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Matthew Dorris June 26th, 2007 08:21 AM

HDV Camera as VTR
Hi All,

I work at a small Post House / Duplication Company. We are having more and more clients bring in HDV footage, and I'm wondering if there is an affordable camera out there that will record in both 720/1080 and playback both 720/1080 and preferably through a DV firewire connection?

Basically I'm trying to find affordable options for getting HDV footage on to my computer to edit. All the VTRs I've been looking at are way out of our price range.


Chris Barcellos June 26th, 2007 08:48 AM

Cheapest HDV out there is probably the Canon HV10, but don't know about 720 material....

Matthew Dorris June 26th, 2007 08:51 AM

i guess i should clarify what i mean by cheap--something in the prosumer 1-5k range.

Chris Hurd June 26th, 2007 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Matthew Dorris (Post 703005)
an affordable camera out there that will record in both 720/1080 and playback both 720/1080 and preferably through a DV firewire connection?

All HDV camcorders have a FireWire connection.

None will record 720p and 1080i -- it's either one or the other, but never both.

Same thing for playback, sorry.

Matthew Dorris June 26th, 2007 09:28 AM

argh. that would explain why i couldn't find any reviews on that.

Ervin Farkas June 26th, 2007 09:55 AM

Your budget is (almost) enough to buy two separate camcorders or decks, one for each format.

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