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Alan Tran August 11th, 2003 03:03 PM

Post pics of your setup
I enjoy looking at other peoples setups, to sort of get an idea for my own setup. So post em up!

Rob Wilson August 11th, 2003 03:57 PM

Not a bad idea, we could all learn from each others ideas. Only problem is you can't post pics to this forum. Any suggestions?

Alan Tran August 11th, 2003 04:03 PM

post links?

Alan Tran August 12th, 2003 04:36 AM

jeez...ill start it off


nothing too special..
canon gl2, powerbook g4, 80gb maxtor firewire drive, ipod :)

Graham Bernard August 12th, 2003 06:28 AM

Messy Me!!
Far far too tidy!!! I'm really embarrased . . . .


Kalmin Fullard August 12th, 2003 07:34 AM

Graham...right on...my studio (other bedroom) is a mess also! I thought I bought everything I could ever need...guess what I forgot?

A garbage can!

Yeah Alan, did you have a studio makeover right before you took that picture?

Alan Tran August 12th, 2003 01:33 PM



Graham Bernard August 12th, 2003 03:30 PM

Yeah? So, big deal! You pulled out a drawer . . .and roughed up the bedclothes a bit ! Amateur !


Steve Nunez August 13th, 2003 04:46 PM

Personal Mac G4 vid-editing setup

That's my personal home setup:
Mac G4/933, Apple Cinema 23" HD Display, Envision 15" LCD monitor, Samsung NTSC TV, Panasonic Palmcorder (as VTR), 5.6" Varizoom LCD Monitor, Canon EOS 10D for digi-stills, Editor's Toolkit Digital Juice & BackTraxx Music Library ($999), Videonics Firestore, iPod for aiff's, Contour designs Shuttle, Griffen Technology Powermate (FCP scrolling), Final Cut Pro 3, 2 Ext. Firwire Drives (60GB), 6 speakers, 2 sub-woofers, Hiti Dye-Sub printer (Epson 1280 out of view), tons of other small video goodies out of sight...

...just a serious hobbyist.....redtail hawk project in progress shown for NYC Bronx Parks Dept.

Of course there's more stuff I'd like to get....still working on getting new things!
have fun guys.

Alex Knappenberger August 13th, 2003 05:01 PM

Damn, Steve.

This is embarrassing. :D


What you see is pretty much it, other then my little panasonic minidv....which was used to take that...

Oh yeah, it's a bad panaroma, I know. :)

Steve Nunez August 13th, 2003 05:08 PM

Alex- I should be embarrased by your tidy setup! Nice.

Steven Digges August 13th, 2003 10:37 PM


Do you like the Digital Juice products? They are on my wish list.


Charles King August 13th, 2003 11:46 PM

if you want to see peoples...
setup, then look here for lots of variations:


Lots of great pics. Just click on the next button.

Graham Bernard August 14th, 2003 12:23 AM

. . I love this Internet Stuff !
Charles brilliant . . . this is perfect for someone needing to know variations for ideas of setup and monitor/cards.



Charles King August 14th, 2003 04:43 AM

No problem buddy

Steve Nunez August 14th, 2003 07:16 AM


The Digital Juice stuff works extremely well. The Backtraxx Music Library is a bit "generic" for my tastes but has allot of potential for corporate and wedding videographers, the music is well suited for professional "customer" videographers.

The Editors Toolkit is especially awesome- it allows you to generate opaque and semi transparent lower thirds, 1/2 screen and other various partial screen backgrounds well suited to text, Logo ID's and video scrolling text. The lower thirds graphics animate (and they usually have static ones as well) and come in color coordinated sets- everything from animated gears in colors to the same graphics as a background and 1/2 screens- the Edtors Toolkit is great for any event videographer. You specify the amount of frames you'd like made (i think it generates a duration as a result of your choices) and can loop seamlessly- you can specify- .mov files, avi, T1, D1, HD and just about every type resolution in between and the computer will generate the animation. It's not for everyone but those who can use this sort of on-screen graphic will be very pleased with it....highly recommended.
(my opinion anyway)
(works great with both Mac and PC systems)

Bo Smith August 15th, 2003 05:30 AM



Steven Digges August 15th, 2003 10:07 AM


Thanks for the info on the Juice.

The photography on your site looks great. An air brubrush artist, good for you. I had to choose a mechanical medium to express my art because I have no freehand talent.


Steve Nunez August 16th, 2003 07:52 AM

Thanks Steven.

Digital Juice is indeed great.

If anyone wants to check out any of my airbrushing- feel free to browse my jobsite via here-


Personal site here-


Chris Hurd August 18th, 2003 07:11 AM

Here's my old one, from the house we used to rent near San Marcos.




Steve Nunez August 18th, 2003 05:16 PM

Chris Hurd,

beautiful setup.....2 XL's and a nice PC based setup- sweet!
Where are the GL's?

Alan Tran August 18th, 2003 08:56 PM

lets get some camera pics

Chris Hurd August 20th, 2003 12:04 AM

Steve -- I don't own any GL's! Wish I did... one of the XL's, the one with the Mini-35, is a loaner I had for a week (that week).

Will Fastie August 20th, 2003 10:20 AM

Welcome to the Bargain Basement.



Rob Lohman August 20th, 2003 10:24 AM

What I find fascinating is that everybody seems to have such
small desks and/or cramped ones. Now I can't say my current
desk is spacey and it certainly is cramped but that is due to me
being in a temporary location. In my previous home I already had
a pretty large table and I'm thinking of actually getting a large
wooden tabletop and simply add it to the wall. I need my space!

John Locke August 20th, 2003 11:39 PM

Great setup, Pierre. And if you get tired and want a nap, you can curl up anywhere...ceiling, walls, floor...

Good idea for sound insulation.

Alan Tran August 20th, 2003 11:45 PM

lets get some camera pics!!!

Dylan Couper August 21st, 2003 12:30 AM

I'll post pics of my editing setup....
As soon as I move enough papers, books and empty tape cases out of the way so you can actually see it.

Barry Rivadue August 21st, 2003 10:59 AM

Sorry to interrupt this terrific thread, but how does one add a link to click on to? How do you upload the photos? I may be into digital video, but some of this other computer stuff unfortunately remains a mystery.


Graham Bernard August 21st, 2003 11:06 AM

Barry, this'll get yah there . . .


Neat eh?


Barry Rivadue August 21st, 2003 02:11 PM


Boyd Ostroff August 23rd, 2003 07:44 PM

Here's my setup

Alan Tran August 23rd, 2003 08:21 PM


Dean Sensui August 23rd, 2003 09:01 PM

Here's where I spend a good chunk of my spare time:


The equipment/mixer racks and hush box with plexiglas doors are home-made.

Dean Sensui
Base Two Productions

Boyd Ostroff August 24th, 2003 06:09 AM

Very cool guys. It's fun to see where everyone works. I think this thread was also a good idea because it's forced us to do some much needed house-cleaning ;-)

Andrew Petrie August 24th, 2003 10:18 AM

I envy all of you who have those widescreen monitors.

All this thread has done is turn me into a crying baby, huddled in a corner. :)

Still waiting for my 13" tv to come in.

Dylan Couper August 25th, 2003 01:18 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Matt Brouwer : http://scholar.surfwax.com/servlet/c...9845662153.jpg
It's a little different now... The video monitor is on the other side and it's a little cleaner haha! -->>>

Please, please tell me the story behind "VIVA EL DINKY!"

Ed Smith August 25th, 2003 02:54 PM

Well since people are posting there setups, thought that I should post mine.


The pictures are a bit old now.

This is cool seeing other peoples setups.

All the best,


Will Fastie August 25th, 2003 06:00 PM

This thread is so entertaining and informative that it should be institutionalized. How about a place in the profile for including a link to photos like this? Maybe a link to a photo of one's self so we can see what everybody looks like, not just the moderators?

I realize that there's a spot for a home page, but my current site is not video related so I do not include it in the profile. I did host the pic of my setup on my site; it's just not accessible from the site, only from DVi.

I'm not suggesting that DVi host the photos, just provide the link.


Matt Brouwer August 25th, 2003 06:51 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Dylan Couper :

Please, please tell me the story behind "VIVA EL DINKY!" -->>>
Well... I got it with the desk. The advertising agency that was above my dad's shop was closing and so they had a bunch of furniture to sell. When I was buying one of the desks from them, I spotted the poster next to a wall. I asked the guy if he would be willing to sell the poster because I thought it was very cool. He gave it to me with the desk so I was stoked. It's one of the ad agency's creations. They were big fans of chihuahuas.

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