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-   -   imovie HD and Tiger rocks! (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/high-definition-video-editing-solutions/43846-imovie-hd-tiger-rocks.html)

Lou Squitieri May 1st, 2005 02:46 AM

imovie HD and Tiger rocks!
Just thought I'd post this, after hearing some of the new issues that folks are having with tiger, QT7, pro apps, ect.
Well, lets see; I just picked up Tiger after lunch....... now it's 3:30AM. I tried imovie HD with some HDV footage from my Z1, exported to idvd; no problems. Burned it with a nice menu. Then played it on my Avel link to my
65 inch HDTV. The picture is simply spectacular! (5 min of footage)
I had been using my PC, as I was anxiously awaiting for a workable solution from apple. I was doing PC export as HD WMV, or Divx,> Avel, and I'll add,this method was doing a pretty good job of it- roughly 80% as good as the cam to TV. Compared to the apple, the idvd footage looks so much better! Ofcoarse, this is just with my eyes. I still need to do more testing, but it's getting late. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Bring on fcp 5!

Roger Mason May 10th, 2005 08:16 AM

That's good news
... I have had a question about iMovie HD and iDVD5 that I can't find an answer for, maybe you could help. If I edit everything in HDV and burn to a DVD with iDVD, it can be played on a regular DVD player right? Is the quality still better than if I had used a pure SD workflow and is it a noticeable quality difference? Thanks.

BTW...when do you guys expect Apple to produce a Blu-Ray burning iDVD?

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