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Michael Pappas May 26th, 2005 11:13 AM

HDR-FX1 vs DVX100a 1920x1080p clip
Here is a link I found to a simple test between the FX1 and a DVX100a.
It's of a resolution chart and then a 200% blowup of the center of the chart from each camera. The Files codec is in H.264 at 1920x1080p.


Radek Svoboda May 26th, 2005 02:30 PM

I don't have that codec on computer. Can you interpret test results please.


Kyle Edwards May 30th, 2005 09:30 PM

Yea I think us Windows boys need to wait for QT 7.0 to come out.

Sean Dixon June 1st, 2005 03:22 PM

windows can play it, its just that quicktime is sneeky. Export your .mov as an mp4 but select PASSTHROUGH in the options for video. it will just copy the file to an mp4 container, takes about ten seconds, then it can be played on any computer fast enough to handle it Using VideoLAN.

Kyle Edwards June 1st, 2005 04:55 PM

PassThrough is greyed out. I thought I had a H.264 codec...guess not.

Michael Pappas June 2nd, 2005 11:33 AM

I am putting together some pictures that illustrate more tests.

I took the above clip and made a SD DVD of the tests. Contrary to what certain people say that the FX1/Z1u is no different in quality when down-converted to SD. Those that say this, that have done the tests are in certain need of new eye's or a good pair of eye glasses.

The DVD was played to a XBR 50" HD TV from a samsung DVD player using DVI output. I photographed the monitor with a Canon DSLR of the resolution tests. It's very clear that the material shot with the FX1 has more resolution etc vs what the DVX100a has even when displayed from a SD downconverted source.

I also had these original frames developed at a local printing service to 8x10 film paper. The FX1 holds up very good, and the DVX100a looks bad. I will post pictures of these as well so you can see it.

So if your interested to see how good the FX1/Z1u will perform, keep an eye out for my post on DVinfo.net in this thread.

Michael Pappas

Article on the AG-HVX200...

HDX-200 lens good or just functional Article....

SDX900 vs AG-HVX200 Article..


PappasArts Entertainment-2005

Radek Svoboda June 6th, 2005 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Pappas

This is what article says:
Panasonic announced that it was giving us their Golden Egg ( DVCPro HD ) on a $5,995 camera. That's their HDcam equivalent to Sony's CineAlta. If a knockout blow from Panasonic wasn't enough, they decided to add a sucker punch for added measure. Panasonic is adding 1080/24p

Well, analog to digital converter after chipset only outputs 1080i and 720p, so 1080p will be interpolated, like Sony HDV CF25 is. No true 1980p at this price point, sorry.


Aaron Koolen June 6th, 2005 04:47 PM

Radek, can you point me to a source saying that there is no 1080p? I'm interested to see it as I've heard nothing of the sort, and in fact, just the opposite.


Radek Svoboda June 6th, 2005 05:13 PM


You have to read between the lines. See what kind of uncompressed analog output the camera has.


Mike Farrington June 6th, 2005 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kyle Edwards
Yea I think us Windows boys need to wait for QT 7.0 to come out.

Apple has released a public preview of Quicktime 7 for Windows:


Aaron Koolen June 6th, 2005 07:41 PM

Ahh, you mean the Digital to Analog converter, not the Analog to Digital converter?



Originally Posted by Radek Svoboda

You have to read between the lines. See what kind of uncompressed analog output the camera has.


Kyle Edwards June 6th, 2005 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Farrington
Apple has released a public preview of Quicktime 7 for Windows:


Thanks for the heads up. And thank you to Michael Pappas for the test footage.

Kevin Dooley June 6th, 2005 09:47 PM

Any way we can get a fresh download of that footage now that we can actually view it in the PC world?

Michael Pappas June 7th, 2005 08:59 AM

Your welcome Kyle!

Hi Kevin,

Here is a new link to the test footage.


michael pappas


Originally Posted by Kevin Dooley
Any way we can get a fresh download of that footage now that we can actually view it in the PC world?

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