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Adam Simpson May 16th, 2008 03:16 PM

Atlanta Videographer/Filmmaker with EX1's, 35mm, etc.
I am a freelance videographer/filmmaker in the Atlanta area. I have over 15 years experience in all areas of production. I have taught in several universities as well. I own my own gear including:

2 Sony EX1's
Letus 35mm adapter and Zeiss lenses
Arri lighting kit
Daylight LED kit
2 wireless mikes (with Sanken lav's)
Sachtler tripod
12 foot jib with remote head
a bunch of other stuff

The gear is not for rent separately from my services.

Please contact me through DVINFO, email, or phone for more information.



Jad Meouchy May 17th, 2008 01:23 AM

The Abel guy wasn't too familiar with the 355 since it was a new model, but he was able to show me that one against an HPX-500. Overall great experience at Abel, thanks for the reco.

Greg Boston May 17th, 2008 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jad Meouchy (Post 878968)
The Abel guy wasn't too familiar with the 355 since it was a new model, but he was able to show me that one against an HPX-500. Overall great experience at Abel, thanks for the reco.

The 355 is an update to the 350 that adds dual layer disc capabilty, memory stick duo card capability, along with SD-SDI output. Recently updated firmware for the F350 gives it most of the 355 goodies except for dual layer and SD-SDI output.


David Beard May 17th, 2008 05:32 PM

Music composer for film.
Hi All,
When the time comes to obtaining music for your projects please bear me in mind.
I have experience in all styles of music, from Children's projects to blood-drenched horror films, own well-equipped studio and can deliver music cues in all formats to anywhere in the world via the Internet.
I've put many examples up on the site - Official Website - TV and Film Music Composer David Beard
or from this page - Music Examples Directory
Happy listening.
All my best wishes,

R. L. Appling May 17th, 2008 11:07 PM

Crew needed for short in Antelope Valley Calif.
Hello all, I sure could use some help...

I'm producing and directing an HD and S16mm sBiker material for a pitch in Aug. Really Need crew members to help me bang this out. We have the DP, DIT, Art Director, Gaffer, Cook and Editing bases covered (some of my old crew)

Still need -

1. Production Sound AND Boom Operator*** (2 days)

2. AC / 2nd HVX Cam. Operator *** (2 days)

3. Asst. Director / Prd. Mgr. - Lead Man (4 days) **

4. Key Grip & Dolly Grip- (2 days) *

5. SFX /Propsmaster (4 days) ***

6. Set Dresser / Wardrobe ("swing gang" provided) (4 days) *

8. Makeup (3 days) ***


* Pay $75.00 per day
** Pay Dept Head $100 per day
*** Pay Negotiable depending on the gear and experience you have to bring
to the shoot. But funds are tight.

Will provide food and coffee all day while we work. (But just so its said up front - this is not a honeywagon and video village kinda project.) Sleeping arrangements provided (if you live 50 miles or more from shoot.)

Be shooting one day in the desert on location, one day in a bar on location, and one day in studio. No nudity.

So I guess thats it. Tried to list everything I could think of that someone might want to ask. PLEASE - dont flame me over the monies available. I'm being honest and upfront about what this is as the cast and crew ARE THE ENTIRE BUDGET OF THE PROJECT.

So if the pitch flies in August, I'll try and bring the team members who endure the shoot along for the whole ride.

Thank you for taking a look - please email me if you are interested.

R. L. Appling

Chris Hocking May 19th, 2008 03:47 AM

Melbourne, Australia :: Sakooz Fund-raising Night
In an effort to get our three-minute Sakooz promotional teaser/trailer made, we are running a fund-raising night at Loop bar in Melbourne (Australia) on Thursday 12th of June to help raise the AUD$15,000 we need for the production.

It’s going to be an extremely fun night, with a silent auction, short films screenings, raffles, DJs, and more! We’ll be letting you know more details about the event over the next couple of weeks… We have lots of surprises in store! Stay tuned!

So please, invite your friends, and come along! It’s not only a great chance to support a bunch of very motivated and enthusiastic film makers, but also a chance to just have a drink, relax and catch up with like-minded people and industry gurus!

For more information about the event, please visit:


You can also let us know if you can make it via our Facebook Event page:


For more information about latenite films or Sakooz, please visit:


(On a side note - we are also looking for cast and crew! Unfortunately, all of these positions are UNPAID. For more information, please check out the above website.)

Hope to see you there!


John Stakes May 20th, 2008 07:49 AM

Hello Matt. I was able to complete most of the site myself, but there are a few rough edges. I will be contacting you shortly.


Oleg Kalyan May 20th, 2008 08:49 AM

Videographer needed Los Angeles 25-30 May
Videographer, needed to shoot an interview, Los Angeles between 25-30 May,
3 interviews, each person up to 1 hour total, most likely different dates, must have camera, tripod, basic on camera lighting.

Pal HDV format preferred, or any Pal format. HDV Ntsc will consider.
Delivery HDV Tape or DVD (.mov or . avi)

Each interview paid $250.

Questions, please email me powernow@mail.ru

Oleg Kalyan.

Heath McKnight May 21st, 2008 09:22 AM

Need 1080p/24p footage of L.A., Hollywood sign
Hey guys,

I need some nice 1080p/24p footage of L.A. (shot of downtown, landmarks, etc., day, evening, night), an L.A. apartment building (day, evening, night shots, various for establishing shots) and the Hollywood sign.

If you have a Sony PMW-EX1, that would rock, but I'll take HDV 1080p/23.98 fps. Please try to avoid too many trademarked images.

If you're interested, Private Message me.


Heath McKnight

Julian Shapiro May 23rd, 2008 11:35 AM

This goes for me as well. I'm willing to pay whoever can offer me this footage with either a very small sum or some serious webhosting!

Claude Mangold May 25th, 2008 03:58 PM

URGENT - first cam asistant / focus puller
with plenty experience urgently required for short film shoot in Geneva starting Thursday - GY-HD251 + Mini 35 + Zeiss HS Primes - lots of complicated travellings and some crane shots. Must speak some French. Crew is fully professional, as are actors.
anyone interested just pm me.

Bruce S. Yarock May 27th, 2008 09:01 PM

Need help with letus 35mm in South Florida
Are there any Letus users (especially the extreme0 here in south florida? i just bought one and need some help preparing for an upcomming shoot.
Email me at yarock at a o l dot com.
Bruce yarock

Michael Sroka May 28th, 2008 10:13 AM

16 GB card available for June 1st if that what you mean. Instead of May 29th.
I work in Novi, so pickup should be a problem. I need to rent some later in the month. Do you have any P2 cards as well? So maybe we could do a trade.

Michael Sroka

Mark Tarman May 28th, 2008 11:03 AM

Renting Steadicam Flyer LE in MN
Can someone please tell me where I can rent the steadicam Flyer in Minnesota!! I saw it on B & H and its perfect for my small cameras. I dont have the 8 thousand to buy so I really need a place close to Minneapolis or a place near that I can rent for a few days. Thank You to whomever has the answer I cant seem to find!!!!!!!

Mark Derrico May 28th, 2008 12:27 PM

Experienced orchestral film composer available

My name is Mark D'Errico. I'm an experienced film composer. I'm currently looking for new and interesting movies, shorts and documentaries to score.

I specialize in lush orchestral scores for drama, suspense and horror films. I also do rock, pop, electronica and contemporary scores too.

I've scored over 65 feature films, shorts and cartoons ranging from drama to horror to comedy. I'm able to provide you with individual tracks, stems, or completely mastered tracks.

I've been playing keyboards and composing music for over 25 years and I've released 2 CDs. You can listen to many MP3 film score demos on my web site (http://www.markderrico.com ) in many different genres. You can also view my film score credits on my website.

I'm located in Erie, Colorado, USA, however, I work via the internet, so location isn't a problem. My rates are very reasonable. They're also very flexible because I know how much budgets differ.

If you have any questions or if you would like more info about me, you can visit my website ( http://www.markderrico.com , http://www.myspace.com/markderrico ) or simply send me an email (mark@markderrico.com)

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon!

Mark D'Errico
Film Composer

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