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Mike Teutsch December 10th, 2006 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Bjørn Sørensen
How is the FS4 upgraded to a FS4 pro, and how much does it cost?
Is it only a software upgrade and is it possible to download??

Are you looking for different file support, Avid etc., and retro cache which is the upgrade for FS-4 to FS-4 Pro. Or, are you looking for HD support?

It appears to me that the FS-4 can not be upgraded to FS-4 Pro, just FS-4 HD. Either way, this is the website and they can answer all of your questions.



Vic Owen December 12th, 2006 04:49 PM

I can confirm that an XL-1 works fine with the FS-4 in the slave mode. I do it all the time.


Marc Grant December 20th, 2006 02:23 AM

FS-4 Firewire Connection Issues
Hey all, my team have all been experiencing issues with the 4 firestore FS-4s we've bought. Every now and again we end up with whole sequences corrupt which the FS-4 doesnt manage to repair. After a lot of fiddling it appears that the problem seems to lie with the conenction between the FS4 and the Sony PD 170 cam. The 4-pin firewire connecter is not as secure as a 6-pin and thus if the pin moves event slightly it seems to corrupt the rest of the sequence. Has anyone had experience with this? If so what have you done?


Bill Ravens December 20th, 2006 08:55 AM


yeah, this seems to be one of the problems with the 4-pin firewire connector...it's totally worthless. the only solution I've found is that by trying different cable brands, I managed to find one that fits rather snugly.

Matt McEwen December 20th, 2006 12:28 PM

Hi Marc,

Contact tech support. If a cable looses contact with the 4-pin FireWire port, it shouldn't corrupt the clip the recording should just stop (the TC on the display will stop incrementing. The 4-pin FireWire connector on most cameras is delicate...and we always advise people to be very careful with it. Our original FS-1 product had a 4-pin connector and we moved away from it pretty quickly and have not standardized on the 6-pin.



Steve Benner December 22nd, 2006 04:33 PM

Will the FS-4 Pro HD get the 720/24P MOV Update?
Matt, someone on the JVC forum was wondering if the 24P MOV patch that was just released for the DR-HD100 would also get added to the FS-4 since it already can do 30P?

Matt McEwen December 27th, 2006 01:51 PM

HDV 720p24 support is for the DR-HD100 (JVC version of the FS-4Pro HD) only.


Fernando Hermoso December 27th, 2006 02:10 PM

quicktime 2,1

Originally Posted by Matt McEwen
HDV 720p24 support is for the DR-HD100 (JVC version of the FS-4Pro HD) only.


There are users as it is my case who we bought FS4 HD before left the version JVC. It means you to me now that for us there will be no support to 25p?
If they do not update frimware for FS4 PROHD, because they removed a version for 30p?
It means to me with that the European clients we are despised by Focus? thanks for its answer

Matt McEwen December 28th, 2006 10:53 AM

QuickTime HDV 720p/25 (in addition to the already shipping 720p/30 support with version 2.0) will be released for FS-4Pro HD. However, QT HDV 720p/24 support will only be available on the DR-HD100.


Nerses Papoyan December 29th, 2006 11:13 AM

I'm not sure if this is the right place to place an add, but I have a lot of equipment for sale, must sell quick, so if you interested in any of these items, please call me or email me 956.333.5018 or papoyan@msn.com

FS4 PRO (40gb) Almost brand new.
Boegen Tripod with fluid head
Wireless Microphone with receiver (almost brand new)
On Camera 50w light with dimmer and double battry with belt clip. Almost brand new.
Matrox Rtx 100
Cobra 1 crane.
Hard case for Canon XL h1

William Hohauser January 1st, 2007 12:30 PM

Please explain. !s this a permanent descision?

Stembridge January 5th, 2007 10:15 PM

Hi again Matt,
That does work; how does one deal with shooting over a period of time, especially, when you have to turn your camera off for a little while? Seems like it has to be reset to Synco Slave mode every time. Is that the case?
Thanks again!


Originally Posted by Matt McEwen
If you have a tape in the XL1 and set FS-4 to Syncro Slave control mode, you will be able to trigger rec/rec-pause from the camera.


Jay Rodriguez January 8th, 2007 09:50 PM

Shot 1080i/60i but the FS-4Pro was set at 24f
Will this have any effect on my footage?

Matt McEwen January 12th, 2007 06:51 PM

Not sure I understand what you mean.

Jason Brodie January 16th, 2007 07:21 PM

FS-4 and External HDD's
As far as I know something like this doesn't exist, but I thought I'd be nice to mention. Since the FS-4 has such a nice firewire interface that lets you daisy chain FS-4 drives, why not add a lovley interface option that lets you 'dump' files on it onto an external HDD. For example; Lacie has nice and fast portable drives for sale that would do the trick. How nice would it be to take your full FS-4 and just dump the data onto a 600gb HDD? Just a thought...

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