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Greg Harris May 13th, 2004 09:18 AM

Premier Pro 1.5 with HD
When that new Sony HD cam comes out, would we have to get buy new capturecard? Do you think it will be TRUE HD when you are editing in premier and watch it on your HD tv??

David Newman May 13th, 2004 09:50 AM

The upcoming Sony HDV camera uses IEEE1394 Firewire just like the JVC camera and all DV cameras -- no new capture card required.

Premiere Pro 1.5 has been enhanced for HD editing yet it still will not directly edit HDV content, for that your will need either tools from CineForm or MainConcept.

The definition of "True HD" would be greatly disputed as any of the ATSC formats greater than 720x576 is considered HD. The new Sony camera will be at a higher resolution than the current JVC model (1280x720p) at 1440x1080i.

Greg Harris May 13th, 2004 01:02 PM

Would it look like HD, or just super clear DV?

David Newman May 13th, 2004 01:16 PM

HD looks like HD if it spatially resolves more pixels than SD. Even the single chip JVC HD1 resolves more pixels than any DV camera. The Sony camera is likely to resolve 70% more pixels.

Greg Harris May 14th, 2004 04:58 AM

cool, super thanks

Alex Raskin May 15th, 2004 07:50 PM

PremierePro 1.5 and HD10
Anyone has hands-on experience with Adobe PPro 1.5?

Adobe claims that 1.5's NEW feature is HDV handling, but the same claim was made for 1.0 version???

What's new in 1.5, *really*, for the HD10 folks - do you know?

Richard Maloney May 16th, 2004 09:10 AM

My brother in laws company makes/sells the distributed computing module to adobe- he says the biggest diffrence is the new Pro will do HD. There u go!

David Newman May 16th, 2004 10:45 AM

Premiere Pro 1.5 still will not handle HDV natively. It has been enhanced to help in HD productions (EDL support and HD timecode handling etc.), but third party tools must be used for HDV work.

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