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Heath McKnight September 8th, 2003 05:15 PM

Are you willing to pay?


K. Forman September 8th, 2003 06:05 PM

I'll pay, but I'd like to try and get the best price on the market.
Any money for this project will be from sales. Anything before then, is coming out of my very shallow pocket. But yes, I did expect to have to spend some cash along the way.

Frank Granovski September 8th, 2003 06:10 PM

I don't know, just "sell yourself" and perhaps place an ad or make a deal with a wedding service.

Heath McKnight September 8th, 2003 06:41 PM

I sure am spending a lot of money, but it pays for itself and can be written off on taxes.


K. Forman September 8th, 2003 07:00 PM

I've seen the prices range up towards $1000, just to make ths DVD. That is authoring, 5.1, and commentary. That is way more than I can do at this point. So, I'm shopping around. It's not that I think the price is necessarily out of line, it's just that this movie isn't worth that much ;)

Adrian Douglas September 8th, 2003 07:04 PM

Go to the Vancouver skate and snowboarding shops/companies and talk to them about preparing promo packages for their skaters/snowboarders. I did a few in NZ/Aus for guys as the competition for sponsorship dollars is hot and a sheet of contest results and a couple of 8x10s isn't enough anymore. You could do a package that included online presence, CD/DVD and print so the riders look like they are serious about what they do.

Heath McKnight September 8th, 2003 07:09 PM

That's easy, actually. I'll help ya out, if ya'd like. I won't be able to do much until early next year, but I think that's your goal, right? Email me at heath@mpsdigital.com and we'll talk.


Phil Reams September 8th, 2003 08:00 PM


Jeremiah Hall September 8th, 2003 08:22 PM

This is probably too late, but you might try checking with the Palm Beach Film Commission's website (www.pbfilm.com) for production insurance. They keep a searchable index online. Look under Production Guides, then Support Services and do a search for insurance. There were about a dozen or so.

I kow PB Co. does free permits. I'm not sure about the rest of the state.

Good luck with your shoot.

K. Forman September 8th, 2003 08:59 PM

Thanks Jeremiah! I will look into that. I have yet to secure insurance yet, as most companies around here are clueless. Thanks again for the tip!

Roze Ann September 9th, 2003 08:55 PM

Mark is right. Go for it and let us know what happens!

Alan Tran September 10th, 2003 01:28 AM

got it
and replied

David Pritchett September 12th, 2003 01:21 AM

Hello, Charles.

dpritchett@pendulumentertainment.com should be working. However, alternatively, I can be reached at davidpritchett@rogers.com.

Please drop me a line!



Joe Carney September 12th, 2003 08:19 AM

I found an apartment on Columbia Pike, at the Windsor Towers.
It's west of Glebe. Not near a metro unfortunately. But the price is great (1 bedroom, 785 sq ft, all utilities included for up to 6 months).
Still haven't got the final go ahead, hopefully today it will happen. I'm supposed to leave tommorow and arrive Sunday morning. My son is going up with me, then flying back.

K. Forman September 12th, 2003 01:41 PM

Hey Timothy- Please shoot me another e-mail. It seems I have lost your address. Thanks.

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