual White Balance
4. Use Manual focus when you can
5. Pick up some ND Filters
6. Have fun

That's it...I have more samples if you like..just let me know.

Greg Toope May 9th, 2007 01:14 PM

More samples please
The samples you posted so far are great and Im pretty sure that for the price you can get an HD1 at BHphoto Ill be grabbing one. But is it at all possible to upload a full res version of a clip? That would be fantastic if possible. Im on a mac but so far Ive been able to view all clips.


Macbook 1.83ghz dual core
PowerMac G4 1.25 ghz

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