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Matthew Myers September 28th, 2009 02:39 PM

Need help navigating Edius hd hardware...
I'm about 6 months out of purchasing/building an nle system. I'm very familliar with edius and would like it to be my editor of choice, unfortunately I'm confused by all the hd hardware choices. I want to have my system for awhile and would like to future proof it as best I can, but don't want to waste money on anything I won't really use.
I will be using this set for events/weddings. I've spoken to several potential clients who've stated that HD would be very important to them. Having said that, I know that SD would still be norm here for the next couple of years. At the moment, I've zeroed in on the Pani HMC 150 as a main camera (again I'm waiting till after the beginning of the year to see if any new cameras match my needs better).
So I know this is brief, but with my HD SD needs what hardware is best? The NX capture card, the HDspark, the HDstorm or is there another that I'm missing all together. Any advice out there?

Matthew Myers

Ron Evans September 30th, 2009 09:28 AM

I don't think you actually NEED any hardware. With AVCHD the flow would be to capture to the PC then convert to Canopus HQ, then edit. The Spark would allow you to monitor to an external HDMI display. This is not like just another display on the PC as it only shows the preview window. Go to the Edius forum to make sure the monitor is compatible.
I shoot with FX1 HDV and AVCHD from SR11 and XR500 and do not use any specific hardware. I have two Dell 24" monitors and find that adequate for me. You would need a true TV monitor( not a PC monitor) over HDMI to get true colour space though which is the real value of using the Spark with HDMI TV.
OF more importance is the most powerful PC you can afford. Current choices would be an i7 or dual quad core Xeons, lots of RAM and fast drives.
The value of StormHD (with expansion bay)is if you want to capture analogue. Otherwise I don't see the value. It is possible to capture AVCHD realtime through HDMI to Canopus HQ but with a fast processor it is faster to copy the AVCHD files to the PC and convert to HQ in software!!!
Ron Evans

Matthew Myers October 1st, 2009 07:22 AM

firecoder blue?
Now I had decided to get firecoder blue for encoding, is that the best choice? Or would going with software like cineform be the better thing to do? Or is this a moot point if I have an i7 or dual xeon computer? Thanks for your help.

Matthew Myers

Ervin Farkas October 1st, 2009 12:53 PM

Matthew, with the risk of offending you, though it is by no means my intent, I'm afraid you are not aware of what Edius really is and is not.

The short answer to your question is, as outlined by Ron, you really don't need any hardware for capture and encoding - Edius has you covered. Cineform is another all I-frame video format, just like Canopus HQ which comes with Edius, so there is absolutely no need for it.

Again, please don't feel offended, do some more reading so you really understand what you are planning of getting into. An i7-based PC and Edius software is really ALL you need for the jobs you described above.


Matthew Myers October 1st, 2009 07:50 PM

None taken...
That is the exact reason I'm here, to ask questions of users in this "arena". I've used Edius in broadcast news for three years at one station, and my current station is upgrading to it now, just had a refresher training course in it last week. So I'm very comfortable with the news editing aspect (plug P2 cam into computer, download, cut, send to server, meat and potatos I know but that is the gist for the daily news grind), I'm completely unsure of Edius' full potential. With so many different hardware and software configurations floating around, its gotten confusing. So keep the advice coming, again my plan is to purchase in 6 months, so I'm in no hurry to rush my decision. Thanks for the info.

Matthew Myers

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