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-   -   Edius 5.5 Out Today! (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/grass-valley-canopus-nle/476470-edius-5-5-out-today.html)

Rusty Rogers April 8th, 2010 02:21 PM

Edius 5.5 Out Today!
It's a free download for current users...
Grass Valley Home | Grass Valley

Any experience with AVCHD files? (I don't have any)

Ron Evans April 8th, 2010 02:59 PM

I have it loaded and running NX5U( LPCM audio), SR11 and XR500 files in realtime. My Q9450 is not that fast by todays standards but will run multicam with 4 tracks with just a few complaints, 2 tracks work no problems. I am happy to use this way until I upgrade to a faster machine later in the year. Single or 2 tracks seem to work fine on my machine. Others with i7's are reporting much better performance on the GV forum

Ron Evans

Tim Polster April 8th, 2010 04:28 PM

Yes it is nice. Now AVC files can be treated like any other file format. Just throw them on the timeline along with filters and edit away in realtime.

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