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Mike Law March 23rd, 2006 08:39 PM

? about editing software
I will be doing outdoor video, i bought a pd170. I have windows xp. i want a good editing software to make my own dvd's. Im sure the sky is the limit with price, id like a quality software that i can use that is user friendly. Im new to all this and will be slow at first so please bear with me. any ideas would be greatly appreicated. Is there anything im missing? Thanks for anyones advice. Mike

Chris Barcellos March 23rd, 2006 10:26 PM

Simple program easy to use - Pinnacle Studio 10--About $60.00

More advanced Vegas Movie Studio + DVD Platinum- gives lot of features of the high end Vegas, for about $100 + a nice DVD production program.

David Andrews March 24th, 2006 03:24 AM

This Canopus range is straightforward:

In the USA you can buy online from them via the How to buy tab.

Trond Saetre March 24th, 2006 11:34 AM

Adobe also has an entry level editing software.
Adobe Premiere Elements:


Costs $100

Mike Law March 24th, 2006 05:48 PM

Can i edit, make the movie and burn dvd's with all of these? Thanks for your help.

Trond Saetre March 24th, 2006 05:51 PM

Yes you can capture, edit, and make dvd's with all these options.

Mike Law March 25th, 2006 05:43 PM

Thanks for the info so you know of any shoulder mounts for the 170 i found one on B&H but there out of stock and 400! Thanks again Mike

Boyd Ostroff March 25th, 2006 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Law
know of any shoulder mounts for the 170

How about one of these?


Mike Law March 26th, 2006 04:46 PM

i found one called spyder brace cheep and looks nice! Thanks all

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