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-   -   New Livetype and FCS question..... (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/final-cut-suite/469268-new-livetype-fcs-question.html)

Gabe Strong December 11th, 2009 01:25 AM

New Livetype and FCS question.....
Yeah, I'm one of those people who does NOT upgrade every time new software comes out. I hang on to the old stuff as long as I can (cause if it's working and making me
money, I have no reason to waste money trying to buy the latest and greatest). However, my old G4 started to give some signs that it might be done, so I ended up biting the bullet and upgrading to a 2009 Nehalem Quad. Of course I had to upgrade my Final Cut Pro from version 4.5 as well, and lucky for me, the newest version had just came out...so I was able to upgrade to Final Cut Studio 3 for only $299.
However, the new version does NOT have livetype! Now I have seen many people talking about the solution....which is to keep Livetype from Final Cut Studio 1 or 2. However, that is actually Livetype 2 and I have version 1 (which came with Final Cut Pro 4.5......the very first version of Livetype). Livetype 1 does NOT seem to work with Final Cut Studio 3. Now I know I can do pretty much everything in Motion, but Livetype has some content (Textures and such) that Motion doesn't which I would like to use in my project as motion backgrounds. Does anyone know if there is any way, short of firing up the G4 and rendering them all out as Quicktime movies, that I can get Livetype 1 to work with FCS 3?

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