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Mark Moore September 18th, 2003 07:12 PM

Photos of Editing Suite
I know there is a thread someone started, but I couldn't find it (searched twice!).

I was able to purchase a used editing suite and it has all of the bells and whistles on it. I've installed in just outside my office, as I don't really have room for it in there.

One question though, where do I plug my camera in???


Jeff Donald September 18th, 2003 07:16 PM

Congrats! Very impressive.

Neil Fisher September 20th, 2003 09:55 PM

for just getting out of high school, it's all I can afford.

My Setup

- sennheiser ME66
- canon WD58H
- manfrotto 190CL tripod
- manfrotto 128RC head

Sony PCG-R505JLK
-PIII @ 750mHz
-384 RAM
-11MB shared vid card :( ouch!!
-Maxtor 160gb external HD 1394
-ADS external HD case --- housing Maxtor 160gb HD
-Yamaha 20x10x10 CD-R+RW

Compaq iPaq 3650 - handheld
Hp iPaq 1940 - handheld
Ericsson t39 - moblie phone
Sony Ericsson HBH-60 - bluetooth headset

Alan Tran September 21st, 2003 12:35 AM

link doesnt work?

Graham Bernard September 21st, 2003 12:39 AM

Neil - I didn\'t get a connection via your link? Something down? . . ..


Neil Fisher September 21st, 2003 09:51 AM

try this one, and unfortunatly scrolling is involved :(


Graham Bernard September 21st, 2003 10:12 AM

Nope - not happening yet . . . Big black frame with a little box with white cross ion centre. Something wrong with the picture? What format are you working in?


Alan Tran September 21st, 2003 12:12 PM

images dont appear

Corey MacGregor September 22nd, 2003 10:08 AM

here\'s mine:


Alan Tran September 22nd, 2003 10:17 AM

nice bong


Jamie Davis September 22nd, 2003 10:59 AM

I can\'t believe you missed that on the desk before you took the shot...must be some good stuff

Corey MacGregor September 22nd, 2003 04:20 PM

Oops...I knew i forgot something!

Yi Fong Yu September 22nd, 2003 04:32 PM

so THAT\'S what inspires ya... maybe i should get into it =D


<<<-- Originally posted by Corey MacGregor : Oops...I knew i forgot something! -->>>

Yi Fong Yu September 22nd, 2003 04:33 PM

oops... forgot. here\'s my "editing room":


actually i watch more movies than i make on it. my cam isn\'t in it. it\'s a Sony Hi8... actually i\'m just too ashamed to show that considering everyone\'s got their nice DV cams =(. hopefully i can save enough up for it next year.

Alan Tran September 22nd, 2003 04:41 PM

i like your improv cd case speaker stand on your monitor

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