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Mitch Fillion June 12th, 2007 07:52 AM

Capturing 60i in Final Cut Studio 2
I don't know much about this so just a couple questions.

1. When I'm filming a 60i scene I should be in 2:3 and not 2:3:3:2 correct? that is only to extract the true 24 fps?

2. When capturing a 60i scene, how would my capture/sequence settings differ from a 24p project? i have the proper settings for a canon xl2 set up as of now.

i've been wanting to try the slo-mo effect for awhile but i've searched around the forums and theres no real step by step for newbies. at least not one i could find. any help would be appreciated.



Austin Meyers June 15th, 2007 10:50 PM

1)it depends on what youre final product is going to be, 2332 pulldown is nicer quality wise when you are creating true 24(23.98) content ie for dvd, the web, or film print, 2323, is simpler and is made for using in 29.97 workflows, ie television. i personally shoot everything 24 and remove the pulldown, but i do most of my work with web or dvd delivery and the 24 workflow is nicer interms of weird artifacting that 2323 pulldown produces in 29.97 streams. and worse come to worst you can still remove pulldown on 2323 stuff, you just get a little bit of a quality hit on one of the frames.

2) either the 2323 or 2332 clips will work pending you haven't removed the pulldown, this is an example when the 2323 will work better in a 60i timeline as it won't require rendering, and will maintain a nice 24p look on tv

as far as slo-mo check this out:


and this:


Mitch Fillion June 18th, 2007 05:37 AM

Thanks for clearing that up Austin

So it seems I need another program to do the slo-down from 60 to 24? I haven't seen anything on doing this somewhere in Final Cut Studio 2. If it's possible someone let me know!

Thanks, Mitch

Austin Meyers June 18th, 2007 11:15 PM

i'm not sure in FCP 6/motion 3, i'm kicking off a big project right now, so in a week or so i should have a much better handle on the upgraded apps. i've spent the last week just trouble shooting everything... i'm having a lot of strange capture issues in FCP 6

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