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Michael Wisniewski April 15th, 2004 11:50 AM

<<<-- Does anyone know how to optimize for 800 x 600? -->>>

Josh, I usually create a table, centered on the page, and set to 740 pixels wide. It's viewable from 800x600 or higher. Easy to do with any WYSIWYG HTML editor.

See my site (click here). I have menus on the right hand side, using a centered-740 pixel table throughout the site.

** Keith, if you're reading, could you take a look and see if my site fits on your CTX?

John Britt April 15th, 2004 12:20 PM

Michael -- I assume, though, that the point here is that Josh doesn't have access to a wysiwyg a la dreamweaver, go live, etc. Hence his use of supplied templates.

That would be a good recommendation to Josh, though: download a demo of Dreamweaver and bully around with that. A WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) web design application makes life infinitely easier. You could probably design you whole site during the trial period, all for free!

Josh Bass April 15th, 2004 01:02 PM

Thanks. I'll take it into consideration. Isn't there a wrap command, though, that causes the contents of a page to conform to the size of your browser? Or do you think centering the tables is the way to go?

I'll try the Dreamweaver demo tonight.

I'd like to ask. . .that design that encompasses the top and left sides of the frame--how hard is that to alter? Is it simply replacing one graphic with another, or something more sophisticated?

K. Forman April 15th, 2004 02:27 PM

Michael- Your site fits my monitor just fine. Not much content, but it looks like a clean, sensible, design. On a side note- The pic of the girl with the knife and cake was sort of frightening, and sexy. I did notice that all of your pics seem stretched... Is this an intentional effect? And what camera do you use?

As far as web tools, everyone with windows has a free wysiwyg editor- Front Page Express. It isn't quite as powerful as Dreamweaver, but still very capable. I have yet to use a fraction of the stuff in Dreamweaver.

Frank Granovski April 15th, 2004 03:07 PM

The webpage looks good except that there's no spacing on the right hand side. It loads nice and fast too.

James Sudik April 15th, 2004 05:18 PM

Hey Josh (Bass), did you do any work with the show "Houston Live"? I don't know if it is still around, but I met the guys that were doing that show back in 1993 when they did a show in Victoria, TX. at a nightcub I DJ'ed.

Josh Bass April 16th, 2004 05:42 PM

You guys recommended a centered table, correct? configured to fit a 600 by 800 screen? I'll work on it. I'm currently trying to upload quicktime versions of the files on there, and make more "Josh-y" graphics . . .but still feeling my way around.

Michael Wisniewski April 16th, 2004 06:06 PM


You could also try setting the table to fill up a percentage of the browser: 50%, 100%, 200% etc.

FYI: the template you're using is just a table holding all the text and graphics in place - the table is set to automatically fill up 98% of the browser window.

You could make a copy of the template pages and just replace the text/graphics with your own stuff. There's some extra stuff in the pages like scripting for the mouseover effect on the buttons and style sheets, but nothing you'll really miss.

Josh Bass April 16th, 2004 06:07 PM

No problem.

Michael Wisniewski April 16th, 2004 06:16 PM

<<<-- I did notice that all of your pics seem stretched... Is this an intentional effect? And what camera do you use? -->>>

The pics are from a Canon G2 - no stretching involved, that's just the way they look normally.

<<<-- The pic of the girl with the knife and cake was sort of frightening, and sexy. -->>>

Yeah she's perfect for a horror flick :-)

Josh Bass April 17th, 2004 06:21 PM

I've been trying to upload quicktime versions of the files on there, but unless they're on the smaller side (under 10 megs), I keep getting errors, a lot of the time "this session timed out" "you can only upload to the so and so page" (when I AM trying upload to that page), and things like that. What's going on?

Michael Wisniewski April 20th, 2004 01:31 PM


There's there is a WYSIWYG HTML editor built into the ipowerweb control panel. It has all the basic controls for formatting a page, manipulating tables, and inserting graphics.

Log into VDECK
- go to File Manager
- find the file you want to edit, and click on the icon with the pencil on it

Josh Bass April 20th, 2004 04:11 PM

Yeah, that's what I've been using. It seems somewhat limited, though. I downloaded frontpage express, and as soon as I have the time, and figure out how manipulate it correctly, I'll change the overall template of the site.

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