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Matt McEwen March 31st, 2005 12:01 PM

What camcorder are you using? Some camcorders like the canon XL1s and XL2 provide the FireStore's status (Rec or Stop) in the viewfinder. Also, our DR-DV5000 offers extensive viewfinder feedback when used with the JVC GY-DV5000/-5001/-5100 camcorders.

Hope that helps.


Matt McEwen March 31st, 2005 12:04 PM

Hi Ray,

Mark is correct, it should be fairly quick to copy files off of FS-4 to your computer...at least 3 times faster than real-time. It does depend on a lot of variables though (how many peripherals are on the FireWire bus, computer speed, drive speed, fragmentation etc.)

Hope that helps.


Karl Heiner March 31st, 2005 05:44 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Daniel Kohl : Hi Karl,

I don't think that you can record directly from the FS-4. You would have to go through your camera or a digital / analog video converter. But that shouldn't really be a problem since you can use the camera you captured to the FS-4 with, for this purpose (unless it doesn't have a DV in).

And you would need to use a firewire hub to split the signal if you want to do this directly over firewire to the VCR / DVD recorder. Otherwise you would have to record using the composite video signal coming out of the camera or A/D video converter.

I'm not sure that the degradation in video quality would be that noticeable though, going this route. (I know that I am going way out on a limb here) but the quality loss of VHS or the realtime coding of the DVD recorder would subjectively exceed the visible quality difference between the pure DV signal and the composite signal.

But that's just a guess. Someone would have to make real world test to make the comparison to confirm that. -->>>

hello daniel,

thanks for your advice. i am getting my new toy, vcr/ dvd bidirectional recorder incl firewire connections this week and the fs-4 on monday (b&h)
i am also in a theater (opera) on sunday for a live recording, but will not have the fs-4, so i guess i have to a little bit at home.

will post the result.



John Tagliarini April 2nd, 2005 09:54 AM

Camera compatibility for fs-4

I saw the list of compatible cameras for the fs-4 but the ad sounds like any dv camera with firewire will work. What about my low end, consumer, Canon zr25?


PS. I'm using LiquidEdition 5.5 on an AMD platform...any issues there I should be aware of? Like, is raw dv the same as native dv?

Steven Wills April 7th, 2005 03:29 PM

What about the JVC DV-GY500?

Daniel Kohl April 9th, 2005 05:11 PM

FS-4 observations
Now that I have a production model FS-4, I think that I can safely make some observations about it.

First off, I'm about to list a few shortcomings of the FS-4, in the hopes of helping anyone interested in getting one of these units, make an educated decision. The truth is that the FS-4 is a very good tool. It has a lot of nice features, and the capacity to be software upgraded over the course of time may (I hope) reverse some of faults I have found.

The FS-4 would be useable for all applications in the field where tape is now used except for these two main exceptions. The FS-4's most significant shortcoming is its fan. The fan is quiet in it initial running state, but depending on the surrounding temperature and the intensity of use, the fan kicks into second stage at around forty five minutes of continuous capturing. Stage two is too loud for professional applications where audio is an issue. I will not be able to use the FS-4 in situations where professional audio recording is being done. The FS-4 is perfect for people who are shooting events, or are shooting in situations where there is constant and sufficiently loud ambient sound to cover the fan noise.

I imagine that the fan is a consequence of the FS-4's plastic housing. The FS-3's housing is made of metal and serves as a heat sink. I don't recall there being a fan issue with the FS-3.

I wonder if it would be possible to retrofit the FS-4 with better heat sinks.

In my opinion the fan noise is the single most significant pit-fall on the FS-4.

Another thing, which prevents the FS-4 from replacing tape completely, is that it seems the FS-4 cannot create files with four channel 12 bit audio, which the Canon XL-1, XL-1s, and XL-2 offer as an audio recording option when recording to tape.

I hope that this can be fixed with a software update from Focus.

Here are some things to watch out for when using the FS-4 in the field:

It is a good idea to put a piece of tape over the DV I/O Firewire jack when going out to record. At least on two occasions it took me longer to set up a shot because I had plugged the FW cable to the camera into the wrong jack on the FS-4. (Retro cache won't help if the firewire cable is not hooked up correctly)

Practice pushing the RECORD key twice to start recording in LOCAL mode and the STOP key twice when ending a recording. Pushing REC on the FS-4 once to start recording is an easy mistake to make and will result in lost footage, or more accurately, not recorded footage. Not pushing STOP twice on the FS-4 will also result in corrupted footage (the last file segment) if this is not done before turning the unit off.

I don't know why Focus decided on this operation scheme but it is unintuitive, and tricky. I'm guessing that they had to do it this way for patent reasons, or something.

These are the main points that I think people should be aware of when purchasing an FS-4.

If anyone has contradicting experiences with the FS-4, especially concerning the fan noise, please post them.

Mark Geiser April 12th, 2005 01:33 AM

Fs4 and FS4-Pro Problems
I have an issue with my FS4-Pro that the backlight flickers on and off and sometimes goes off and comes back on when it feels like it.

Also this morning just noticed that the FS4 (non pro) only ever shows a RED led now for charging status, on both batteries !!!

The battery looks like its getting a charge as the one I left on overnight shows full in the display. The charge indicator was working before...As I'm in the UK is it best to call Holdan in the UK or wait until the time is right to call Focus in the US.

We have used the FS4 a number of times in the field and it appears to work well. I hope these are fixable using software upgrades as opposed to hardware faults..



Mark Geiser April 13th, 2005 02:03 AM

Played some more with the pro and no pro versions.

The non pro version now only shows red for the charging light and will NOT charge any batteries. I have tried a different PSU, tried it via firewire and still the issue. I managed to charge the batteries on my pro version so looks like a fault with the non pro version. :-((

Also the pro version still has that annoying flicker and sometimes refuses to give any backlight at all, I will contact Holdan today and see what can be done, although i know stocks are very low.


Hart Boyd April 13th, 2005 06:32 PM

After turning my unit (FS-4) on within 15 minutes the fan speeds up to where you would not want it mounted on the camera as the onboard mic would pick it up. I also noticed that my status led is always orangish redish. I

Daniel Kohl April 24th, 2005 03:50 PM

Warning about FS-4 usage with FW hub
I want to warn people about using the FS-4 with a powered FW hub.

I have made the suggestion of using the FS-4 together with a firewire hub as a way of splitting the DV signal coming from the camera, in a previous thread. The reasoning behind this would was to make possible, making a recording to the FS-4 and another recording device, like a computer or DVD recorder, at the same time.

This set-up also did work with the beta FS-4 I was testing at the time. However, the production model FS-4 I swapped for the Beta device I had, has now been damaged by this set up.

I am pretty sure that this is due to the fact that this time there was power on the hub (which was admittedly stupid of me to have over looked) and there was none when I did this this set-up previously.

So please learn from my mistake.


The power pin on the FS-4's DV I/O jack is for some reason not capped and will probably blow-out the FW DV I/O port on the FS-4 if supplied with power.

Hart Boyd April 24th, 2005 06:29 PM

Thanks for the warning. I was going to test the FS-4 and DVD Rack throught a powered Firewire hub tomorrow. Glad I saw this. I sure hope FOCUS reads this and corrects this and other issues via a firmware update if possible.

Barrie M. Yacher April 30th, 2005 10:17 AM

Looking at Firestore FS-4 Portable Storage
I have been seeing the pictures of the Firestore FS-4 Portable Storage device. Would it work on our Gl2's? Do you have to have a tape loaded in the GL2 when you are using the FS-4, or do you let the GL2 flash that there is no tape inside of it while somehow you are recording a picture into the FS-4?

Mark Geiser April 30th, 2005 11:24 AM


The fs4 can record manually by pressing on the buttons on the unit itself. I have a Pd170 and that will not work in tapeless mode. I also have used an XM2 (the Uk name for a GL2) and it worked fine. I also think the GL2/XM2 has the ability to work tapeless. I remember seeing some menu items allowing DV device control, maybe another member on this forum can confirm this.

If you have a tape in the camera then the FS4 can be operated automatically (Slave mode) by pressing the record button on the camera, if you want to film tapeless then it will depend on the make and model of camera used. But why go all tapeless, see the FS4 as the main record method and tape as backup, you know one day you will be glad you had both !!!


Gary Bettan May 4th, 2005 09:32 AM

New FS-4 Pro Promotion - FREE HDV upgrade & more!
FireStore FS-4Pro Bundle $698 Savings

Purchase the FireStore FS-4Pro Bundle—featuring the FS-4Pro, FS-4Pro High-Definition Software, and the FireStore DV Conversion Suite—between May 1, 2005 and June 30,2005, and save $698 instantly.

Weighing less than one pound, the FireStore FS-4Pro Portable DTE Recorder brings Direct to Edit Technology to your handheld camcorder. With an easyto-use interface, multiple DTE recording formats, a 40GB or 80GB drive, and a removable, rechargeable battery, the FireStore FS-4Pro is the perfect DTE companion for handheld shoots. With advanced features such as time lapse, loop playback, and scene marking, the FireStore FS-4Pro provides the flexibility that video professionals demand.

FireStore FS-4Pro High-Definition Software Included free-of-charge ($299 value)
When you install the FireStore FS-4Pro High-Definition Software, your FireStore FS-4Pro will be compatible with HDV camcorders and editing systems.

FireStore DV Conversion Suite Included free-of-charge ($399 value)
Converting DV25 file formats is fast and easy with the FireStore DV Conversion Suite. In addition to converting all major DV25 formats, the software provides aspect ratio and broadcast standard conversion from DV-PAL to DV-NTSC and vice versa.

Even better news - we actually have FireStore FS-4 Pro 80GB units in stock! All backorders ar being filled today and it still leaves us about a dozen units available! We're still offering a FREE Field Kit (Extra Battery & mounting bracket) to the first 50 FS-4 Pro purchasers.

For more info http://www.videoguys.com/FireStore.html


John Sandel May 4th, 2005 10:51 AM

"save $698* instantly"
Sounds great, Gary. What does the asterisk refer to?

Gary Bettan May 4th, 2005 11:52 AM

The asterisk was to point out that you have to wait for the HDV upgrade to be available. It is not here yet. Latest word is June.


Kevin Triplett May 5th, 2005 12:16 AM

FS-4 Retro Record and Timecode Correlation
When using the retro record feature and also recording to tape, how does the FS-4 handle timecode for the six seconds of pre-roll?

My application is documentary work -- I *absolutely* love the idea of having six seconds of safety so I don't have to waste tape but I'm also concerned about creating usable batch capture lists in FCP after transferring files from the FS-4.

Oh yeah, those six seconds don't exist on the tape - duh.

Still, I'm curious: seems like there would either be no timecode for the six seconds, non-incrementing timecode, or duplicated timecode. Hmm...maybe the camera should be set to free-run timecode mode in which case the six seconds of timecode would simply start six seconds before the tape timecode start? That would be fine, I suppose at least a good compromise.

Thanks for any help on this!
Kevin Triplett
Austin, TX

Chris Hurd May 5th, 2005 08:11 AM

Long time no see, Kevin!

I've looked briefly through the FS-4 manual (download a PDF copy from http://www.focusinfo.com/support/manuals.htm) and didn't immediately see an answer. Matt McEwen is on vacation this week; but I'm sure he'll spot this question when he returns.

Douglas Gillespie May 5th, 2005 08:34 AM

Remote control of Firestore FS-4
I'm trying to control a firestore FS-4 from my computer so that I can make numerous short video clips in response to triggers coming from software I’m developing for counting marine mammals.

Option one is the GPI control which involves simply closing and opening a contact to go in and out of pause mode – fine except I need to go beyond pause and completely stop the FS-4 to save each clip before starting to refill the retro cache and the simple GPI control will not allow this.

Option 2 is to use the RS-232 interface, but this has absolutely no documentation. I can see the firestore from Windows Hyper Terminal and get an ‘F’ on the screen whenever a recording is complete – so far so good. Unfortunately, I have no idea what commands I can send back to the firestore. Does anyone know ?

Any third options ?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help,


Daniel Kohl May 6th, 2005 04:14 PM

Hi Kevin,

I just tried out what you are asking about. When the FS-4 is set to EXT-TC, it seems to recognize what the TC is, at where the tape is stopped. The RETRO Cache backs up the TC six seconds and loops that TC until you push record. Then the TC goes on from there. This may mean that the RETRO Cache will be reusing the TC already assigned to the previous shot on tape. But at least there is continuous TC throughout the entire RETRO Cache/shot processes.

I hope that makes sense.

My test was: to shoot with Retro Cache active on the FS-4, EXT-TC, Syncro Slave mode. I pushed the record button on my camera after waiting a while. When I looked at the footage in FCP, I had a shot with TC running for about six seconds before I heard the beep from the camera being started. The TC never flinched.

Mike Minor May 7th, 2005 01:38 PM

where can i buy FS-4 batteries online?
Just curious.

Gary Bettan May 7th, 2005 07:39 PM

we have them available $129.95 each. We do not have stock, but we expect units next week. http://www.videoguys.com/FireStore.html


Jon Omiatek May 7th, 2005 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Gary Bettan
we have them available $129.95 each. We do not have stock, but we expect units next week. http://www.videoguys.com/FireStore.html


I love it. We have them available but we don't have them in stock????

I guess he meant, we carry them but we are out of stock till next week!

I made my own battery since everyone is out of stock on these. I called focus and they said the same thing. I like having the newest stuff but sometimes you get... Sorry, we are on back order! Good luck with the battery search!

Jon Omiatek May 7th, 2005 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Matt McEwen
Hi Ray,

Mark is correct, it should be fairly quick to copy files off of FS-4 to your computer...at least 3 times faster than real-time. It does depend on a lot of variables though (how many peripherals are on the FireWire bus, computer speed, drive speed, fragmentation etc.)

Hope that helps.


With my laptop, a newer dell pent M class it takes approximately 20-25 minutes to transfer 3 hours.

Mark Geiser May 8th, 2005 03:39 AM


I purchased one of those batteries from that store, already had the connectors and a UK charger, though the post was a bit steep at $32 !!!! But here in the UK those cells are about $4-6 each so was well worth the purchase..The only thing I'm missing is the gender changer extension lead, but I guess I can make one up !!!


Jon Omiatek May 9th, 2005 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Mark Geiser

I purchased one of those batteries from that store, already had the connectors and a UK charger, though the post was a bit steep at $32 !!!! But here in the UK those cells are about $4-6 each so was well worth the purchase..The only thing I'm missing is the gender changer extension lead, but I guess I can make one up !!!


The gender connector will be male. The firestore has a female connector.


Matt McEwen May 10th, 2005 04:13 PM

Hi John,

You can use any DV camcorder with FS-4. I am not aware of any at this stage that do not work with.

Hope that helps,


Matt McEwen May 10th, 2005 04:38 PM

Hi Douglas,

Email me offline and I can get you the information you need. RS232C information is only available on request from Focus.

Hope that helps,


Patrick King May 10th, 2005 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Douglas Gillespie
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

Douglas, any doubts now about the benefits of frequenting this community? Ever had a staff member for the product in question reply as quickly in a public forum.

I don't have a personal need for DTE capability right now (very languorous shooting requirements), but I must say, my esteem for your company just went up tremendously.

John Tagliarini May 11th, 2005 08:20 AM

Thanks Matt,

I purchased fs-4 and have been using it with pretty good success with my zr25. Sometimes however it does not seem to get the handshake and it will not work in sync with the record trigger on the camera. Reboot sometimes helps, sometimes not. Is it my cable?


Matt McEwen May 11th, 2005 01:38 PM

Hmmm...could be your cable. Have you contacted Focus tech support? They can be contacted at 408-370-9963 or support@focusinfo.com.


LeEarl Rugland May 12th, 2005 08:53 AM

You can use the GL2 without a tape inside. I capture right onto my computer hard drive without tape. I am also looking for a good portable storage device for my GL2.


Raymond Schlogel May 13th, 2005 12:05 AM

FS-4 Pro Crashinig Windows Explorer
Everything appears to be set up right, drive shows up as it should but as soon as I double click on it *crash*. This is killing me as I'm so excited to have gotten it today and now this.

Running Windows XP Pro, Dual AMD's, 2 Gigs Ram, and all should seem right with the world. Got the firewire hooked up to the correct port and the screen does say " Connect Computer Then Enable Bypass Success "

Could use some advice here.


- Ray

Matt McEwen May 13th, 2005 12:36 PM

Hi Raymond,

Hmmm, have not seen that before. Have you successfully connected other Oxford 911 based FireWire devices to your system such as FireWire drives? Also, try this...follow the steps to put FS-4Pro into HD mode (when you see Success) and then connect it to your computer.

Hope that helps,


Alan Galbraith May 19th, 2005 10:23 AM

FS-4 and JVC DV500?
will it work?

Don Berube May 19th, 2005 12:37 PM

The JVC GY-DV500 does have a 4-pin FireWire connection. Although I have not used a GY-DV500, I cannot see any reason why it wouldn't be compatible with the FireStore FS-4.

- don

Matt McEwen May 20th, 2005 11:17 AM

Hi Alan,

DR-DV5000 will work fine with the GY-DV500, although it will not have some of the features that only work with the GY-DV5000/-5100 such as FireStore viewfinder status, special control modes, cabless operation etc. Each DR-DV5000 ships with an adapter plate for the -500.

Hope that helps,


Gary Bettan June 15th, 2005 12:27 PM

Focus FireStore FS-4 availability update
First we would like to thank all of our FS4 customers for their patience! Focus has been overwhelmed by the immediate demand for this exciting new product and have run into minor production problems causing further delays.

We had a big shipment of FS4 Pro 80Gb and FS4 Pro 40Gb units arrive today and we were able to fill all back-orders and we finally have inventory for immediate shipment! Although the free field kit offer with the FS4 Pro has expired we are still offering the FREE HDV upgrade and FREE DV Converter software. The Field Kits may be added to your purchase for only $100.

We are also expecting a big shipment of regular FS4 units early next week and will fill back-orders first-come, first-serve, as soon as they arrive.

Please note: Focus is still experiencing shortages on the FS4/FS4 Pro batteries so all field kits will be shipped with the mounting brackets alone and the additional battery will be shipped separately as soon as they come in. This will not affect the FS4s themselves and all units will include the originally packaged battery.


Ray Liffen June 27th, 2005 01:26 AM

The FS-4 that wouldn't turn off
The FS-4 was used last Saturday to record a show that overran, so the disk was completely filled. It was on a remote-control camera in the middle of the audience so I couldn't turn it off until the show was over. I put it in Stop but it wasn't turned right off when the power lead was removed and it was packed away. Unloading when I got back, I could hear the fan working hard so I took it out and it was running on battery power. However, I couldn't turn it off. I held down the Stop button as usual but no beeps. I left it to cool down but an hour later it was still running and still couldn't be turned off. The 'Status' LED glowed red, meaning (according to the handbook) Record mode.

As it was now 1.30 in the morning all I could do was to leave it on the workbench while I went to bed. In the morning the battery was flat and it had stopped. With trepidation I powered it up. Whew! No lost files!

So all's well that ends well, but has anyone else encountered this 'won't turn off' feature?

Ray Liffen

Mark Geiser June 27th, 2005 03:33 AM

Yes I have, I had to pull the battery off in the end...I has not done it since though.


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