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-   -   HDV from FCP to AFX exporting issues. Anyone? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/final-cut-suite/85467-hdv-fcp-afx-exporting-issues-anyone.html)

Chris Campbell February 2nd, 2007 12:23 AM

HDV from FCP to AFX exporting issues. Anyone?
I recently shot some subjects on a green screen from a Canon XH-A1. I have captured in FCP 5.0 using the HDV (1080i60) preset. I have the same QT white screen issues as everyone (sigh), but I want to take these capture files over to AFX to do the keying. I set up the AFX file at 1920x1080 @30 frames; when I bring the file in it is just black, no picture.
I then tried to export it from FCP as a smaller file 1280x720 (FCP movie). I brought that into AFX and this did not work either.
I just tried the same thing again but using 960x720 (QT conversion). This I brought over to AFX and I could see it ( comp setting:1280x720 29.97) Man, I am confused!?!?
I just tried again to export from FCP (QT conversion) at 1920x1080 @30 frames , brought it into AFX and again, black screen..
Can anyone please shed some light on the correct way to export if you want to keep the large 1920x1080 format and then how to properly re inport it back into a FCP timeline?
Thank you for reading.

Pete Schwab February 2nd, 2007 08:56 PM

sorry if this is a dumb question - but do you mean after effects? this application is supposed to provide tight integration between FCP and after effects:


Chris Campbell February 3rd, 2007 12:45 AM

I guess what I mean is that I'm not sure what settings I should use to bring the movie files into AFX.
Thanks for the reply.

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