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Stephanie Gaultney December 1st, 2003 07:33 PM

LA Lighting Designer available in Dec?
Work with a dedicated crew on a 30 minute digital suspense in December 2003!

We are looking for a lighting designer who uses their own equipment and has some experience lighting digital video to look like film. Specifically we're looking for a designer who knows lighting to gives each shot a new dimension without getting too far from realistic visuals. I know subtle lighting design is one of the toughest arts to master on a tiny budget production but I'm hoping there's some talented people out there who are interested!

Please contact us at bansheechapter@yahoo.com ASAP
More information at www.bansheechapter.com

Stephanie Gaultney

Stuart Kupinsky December 2nd, 2003 07:45 PM

If you don't get someone [with more free time] by Sunday, I'll do it, assuming you don't need true radio voices. I'm assuming about 5 minutes of just saying a few phrases and sending you the .wav or mp3?

I have an AT4073a or AT4071a mic and will record onto my vx2000 through an XLR adaptor. Is that ok? What phrases do you want? Am I a radio DJ? Am I happy? Slow, fast, etc.?

Andreas Fernbrant December 3rd, 2003 05:32 PM

Hi Stuart, I've already got one. But if that does not work out I'll contact you.



Stuart Kupinsky December 3rd, 2003 06:49 PM

Great, happy to help.

Michael Dalton December 8th, 2003 12:45 PM

are most American TV personalities and actors not Canadian?

Michael Dalton December 8th, 2003 12:51 PM

Toronto - Camera/director/editor
Hi everyone,

I am a toronto area filmmaker who is availible to shoot your project, or Direct and possibly edit.

I have an XL1s, Gl2, and an avid.

If you have money, or can pay great!! No money, I may be interested in it if it's a great project.

Documentaries, short films, indie features.

Send a short outline to michaelds@(remove)rogers.com


Rob Wilson December 8th, 2003 01:42 PM

Just guessing here but: No, most American TV personalities and actors are not Canadian

Jason Casey December 9th, 2003 03:22 PM

If all the other ones fall through let me know I do professional voice overs here in the US.

There are some samples on my website below.

Ivan Castell December 9th, 2003 04:07 PM

European Group Cut - Digital Film Project
European Group Cut - Digital Film Project

"European Group Cut" is an independent film project developped by two spanish young filmmakers having some experience on the scope of audio-visual area. The group is currently looking for filmmaker to join immediately their next independent digital feature film project. All the information about the project and the profile wanted are below. For french and spanish speakers, all this information is available in these languages in our website, please see links at the end of the message.

We send you this information because we think you might be interested. If you're a film school or institution/organisation working in the media/film area, please inform your pupils or post it somewhere visible. Feel free to forward this information to anyone that might be interested.


European. Shooted in three cities from three different European countries.
Group. Developed by three new young filmmakers having some experience on the scope of audio-visual area.
Cut. Film project consisting on the production of a fiction feature full-length feature film made in digital format.


The aim is the production of a film made in digital format, produced by three different filmmakers and shoot in three different European cities. Each story will be carried out in the native language of the area and afterwards it will be subtitled. Each filmmaker should write a 30 minutes script based on a starting situation fixed at the beginning of the project. This script will be subject to the group's opinion and it will be modified according to the needs in order to have a 90 minutes joint script. We don't want to set up one 30 minutes shortfilm after another, but we would like to produce a full-length film having the peculiarity that it has been written and shoot by three different persons in three different places. The project will be carried out by e-mail, chat and by a strict working group method.


This is a fully independent project and its main aim is to produce a full-length film of a high quality using tools within everybody's reach. We want to show that good movies can be done outside traditional ways.


We are looking for the third member of the group. If you are between 20-30 years old, have experience as a director and live (or are able to shoot) in Europe excepting Spain and Belgium, and would be interested in joining the European Group Cut, for more details of the applicant characteristics please visit our website http://www.europeangroupcut.tk or download directly the information (in acrobat pdf format) here:

- ENGLISH: http://www.arkania.org/~jkwarras/en/Anuncio.european.group.cut.project.2003.2004.en.pdf

- FRANÇAIS: http://www.arkania.org/~jkwarras/fr/Anuncio.european.group.cut.project.2003.2004.fr.pdf

- ESPAÑOL: http://www.arkania.org/~jkwarras/es/Anuncio.european.group.cut.project.2003.2004.es.pdf

More information about the project visit www.europeangroupcut.tk or contact us at info@europeangroucut.tk. You can write us in english, french or spanish. NOTE: If you have problems with any of our email account please contact us at: i_castell@hotmail.com.


Iván Castell
Brussels project manager (Belgium)
European Group Cut - Digital Film Project

Tom Chamberlin December 15th, 2003 02:28 PM

Where in LA can I go for a CHEAP video and sound sweetening session?
I have a bunch of Mini-DVs (shot by different people on different cameras in different lighting conditions) and I need put them all together with uniform lighting and sound. Lots of brightening and boosting.

I know to go cheap you go where the pornographers go. So, I called the place I used for my student films and they've sold all the equipment.

Where, in Los Angeles, can I go to ride levels for a couple of hours without breaking the bank?

Eddie Jackson December 15th, 2003 06:11 PM

Looking for DV work
Hello all.
I live in the Los Angeles area and I am seeking DV camera work. I have a GL2 with some equipment (professional tripod, monopod, Wide Angle converter) and a Glidecam 2000. If anyone is looking for help on any upcoming shoots I would love to work.
I shot a very well known musician a few weeks ago for a DVD release.

Sean Doherty December 16th, 2003 05:25 AM

Production asst. needed in nebraska
I need someone in central nebraska who could help me with a short film I'm working on. This is a non-paid job that will offer very valuable in experience to someone who needs to break into the business.

Mike Cavanaugh December 16th, 2003 01:31 PM

Looking for Shooter in Dallas, TX area
I will need someone with a good quality, 3-chip mini DV camera and sound gear to shoot a short interview and some B-roll for a video I am doing for a non-profit group I belong to. I only need about 30-40 sec of sound bites. Should take a good shooter less than an hour.

Can't pay much (I'm doing this gratis) but should be able to arrange for some limited compensation and will credit.

Contact me at: mcavana3@nycap.rr.com

Robert Knecht Schmidt December 16th, 2003 02:34 PM

[Insert Lee Harvey Oswald joke here.]
(Sorry. Couldn't resist.)

Chris Hurd December 16th, 2003 07:57 PM

It's probably much less expensive for you in the long run to simply upgrade your home computer, capture the video and do all the work yourself on your own time.

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