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Jacques E. Bouchard December 27th, 2008 02:05 AM

Definitive answer on removing pulldown on 24p footage?
I've Googled this several times, and every person seems to have a different answer. So I thought I'd ask here as a tie breaker.

Both my cameras (HV20, XH-A1) record 24p on tape by pulling down to 29.97, so unless I capture directly to hard disk I end up with a lot of judder.

What is the definitive way to remove pulldown, particularly in Vegas and Premiere Pro? Are there native solutions, or do I have to resort to third-party apps (such as Avisynth)?


David W. Jones December 27th, 2008 07:06 AM

Sorry but I use FCP & cinema tools to do any pull down removal if needed depending on the camera used.
By the way, the XH-A1 records true progressive unless you are recording standard Def.

Ray Bell December 27th, 2008 10:23 AM

Use Cineform... works perfect

Chris Barcellos December 27th, 2008 01:15 PM

I use Cineform NeoHDV. Works with both cameras. I edit mostly Vegas. For Premiere, you get more out of the higher priced packages that would not be usable in Vegas.

Jacques E. Bouchard December 27th, 2008 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by David W. Jones (Post 984515)
By the way, the XH-A1 records true progressive unless you are recording standard Def.

David, you are absolutely right. Playback is 60i only when outputting from component. guess I was still scarred from the last time I shot 24p using my HV20. :-)


Tom Roper December 27th, 2008 06:58 PM

The XH-A1 records progressive images, but adds 60i repeat flags. So depending on whether your NLE reports the flags, or ignores them just depends on it, but the pulldown flags are there.

Most mpeg utilities will report the 24f stream from the XH-A1 as 60i. You can remove the flags using the free utility, DGPulldown . You can remove the flags or add them back in.

Jacques E. Bouchard December 28th, 2008 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Tom Roper (Post 984806)
Most mpeg utilities will report the 24f stream from the XH-A1 as 60i. You can remove the flags using the free utility, DGPulldown . You can remove the flags or add them back in.

I looked at DGPulldown, and it seems to convert from 24p to 29.97. I couldn't find anything about removing pulldown flags.


Tom Roper December 28th, 2008 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Jacques E. Bouchard (Post 985039)
I looked at DGPulldown, and it seems to convert from 24p to 29.97. I couldn't find anything about removing pulldown flags.


There is a readme file that gives a brief explanation.

Basically, you check the radio button for "Custom", then put 23.976 --> 23.976. (Yes, just enter 23.976 into both boxes)

It will remove the flags.

Jacques E. Bouchard December 29th, 2008 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Tom Roper (Post 985044)
There is a readme file that gives a brief explanation.

Basically, you check the radio button for "Custom", then put 23.976 --> 23.976. (Yes, just enter 23.976 into both boxes)

It will remove the flags.

Thanks Tom.


Micky Hulse January 5th, 2009 06:18 PM


Not to hijack this thread, but I just shot a project using my XHA1@24p... I normally use FCP, but I am using Premiere Pro for this project.

What does the pull-down affect?

Would you suggest I always remove the pulldown on all of my 24p captured footage?


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