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Steve Nunez September 21st, 2005 07:14 PM

Stop scene detection in FCP5?
Is there a way to stop FCP from creating new clips when scene changes are detected? I have steady timecode yet FCP5 continues to create "-1" clips causing my bin to blow up with smaller clips because it detected a scene change within a logged scene for capture.......I really HATE this- is there a way to keep the clips as logged?

< I have the prefs set to "Warn AFTER Capture" on timecode breaks- but yet it continues to make -1 named smaller clips >

Thanks a million guys,

Greg Boston September 21st, 2005 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Nunez
Is there a way to stop FCP from creating new clips when scene changes are detected? I have steady timecode yet FCP5 continues to create "-1" clips causing my bin to blow up with smaller clips because it detected a scene change within a logged scene for capture.......I really HATE this- is there a way to keep the clips as logged?

< I have the prefs set to "Warn AFTER Capture" on timecode breaks- but yet it continues to make -1 named smaller clips >

Thanks a million guys,


I'm not at my Mac right now, but it should be in your capture preferences because mine doesn't do this. I use the log and capture method by hitting I for in point, O for outpoint, and F2 to log the clip. If you don't find it in capture prefs, go to the main FCP drop down menu and go into your A/V preferences. I know it's there somewhere because I have seen it. Just escapes me at the moment.


Steve Nunez September 22nd, 2005 06:03 AM

thanks a million for the response. If you could give me the specific steps I'd be much obliged....I've tried going through the various menus and can't seem to find anything that will turn off making numbered clips at scene breaks...thanks again.

Greg Boston September 22nd, 2005 06:47 AM

Broken tc on the tape and start/stop detect are two different scenarios. The FCP manual warns against using a clip captured with a "Warn after Capture" on tc break because you won't be able to accurately edit it. See volume IV of the user's manual around pages 272 and 273. From what I gather, if you use capture now to capture a tape, you have to initiate the creation of sequentially named subclips by selecting DV Start/Stop detect in the Mark dropdown menu. If the tape has tc breaks, you will want it to create a new clip and media file when it finds a tc break on the tape. The will allow for frame accurate editing and no tc duplication in the captured clip. So, set that preference to 'ignore tc breaks' instead of warn after capture.

Could it be that your tape contains 'several' tc breaks on it?


Steve Nunez September 22nd, 2005 04:25 PM

Thanks Greg, actually no the tape has continous timecode....but every time the scene changes FCP5 captures it as another clip with a -1 appended (etc sequentially).....I'd like to capture the clips just as I've logged them. I don't want FCP5 to automatically create new numbered clips- it just creates a mess (too many smaller clips).....is there a way to stop FCP5 from creating these "numbered" scene break clips?
Is FCP detecting when I stopped & t the camera and creating these clips automatically- stop the madness!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Greg and any who might help.

Steve Nunez September 22nd, 2005 05:28 PM

~~~Figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!

In the capture window, there is a tab for capture settings- in there is a box named "make new clip at stop-start", all you have to do is make certain it's unchecked- lucky I found it!
Worked perfectly!

Thanks anyway Greg- thumbs up!

Greg Boston September 22nd, 2005 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Nunez
~~~Figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!

In the capture window, there is a tab for capture settings- in there is a box named "make new clip at stop-start", all you have to do is make certain it's unchecked- lucky I found it!
Worked perfectly!

Thanks anyway Greg- thumbs up!

Wow, and I went into a fake capture to bring up the window and check settings but missed that one. Apparently, it's already unchecked on my system because I haven't had the issue as you are. Good find, Steve!

Yes, there is metadata stored on the tape that flags a stop/start. Most NLE's can do the split on dv scene detection trick. What really chaps me is that I went through the FCP manual as well and didn't see that checkbox mentioned anywhere. Guess I wasn't looking in the right place.


Steve Nunez September 22nd, 2005 08:06 PM

For some strange reason it was checked by default- maybe that's the FCP5 default setup.

I too looked around the net and no one mentioned the capture box- I was lucky to find it.

Now we know- and better yet people who experience this issue can find the solution here with a simple search.

Greg Boston September 22nd, 2005 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Nunez
For some strange reason it was checked by default- maybe that's the FCP5 default setup.

I too looked around the net and no one mentioned the capture box- I was lucky to find it.

Now we know- and better yet people who experience this issue can find the solution here with a simple search.


I would submit to you that 'luck' is a natural companion of persistance. Your persistance paid off!


Victor Muh October 21st, 2005 06:47 PM

I can't find the box in the Capture Settings Tab. All there is is Device Control, Capture/Input and Scratch Disks.

Guest October 25th, 2005 02:02 PM

That's interesting. I have the same problem as Victor. I wonder if it's camera specific, as I was capturing from a rented Z1 yesterday morning and it did this automatically as described above. For me - it was great, saved alot of time.

But now I'm capturing with my GL2 and the option is not there. Of course, when I was using the Z1 did not look for the option, so I could not verify that it was there for that camera either.

I wonder if this feature is a HDV thing? If so, I sure do like the feature (and that you can turn it on or off).

Steve Nunez October 25th, 2005 02:53 PM

Hmmm maybe you're onto something. I haven't messed with DV footage capturing in awhile (I used a JVC Everio which records onto Microdrive)- but I do know it's there in FCP5 using an HDV preset!

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