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John M. McCloskey June 16th, 2006 08:11 AM

hd camera which one
Shooting mainly outdoors which big HD camera would be the best? I have looked very hard at the Ikegami HD edit cam simply due to the fact we run Avid and this camera has the hdnx codec like Avid. But also what about RED, F900, Viper? With the editing setup we have what would be the best camera for us. This camera would be used for broadcast and be edited with adrenaline. We have several Z1's right now but broadcasters wont take it in its native form(HDV) and the audio qualities are less superior than the older DSR390's we ran back in the day. We could broadcast HD right now and surely the audio quality is better than a Z1's. What route would you take HD wise? Money is always a concern but just for the heck of it lets say its not, What HD camera with Avid? Thanks

Douglas Spotted Eagle June 16th, 2006 08:20 AM

FW950. Can't beat it at this point.

As far as HDV audio, if you can hear the difference between HDV compressed audio and the very noisy DSR 390 PCM audio, then there is something significantly wrong with how you're recording it. Seriously. HDV audio is only problematic when it's not fed enough level, or if you're recording extreme dynamics such as symphonic works or a very intimate acoustic set in a noisy room where even the ear has a problem with signal to noise. Proper mic techniques obviate that problem.

John M. McCloskey June 16th, 2006 08:54 AM

Thanks for the help man, I have sat in at NAB at every class you have and just after the last one I got my Z1 rigged out like yours with the red rock and changed from lectro lavs to trams took allot of your advice and the help has been huge. The best advice was changing from the ME66 to a hypercardoid mic for inside audio work. Awsome difference. As for Z1 audio, as you know the more you lower your trim say to -12 even with a hot mic like a ME66 you can turn your audio level dial to 10 on the camera and if someone is whispering it barely bumps the audio bars. So you have to raise your trim in the camera then you get allot of preamp noise. Thats why I was saying the DSR was better, you could whisper and with that camera you could make even a whisper blown out. In other words you had more range with audio levels. Love my Z1 though wouldnt trade it for a thing, maybe a 950. Thanks again for allowing us to pick your brain, priceless.

John M. McCloskey June 16th, 2006 08:56 AM

Also, where could i find some good info on the 950. Thanks again.

David Heath June 16th, 2006 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by John M. McCloskey
Shooting mainly outdoors which big HD camera would be the best?

If you can afford to wait a few months, the Grass Valley Infinity may have a very great deal to recommend it.


Torrey C. Harris June 29th, 2006 06:05 PM

who makes it and is it a xd cam hd camera and how much and is it ready for shipping or still being dreamed about


Douglas Spotted Eagle June 29th, 2006 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Torrey C. Harris
who makes it and is it a xd cam hd camera and how much and is it ready for shipping or still being dreamed about


The Sony XDCAM HD is here, shipping now. The Grass Valley Infinity should be shipping shortly.

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