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Ken Castellano February 25th, 2006 09:55 AM

Hi Daniel,

Do you have any followup regarding the tc issues and fcp?



Mark A. Foley March 5th, 2006 07:31 AM

Quirky Behavior w/ FS-4 HD
When I imported some m2t clips into my NLE (Vegas), I noticed two of the clips appeared to be longer in length (double in length on timeline) athough the file size was typical (bytes). The two clips in question had solid color frames in the area of extra length and no audio. Anyone seen this?

Mark A. Foley March 6th, 2006 01:51 PM

My bad...was problem with vegas...

Vishad Dewan March 7th, 2006 12:19 AM

FS-4 Will Not Mount!
I have an FS-4 and used it to test record a few minutes of footage. I tried to mount it on my PowerMac G5 but wouldn't mount. Then I tried on my PowerBook, and still the same problem. I have no idea what's going on.

Any help??????

Chris Hurd March 7th, 2006 07:54 AM

Could be due to the way the FireStore was formatted. Is it NTFS or FAT32?

Randall Allen March 9th, 2006 11:58 PM

Chris: Its FAT32 from the factory....Don't know if it would be possible to have windows format it as NTFS, although it might be worth a try!

Vishad: I don't know jack about a G5 but I'll ask the same thing I have to ask myself every time I plug the FS-4 into my PC.....Are you in the computer plug or the DV plug?

My computer reads the unit like a DV camera if I am in the DV plug so I get the audio confirming a new connection but then find myself going "Where is IT?!?!" until I realize I did not swap the cable on the FS-4 to the computer connection.

Sorry for asking such a basic question but I have found, especially in trouble shooting PC problems, that it is usually a simple thing that slips by and messes the whole ball of string up.


Mike Teutsch March 10th, 2006 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Vishad Dewan
I have an FS-4 and used it to test record a few minutes of footage. I tried to mount it on my PowerMac G5 but wouldn't mount. Then I tried on my PowerBook, and still the same problem. I have no idea what's going on.

Any help??????


This is a repeat from another post, but it may help you. You did not specifically say if the footage was not available or it just is not recognized, but since you said "mount," I will assume that the computer will not see the

This may sound silly, but the first time I used mine I failed to move the firewire to the computer port from the camera port.

Then, (and they put this where it is hard to find on the page before the hook up page, and don't explain it at all!!) you have to go into HDD mode, go to DD and press select.

This brings up the connect screen and tells you to "CONNECT," to the computer and then press "ENABLE." It will connect then just fine. When removing it, be sure to follow the directions there about exiting etc.

Hope that this helps, and if not let me know. A very poorly written manual in my IMHO.

If you need further assistance, please let me know.

Mike Teutsch is online now Reply With Quote

Graeme Moodie April 10th, 2006 07:52 AM

Firestore will not mount to G5!
We are experiencing real problems connecting our firestore fs4 to our Mac - we go through the proper process, but it often comes up with the message 'failed', or the firestore restarts, or just nothing - what are the possible issues? The cables seem to be fine, we cycle through to the correct screen (HDD then DD drive then enable) but now more often than not - nothing!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Graeme Moodie

Eric Pontbriand May 11th, 2006 06:27 AM

Firestore FS-4 pro
OK, been reading alot, but what's the real RELIABILITY of this drive? I'm planning on running it 20hrs per week. Any of you using it regularly? Any problems?

Chris Hurd May 11th, 2006 06:43 AM

Moved here from Open DV Discussion.

Bob Safay May 23rd, 2006 03:19 PM

FS-4 conection to computer problem.
Hi, I just got the FS-4 to go with my Canon XL-1s. Records and plays back great...on the camera. However, the supplied 6 pin-4 pin cable does not work with my HP. Is there another cable I can buy? Can I get a 6 pin-6 pin? Or, a 6 pin-usb? My 3 year old HP does not have a 4 pin dock. Bob

Matt McEwen May 23rd, 2006 03:24 PM

Hi Bob,

We do sell 6-pin to 6-pin cables on our westore and through our dealer channel, but it is probably better to just go and buy one from a computer store. Any 6-6 pin cable (within 1394 spec) should work.

Hope that helps,


Bob Safay May 23rd, 2006 03:57 PM

Matt, thank you for the quick reply. I am off to the store right now. Thanks again. Bob

Michael Salzlechner June 15th, 2006 08:11 PM

FS4 LCD quality
i wanted to ask this for a while. The LCD on my FS-4 looks lousy. Kind of like smears going down

anyone else having this. Kind of annoying to have to send it in just for that but ...

Matt McEwen June 16th, 2006 11:04 AM

Hi Michael,

Have you tried adjusting the contrast on the LCD (last setting in the SETUP menu)?


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