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-   -   I've uploaded 12 clips to dvinfo.net site (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/jvc-gr-hd1u-jy-hd10u/11460-ive-uploaded-12-clips-dvinfo-net-site.html)

Paul Mogg June 30th, 2003 03:37 PM

I've uploaded 12 clips to dvinfo.net site
Hi there,
I've uploaded 12 clips to the DVinfo.net site, if someone could let people know how to access them I'd be grateful.

Hope you like them.


p.s. the "peaking" circuitry on the LCD screen of the camera seems to work well to make focusing easier than you would think.

Chris Hurd June 30th, 2003 04:22 PM

The complete directory listing may be viewed at http://www.dvinfo.net/jvc/media/, however all the clip's file extensionsare .m2t which won't load properly in Windows Media 9 (my copy, at least). Should I re-name them as .mpg?

Michael Pappas June 30th, 2003 04:34 PM

No Chris, leave the files as is. That is a special file format. Did the Golden Gate Bridge shot from Emotion get posted as well for comparisons against other HD camera?

Michael Pappas

Michael Pappas June 30th, 2003 04:43 PM

Great work paul! Thanks for doing this! I am downloading them now, which file is the GGB shot with the cinealta?

Chris Hurd June 30th, 2003 05:06 PM


Did the Golden Gate Bridge shot from Emotion get posted
Not aware of that one. Can you suggest a viewer for .mt2 files?

Robert Jackson June 30th, 2003 05:08 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Michael Pappas : No Chris, leave the files as is. That is a special file format. Did the Golden Gate Bridge shot from Emotion get posted as well for comparisons against other HD camera?

Michael Pappas -->>>

Could someone explain the format, I'm not familiar with it and a quick search doesn't yield any information about it on the web.


Alex Knappenberger June 30th, 2003 05:12 PM

It's MPEG2, use DVD player software.

Chris Hurd June 30th, 2003 05:20 PM

It's an MPEG-2 transport stream, but the only DVD player I have on this machine (InterVideo WinDVD) doesn't want to open it (apparantly a limitation of my particular version, which came with this Vaio laptop).

Paul Mogg June 30th, 2003 05:27 PM

I didn't bring the CineAlta clip with me today so I'll upload it tonight, my JVC version of it is up there though, it's the golden gate bridge head on telephoto shot.

Robert Jackson June 30th, 2003 05:56 PM

Yeah, I can't get the OS-X DVD player, Quicktime or MPlayerOSXGUI to play it. Any Apple users got any recommendations?

Michael Pappas June 30th, 2003 06:12 PM

You will need a VideoLan player for this file. For macOSX and Windows.

Here is the link: http://www.videolan.org/

michael pappas

Heath McKnight June 30th, 2003 06:24 PM


Any advice and tips for me now that I have my HD10? This will help me out and give others a chance to see how you got those shots.


Robert Jackson June 30th, 2003 06:30 PM

Thanks for the software tip, it's running fine now.

Great footage! I don't see anything to be unhappy about in the way these images are being captured. Thanks so much for posting these clips!


Alex Knappenberger June 30th, 2003 06:52 PM

That footage is pretty good. If I had the camera myself, I'd personally just shoot in HD to downconvert to SD, it looks really good then. There seems to be lots of color noise for some reason though, maybe its the mpeg2 compression? Try upping the saturation and the noise will jump out at you.

Paul Mogg June 30th, 2003 06:53 PM

The main things I've learned that all these shots were done with, is to set the shutter speed to 1/30th and leave it locked there, I found it seems to cure any juddering on pans and tilts in the main, and I love the motion it produces.
To focus, hit the autofocus button once to let the camera do it's thing, then turn it off again when you're happy. Also look for the peaking on the LCD screen to focus, it works well and really pops out at the right point.
I bought one of those Hoodman hoods for the LCD screen, works great outdoors where you can't do without it.
I also tried a little portable LCD monitor (4*6) for focusing more acurately and it helps a lot, especially at less than 15' from subject.
The viewfinder is useless for most purposes.
The manual zoom ring is useless for most purposes, it is not manual and jumps around even when you move it smoothly, the rocker zoom switch is better though very difficult to maintain a slow zoom with.
This weekend I filmed a wedding and used a .6 ND filter in bright sunlight and had no problems with the sky blowing out (that's not in these shots).
Apart from that, the usual, use a tripod or steadicam if at all possible, I'm dying to try it with a small steadicam.
The battery seems to last longer than I thought it would, though I bought a spare 8 hour one from B&H that you carry round in a little pouch.
I'll upload a few more clips in a little while when I get time.

Hope this helps


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