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Dave Campbell July 19th, 2005 10:01 PM

WMV9 audio question for my avlink player
Some questions. I just got my new I-O Data AVel LinkPlayer2 player and it works except the wmv9 file I made, I have no audio. So, I outputted from Ppro to wmv9 format. I left the audio settings alone. I am getting no audio out. If I put in a DVD, it works fine. But as soon as I hit play, the type of output, like PCM or ac3 goes off my recever. Now, I went back to PPro to see out output audio options there are, and it just the first 256k 2 channel.
I tried to change to the 5.1 mix, but I then get the upmixing error. Any ideas what I am messing up?

Also, can you make chapter type marks in a wmv9 file so you can skip along in the playing file like a DVD?



Kyle Edwards July 20th, 2005 02:31 AM

Are you running the latest Linkserver version? I believe it is 1.9b. If so, you can try their Advanced one. It's still beta but does more than the normal version.

Far as chapter marks, I do not believe so.

Dave Campbell July 20th, 2005 07:07 AM

I am still learning, but why do I need anything about linkserver? I am just playing the wmv9 dvd from the player to my TV. No computers involved.
Again, the disc plays fine in my computer. But, I put it into the player, and no audio, whether I do digital or stereo output.

I hear the beeps and stuff so I know the audio connection is working.


Kyle Edwards July 20th, 2005 11:42 AM

Have you updated the firmware since you have received the unit?

Dave Campbell July 20th, 2005 11:49 AM

I just got the unit last night. I spent an hour doing like 10 f/w updates.
Now it says none avaliable.

I still have not been able to figure out what these comments are about the

I did download the latest 1.9b avlink server, but I assume this is only needed on a server PC is you want to source material for the avel2 from a hard drive.


Steven Gotz July 20th, 2005 12:17 PM

Did you try a WM9 audio codec - instead of the pro audio codec?

Dave Campbell July 20th, 2005 01:36 PM

Steve, that will be my next thing to try tonight.


Dave Campbell July 20th, 2005 09:10 PM

I did re-encode with wma 9, and it worked like a champ.
I also played via the network server I set up. WAY COOL.

So, the only issue left is how do I do chapter points in wmv9.
I need a way to lets say jump every 5 minutes with the next button.


Steven Gotz July 20th, 2005 10:50 PM

Now you are asking for the currently impossible. Wait for real HD DVD encoding to become a standard and then perhaps you'll have menus and chapters.

In the meantime, I believe that fast-forward is all you get.

Dave Campbell July 21st, 2005 06:57 AM

Thanks Steve, can not hurt to ask. :o)

I really really love the avel2 player. The ability to pull material from anywhere on my network is just totally cool!!


Kevin Shaw July 21st, 2005 07:01 AM

If I understand correctly, you may be able to have the equivalent of chapter points on the LinkPlayer by encoding your video in separate chunks, naming those so they store in order in the file list and using the remote to skip to the next file. You wouldn't be able to build and display menus based on these chapter points on the Linkplayer, but you might have the equivalent of being able to go to the next section of the video while watching it. If anyone's tried this, please let us know whether it works.

Dave Campbell July 21st, 2005 10:34 AM

Kevin, this is the kind of idea I am looking for. I know we do not have official "chapter points", but after having them on my DVD's, I do not want to go back to the FF button if possible.

Now, I ordered the MS disc that is supposed to allow you to put menus in place for WMV9 stuff. I am trying to find on the MS site again, but so far no luck.

Lets see if we can find a way to make the next button work!


Kyle Edwards July 21st, 2005 05:53 PM

I was thinking about the next file option too, but I figured the delay would be too much. Tell us how that works out for you.

Also the menu for WMV DVDs should only work on the PC. Doubt it will in the AVeL2. Never know though. If you find that link, let us know too. Thanks.

Steven Gotz July 21st, 2005 08:08 PM

They could always change the Linkplayer firmware - if possible - to use the newer system. They seem to be actively improving the product.

Dave Campbell July 21st, 2005 09:06 PM

So, I tried burning two wmv files to a disc. When I play one file, when it completes it throws me back to the vidoe files menu. So, I do not see a away to do a select all files so they would play in order.

Now, I have a 230 minutes wedding video I took. Now, if it is a choice of one file where you can not easily get to the back part of the event, or chopping the wedding into different wmv files just lilke I would do with chapter points on a DVD, guess I would make multiple wmv files.


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