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-   -   Helping Hands from 2014 (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/helping-hands/519774-helping-hands-2014-a.html)

Ken Beals January 4th, 2014 02:03 PM

Helping Hands from 2014
Received a phone call from someone in the Palm Beach Gardens, Florida area needing a promo video that is cooking style genre.

Since am in Phoenix, Az now the logistics are a wee bit of a challenge so am reaching out to the community here.

If you live in the Palm Beach area and are interested please email me : flowingcamera at gmail.com

and can provide you with her name and contact info

thnx, KC

Steven Digges January 4th, 2014 10:02 PM

re: Helping Hands from 2014

I agree with the comments that this post turned into. But on the more positive side of things I want to state that I had good luck finding competent help here in the past. They were far from being pro-bono jobs. I pay well and expect a professional ROI. It was quite a while ago but my results were good.

About eight years ago I hired a former wrangler to assist me on a gig in his area. I liked him so much I booked him for work in five other states, including Hawaii. He has since fallen off the map. Does anyone remember John Locke?

A few years ago I found a crew in Green Bay to shoot a gig at Lambeau Field that I directed. The crew members (two camera ops & one audio guy, with their gear) were a referral from a post I made here. That video can be seen here www.facebook.com/corporateshow it is the video named Transitions, After the Game.

If you go there you will see that my face book page is currently all stuff I have put there in the last month, in development and fragmented. Why am I just starting to jump on the social media band wagon. Because after more than twenty five years in business I now need to. All of my previous work came word of mouth and my fees did not used to be a major consideration. The world has changed. Even in the corporate market where my clients are….money matters. I am actively seeking new clients when three years ago I had all the work I could handle.

My point is, if you need a crew, there are many credible people here at DVINFO. The guys that are asking for people to work for food probably don’t know what the term craft services is. We are all here and it is a diverse community. So don’t let the “perks” type of posts discourage you from looking for help here, it has worked for me.

I am saying more than I should on a public forum, but hey, I have never pretended to be something I’m not. I am hesitant about even posting the link to my face book page. Please be kind, I am working on it.


Kevin Spahr January 6th, 2014 10:27 PM

Re: Elite video ninjas needed for music and gaming festival ...
Does anyone else on this forum think it's time to change the policies here to keep the Craigslist ads on Craiglist where they belong?

Chris Medico January 7th, 2014 08:00 AM

Re: Elite video ninjas needed for music and gaming festival ...
I think it sends a strong message when no one responds on the forum and they quickly drift down the list into obscurity.

There is always the option to report the post to Chris with a description of why you think it doesn't belong.

Richard Gooderick January 7th, 2014 11:02 AM

Re: Elite video ninjas needed for music and gaming festival ...

Originally Posted by Kevin Spahr (Post 1826800)
Does anyone else on this forum think it's time to change the policies here to keep the Craigslist ads on Craiglist where they belong?

Agreed. I subscribe to the Helping Hands thread and find these kind of posts annoying. Craigslist is the place for them. Not DVinfo.

Charles Newcomb January 10th, 2014 11:31 PM

Re: Elite video ninjas needed for music and gaming festival ...

Originally Posted by Kevin Spahr (Post 1826800)
Does anyone else on this forum think it's time to change the policies here to keep the Craigslist ads on Craiglist where they belong?

You've got my vote.

Brett Sherman January 13th, 2014 07:24 PM

Los Angeles Videographer needed Jan 20 and 21
I'm looking for L.A.-based videographer to film a rally on January 20th and film interviews and B-Roll on January 21st. Ideally, they would own their own camera - Sony XDCAM EX or Canon C100. It will be a one-man band operation so they need to be competent with audio and have lav or shotgun for interviews. A single key-light may be necessary for interviews.

I'm still looking for a go to L.A. videographer. You could be it! Send me rates and links to web portfolios.

Jessica Gallant January 13th, 2014 08:22 PM

Re: Los Angeles Videographer needed Jan 20 and 21
What's your e-mail address?

Don Platon January 13th, 2014 08:55 PM

Re: Los Angeles Videographer needed Jan 20 and 21
C300 package, check out my website mindfuldigital.com. You can contact me there. BTW I used to work in DC for a lot of years.

Brett Sherman January 14th, 2014 03:12 PM

Re: Los Angeles Videographer needed Jan 20 and 21
Send me an email to geekstudios@gmail.com

Mark McCarthy January 30th, 2014 03:16 PM

interesting place for cameraman to register
This looks like an interesting site to register on if you're a cameraman:

Sparky Directory

I believe it's just been launched today. Worth going on I'd say.


Mike Meyerson February 5th, 2014 03:19 PM

Seattle - Corporate shoot 2/10 or 2/11
Anyone in Seattle? I have a lead for an easy "interview" shoot in Seattle. Needs to be done and edited before 2/13. If anyone is interested, I can put you in touch with the client. I got the job through a freelance site...the only problem is that I am in NY (DOH!). The client seems like a nice guy, so I figured I'd reach out and see if anyone here is interested.

George Tasick February 20th, 2014 01:59 AM

Canadian Fireworks Safety PSA ...
Hey Everyone,

I'm in the early stages of pre-production for a series of videos featuring fireworks safety in Canada.

I'm currently looking to get some reels and rates for the following crew:

Audio Engineer

Equipment should come with the crew members.

It's a smaller non-profit production, so I'm looking more fore DSLR class gear/crew, not Arri Alexia class gear/crew.

We're also going to need a spokesperson and a few actors, anywhere from 3 to 6, depicting families with children. We'll know more as the script and storyboards solidify. Any recommendations on reputable talent agencies in the Vancouver/Abbotsford, BC area would be appreciated.

Crew/talent in Northern Washington state is eligible as well, as long as you have a passport to get across the border.

The production will be shot in Abbotsford, BC ... likely in May and will probably last 2 days.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, post back here or PM me with your reel/samples and rates.


Shaun Roemich February 23rd, 2014 04:33 PM

Re: Canadian Fireworks Safety PSA ...
I'm not a dSLR guy but I am a Sony XDCam shooter primarily (own a Sony PMW200 that I'm VERY happy with when shooting 50mbps) with connections.

15 years in broadcast AND workplace safety and health video production.

If that's more your speed/style, email me and we can chat more.

roaddogmedia (at) gmail (dot) com

Abbotsford is a 1 hour drive from Vancouver MOST days, by the way...

Eric Olson March 15th, 2014 11:07 AM

Vancouver Aug 30, 2014 Wedding
Hi! I'm getting married in Burnaby B.C. Canada. I can't cover the wedding myself. I don't have a budget to hire a full production. All my contacts live in USA and would have difficulty working in Canada.

I'm looking for one or two free-lance shooters in Vancouver who can work together and who have some experience shooting a Catholic wedding. The deliverable would be raw video footage and sound. Equipment needed would be video camera with wireless sound and/or suitable field recorder.

Please send PM if you are available and interested.

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