Jonathan Jones |
March 12th, 2010 01:08 PM |
Originally Posted by Robert Lane
(Post 1498677)
The question is whether or not you have a PowerPC G5 or an Intel version? FCP7 will only run on an Intel box.
If memory serves, the G5 designation refers only to the pre-Intel models. Intel onwards dropped the "G" designation and the units became "Mac Pro".
Presuming the application is really FCP 3, and not FCS 3 (the current version of the entire suite), it is a much older version of Final Cut Pro (OS 9/ OS X 10.1 era - G3/G4), and it sounds like an attempt to run from an incomplete installation. Otherwise, I suspect Final Cut Pro v3 should have no problem running on the G5, providing you have properly installed the complete application from original and legit installation discs. It may also require that you have Classic loaded onto the system, but I'm not sure of that. (FCP 3 was a version that could run in either OS 9 or OS 10.1, but I don't know if it involved separate installations for both. ) I believe Classic was loaded by default up through the G4 lines, but required user installation with G5 lines, so you may need to install Classic from the original system disc, but again, I'm not sure if FCP 3 requires it to run.