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Marco van Belle March 5th, 2007 12:15 PM

FCP / Nattress dirty look
Hey all,

I've just digitized the rushes of a music video shot HDV on a Z1 with Wayne Kinney's SGPro. It's the first time I've worked with HDV and I'm delighted with the results (big kudos to Wayne too).

I'm now getting into the edit and colour correction, but having discovered how incredibly render intensive HDV + Nattress is on my 1.5 gig imac, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction for the look I want to achieve. I'm asking before I experiment with every setting because it just takes so damn long to render!

Basically, I'd like to use Nattress plugins to achieve a 'dirty' look. Not old film of course, but I just want to roughen up the image quality - the vid is set in a seedy type of pub. At the moment I've desaturated in FCT 3-way cc, applied Nattress smart deinterlace, and layered the video on two tracks - bottom layer gaussian blur with Nattress SKY effect, upper just desaturated with some transparency to bring the contrast and the softness through from below. I'm very a happy with it, but it still looks very 'clean'. Shoving Nattress grain on just doesn't quite do it.

Any ideas much appreciated.

Liam Hall March 5th, 2007 01:21 PM

That reminds me of a quote from "The Yob", something about costing £6k to shoot the vid and then a £100k to make it look like sh**.

You could copy your video to a third layer and play around with the composite mode and opacity.You should be able to create 'muddy' look that way. Try that along with a bleach by-pass and you should be looking well seedy.



Shane Ross March 5th, 2007 02:05 PM

It's not the combination of Nattress and HDV...it is solely in HDVs court. The biggest drawback to HDV is the render and conform times...which is why many of us say if you shoot HDV, capture it as another format, like DVCPRO HD. The NAttress filters, I find, are among the faster to render. Wait until you see Magic Bullet.

And film grain...that takes A WHILE. Because it is randomizing the location of thousands pixels.

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