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John Doran November 8th, 2006 06:44 AM

final cut express one and the jvc101e (pal)
i have a mac g4 power book 521m and 60gig running final cut express one, i shoot with the jvc101e in the uk, what do i need now to shoot hdv with my camera in terms of fce and mac.


Peter Ford November 8th, 2006 07:42 AM

youd need to upgrade to final cut express HD or the latest version of final cut pro- both have support for the jvc.

However there are issues- support for capturing 720p 25fps in final cut is new, and a bit buggy- most people are reporting it cuts off the first 4 or 5 secs of every clip, so be aware of that when your filming, and leave an extra long gap after youve hit record.

hdv wont take up any more hard drive space, but does require more processing beef to work in- it might be an idea to put a bit more ram in, so the processor can work a bit work effectively.

hope that helps

John Doran November 8th, 2006 07:56 AM

thanks,i thought fCE had this problem sorted, because my dvd burner is not HD its SD , is the laptop no good as i would need to burn HD


John Doran November 8th, 2006 08:42 AM

just had a repy from the apple forum:

Unfortunately FCE will not work with that camera at the European standard frame rate.

You can use it with FCP. Or you could shoot 720p30, which I believe you can select on the E version of the camera, though it's not the default.


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