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John C. Plunkett September 4th, 2008 01:11 PM

Thanks for the response, Philip.

Travis Johnson September 6th, 2008 12:20 AM

Still seeking the locations. Anyone........anyone?

M. Paul El-Darwish September 8th, 2008 05:15 PM

2 or 3 Video Crew Needed as Character Models for Shoot
We have need to set up a still shoot that depicts a videographer and maybe a sound person on location covering a news event (perhaps on the Capitol Mall etc) SEE ATTACHED. There is NO MONEY in this as it's a payback favor to a manufacturer - Petrol Bags for loaning us a bag for review.
Basically we'll pay gas money and buy lunch and refreshments for crew assistance. The crew are the subjects. The scene depicts a camera on tripod with indie/i-reporter camera facing away to the scene (the capitol for example). In the foreground on the ground is the Petrol camera bag in question (that the real subject). In near background and slightly out of focus is the boompole operator for visual continuity.
So this is not about shooting video, but rather about shooting a still of a pair of audio/video guys that happen to use Petrol bags to haul gear around.
Like this..

Normally, we use each other as models but this time, we're stuck without models.

Shoot date can be anytime during the day - preferably during week in the afternoon between 2-4PM on the mall.(Smithsonian Metro)

What I need:
2, persons that look like indie moviemakers or ENG i-reporters. Age, gender & race are non-issues. Average build - no portly persons for this one.
Wardrobe = jeans or cargo pants + casual shirts + Video vest optional.NO bright INDIGO shirts, worn denim jeans preferred. Black or blue Baseball hats (no logos)+ sneakers. ALL black outfits are too much for this.
I will supply all the gear and the still photographer.

Joe Busch September 9th, 2008 09:44 PM

Anyone in Western WA with an XL-H1?
I got a project in ~6 weeks which involves a week-long webcast, we're using XL-H1's (In SD 16:9)

Either way, I've never used this camera before and was just hoping to check one out in person and figure out the basic features and usage before I fly across the country and do it live.

I don't plan on shooting anything serious if I could see your camera, I might bring a Mini-DV tape to record some stuff and maybe dump it to a laptop to look at later?

Anyways, not positive if this is the best place to ask... but it was worth a shot...

Kit Hannah September 15th, 2008 03:13 PM

Freelance HD Video Specialist Available w/ Equipment (Panasonic HPX500's)
Hello Everyone,
I am currently looking for projects. I am a Video Professional specializing in HD Broadcast Production (commercials and shows), documentary and short films, training videos and live broadcast / live to tape events. I work full time as a Freelance Video Specialist with a long list of regular clients. I'm based in Fresno, California, and am available (and willing) to travel. If you need someone to help you with producing your project, or as a freelancer, please feel free to give me a buzz. I'm always willing to help. I have 2 Panasonic HPX500 P2 Cameras with full lighting & audio available for jobs. I use Sony Vegas on a Sony laptop to edit, so I can edit anywhere.

For more information, samples & demos, and my full contact info, please visit my website:


I look forward to working with you soon.

Craig Lieberman September 16th, 2008 11:25 AM

Need videographer, SF Bay area
HI Guys;

Well, we just landed a legal client...we're now filming/editing/producing video shorts for the webspace for attorneys all over the country. I've got three guys now, but it's clear that I need more...and in other parts of the country.

DVInfo seemed like a good watering hole for experts, so I thought I'd post here.

My pressing need is for an HD videographer in the SF BAY AREA. We have several pieces that need to be filmed up there in coming weeks, but one immediately.

NOTE: We also need videographers in Florida and New York right now. Typically, we expect you to be filming about 2-4 pieces a month for us initially.


Film a legal talking head with lav mic, script provided, and should feature two camera angles;
B-roll of the building;
B-roll of the attorney talking to subordinates in his office, etc.

Should be a 1-2 hour shoot.

HDV required...videographer will need to ensure that lighting is not an issue...another words, proper settings or bring a light. Background noise will be key...it must be eliminated, so a lav mic is pretty much mandatory;

Send an email to me with link to your work (craiglieberman@cox.net). Make sure the link is to something of decent resolution (no YouTube links, please).

Must be reliable, honest and interested in becoming part of our network of videographers.

Mike Meyerson September 16th, 2008 12:47 PM

just sent you an email...I'm in NY. Keep in touch if you need anything.

Matt Stahley September 16th, 2008 01:13 PM

Nashville TN area
Any work in the Nashville area? Have a small DVX kit also willing to learn the HVX.

David Perrine September 17th, 2008 02:47 PM

Space needed to setup Greenscreen Phoenix, AZ

OfficeQuest, an Arizona feature length film needs space to set up a Green screen each Sunday in October and November.

20 X 20 would be great, but smaller might work if there is more than one angle of access for shooting from a distance.
A quiet environment is needed.
NO CATS! Cast/crew have allergies.
Electrical system should be sound.
Air conditioning a must!

Payment on this project is deferred, contingent upon profits.
We can offer 1% of profits, a copy of the project upon completion, screen credit and a walk-through role if desired.

If this is of interest to you, please contact us at:


Thank you,

David Perrine
Director: OfficeQuest

Brian Boyko September 18th, 2008 03:42 PM

Freelance videography demand in NZ?
Hey - I may be moving to New Zealand soon on a Working Holiday Visa. I've got my own projects but while there's tons of nature videography to be filmed there, I was wondering how I might be able to find paying work as a freelancer - nights and weekends.

Let's face it, I'm just looking for an excuse to go traveling around New Zealand filming everydamnthing without running out of money.

I don't want to take any of your leads, but if you could give me some advice, I'd appreciate it.

Ben Ruffell September 18th, 2008 03:53 PM

As an amateur you will probably struggle. Also, we are a PAL country, so your gear may not be suitable.

Depends which city you are in, but for nature - there is only one player, "Natural History" based in Dunedin.

You would probably be best off shooting your own projects and enjoying your travels, and then getting some work in a bar or fruit picking if you run out of cash....

Chris Soucy September 18th, 2008 05:08 PM

Hi Brian...............
I'll second pretty much everything Ben said.

Despite some of the most spectacular scenery on the planet (tho' pretty thin on the ground as far as critters are concerned) the market for footage shot here is, guess?

Yep, elsewhere.

Natural History NZ makes it's living shooting just that and exporting it all over the planet but not much gets shown here as it's such a small market.

You're best bet for paying work would be to get a commission from someone in the States who wanted NZ footage of a particular type, tho' that brings us to the thorny equipment problem.

From your gear list you seem woefully under equipped to shoot the sort of HD footage a client is likely to want. For you to gear up to the fully pro gear required would cost so much you'd never be able to pay it off unless you got the contract of a lifetime.

Then, of course, there's the logistics problems etc etc etc.

I think it's back to Ben's last sentence, unfortunately, tho' you should be able to have a blast traveling around the country.

Hey, if CH ever gets the "regional flags" thing working you could do a "NZ DVinfo Round Trip" and visit all us NZ DVinfo'ers. Heck, any excuse to take a trip up to "Central".


Bruce S. Yarock September 18th, 2008 08:15 PM

I also sent you an email. I'm in South florida.
Bruce yarock
Yarock Video & Photography

Scott Hayes September 19th, 2008 05:34 AM

EX1 available in Central KY, Ohio and TN
Just got my EX1 and thought i would post my availability for freelance and corporate work.
I have a complete setup, Senn G2, Lights, MacBook Pro for on location editing, tripod, etc.

Email me for rates and any other info:

Scott Hayes Video

Jay Gladwell September 19th, 2008 07:45 AM

EX3 Users in Miami
Do we have any EX3 users in Miami? If so, please contact me: jay[at]gooddogproductions[dot]com.


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